Minutes of Closer to Home Stoke-on-Trent Group meeting


Meeting started 1-05pm

Apologies :-GeofBadderly,NoraBoulton,JillBrammer,MaryMaddox,Steven Parsons


Elise Butler(Network Lead)

Judy Crabb(Chief Exec.FSC)

Lorraine Boden(Chair)

Christina Edwards(Secretary)

Carol Arrowsmith

Gill Clegg

Pam Cooper

Ken Harper

Warren James

Brian King

Joan Latham

Ann Millington

John Millington

Alan Myatt

Glynis Myatt

John Nelson

Fred Quick

Coral Shaw

Ashley Steadman

Janet Underwood

Keith Warrilow

1.Ref ‘Children in Need collection’ Christina went ahead with collection with her granddaughter and raised £133-81 in an hour which has been paid into the Nat. West Bank. She feels that the same event should be staged this year.

2.We are adhering to the golden rule of 2 walks and 3 walk leaders to gain our £900 due to Alan, Fred and Ashley’s new routes. We are in a position to split into 3 groups and gain more funding. There is no time limit and so would give us protection for the future. The main idea is to recruit more walkers and improve their health.The money can be used to buy equipment i.e. cameras.

Lorraine commented that Fred did activities and spent his own money. She felt that giving a walk an interest was the best way to get new members.

A vote to split into three was carried. Stoke South Longton, Stoke South Blurton and Stoke South Trentham.

A vote to keep the same committee was also carried

3. From a fund of £900 we have spent£390.28 with a balance of £509.72. Coop bank have been given Christina,s address for correspondence.

4. Network Lead Report.

The report was presented by Elise stating that 152 walks have taken place with an average attendance of 14 per walk.We have recruited 90 new walkers.

Judy said a turning point had been reached and we must think about keeping it going by:-

1.Meeting our targets with more walkers and getting them to sign for the 8 week walking plan.

2.RecruitingMeeters and Greeters to be involved with new walkers.

3.Need more people to take on the responsibility of smaller rolls.

Christina commented that “you only get out what you put in”

The long term plan is to become independent so that the funding comes directly to the committee and they decide how to spend the money.This is a huge jump and will be done in stages.

It is hoped that by the end of March 10-12 groups will have committees in place.

Julie Crabb stressed the need to form a network hub to cover all the groups. Penny Vincent of Staffs University will assist with setting this up.

5. All walk information is being kept up to date and ‘Miss You’ letters will be sent to absent walkers.


New posters are available now for distribution.

Lorraine suggested that the main promotion should be done in late March and April when the weather should improve.

Ann felt that the telephone lists needed updating so that a walk leader could be contacted in the event of bad weather.

Lorraine offered to be a hub telephone point that walkers could phone for information on cancellations.

7. Special Events

Staffs Wild Life Trust have organised a walk in Newstead Woods during the school half term (14/2/12).They also plan to do a heavy horses event some time in April in Newstead Woods.

Ref:- Jubilee Year- Christina suggested we celebrate it in some way.

Alan suggested that all the walks could start from an outer point and converge to a central point.

Fred suggested joining the walks in the form of a snake.

Ann commented that the Olympic torch is coming on May 28th from Stafford to Stoke and then to Hanley Park. Could we arrange something on that day?

8. New Routes

Ashley is starting one from The Black Lion Pub in London Road.

Lorraine went to Park Hall and enjoyed it and suggested that we ask the ranger to lead a walk there.

Fred said that he would do a bird watching walk there because he has all the equipment.


The question was asked “Can the Sentinel ever get it right?”

If anyone has a good personal story it would be good advertising for the group.

Ken was congratulated for the article the Sentinel printed regarding his weight loss

Please come forward with any good ideas on which to spend our funding. i.e. Transport Costs.

AGM to take place on April 3rd at Tollgate Hotel 3pm.

Meeting concluded at 2-05.