WLI 5th Annual Regional Coordination Meeting

5-6 November, 2013, Bristol Hotel, Amman, Jordan

Tuesday 5 November 2013

8:00 – 8:30 Registration of participants

8:30 – 9:30 Opening session: Chair- Dr. Theib Oweis (about 8 minutes each)

Rapporteur- Ms Bezaiet Dessalegn

-Welcome address by Dr. Maarten Van Ginkel, DDG-R, ICARDA

-Statement by Dr. Scott Christiansen, USAID

-Statement by Dr. Fawzi Al-Sheyab, Director General, NCARE, Jordan

-Statement by Dr. Sandra Russo, Representative of US Universities

-Statement by Dr. Chuck Onstad, USDA-ARS affiliate

-WLI highlights by Mr. Kris Dodge, WLI Manager

-Meeting and expectations, Dr. Theib Oweis, Director, IWLMP, ICARDA

9:30 – 9:45 Group picture

9:45- 10:15 Coffee break

Strategic Approaches to Integrated Management of Water and Land for Improved Livelihoods

Chair: Dr. Scott Christiansen

Rapporteur: Ms Bezaiet Dessalegn

10:15 – 10:30 Strengthening of Management, and Resource Mobilization – Mr. Kris Dodge

10:30 - 10:45 Community Based Initiatives for Water Demand Management - Mrs. Rania Zoubi, Mercy Corps

10:45 –11:00 Overview of WLI Regional Agenda 2013 – Dr. Caroline King

11:00 - 11:20 Cost- Benefit Assessment of Options for Adaptation to Water Scarcity in Tunisia – Dr. Hamed Daly

11:20 - 11:40 Pilot Testing Sustainable Water and Land Management in Abu Ghraib - Dr. Ahmed Alfalahi

11:40 – 12:00 Discussions and Q&A

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

Strategic Approaches to Integrated Management of Water and Land for Improved Livelihoods - Conclusions from 3 Years of Pilot Testing Sustainable Land and Water Management

Chair: Dr. Ibrahim Shaqir (20 minutes presentation each)

Rapporteur: Dr. Mohamed Boufaroua

13:00 – 14:20 Palestinian Rangeland Ecosystems in the West Bank – Mr. Nader Hrimat, ARIJ

Rainfed Agroecosystem of the El Qaa, Lebanon – Eng. Randa Massad and Dr. Ihab Jomaa, LARI

Rainfed Agroecosystems of Syria – Dr. Awadis Arslan, GCSAR

Rangeland Ecosystems of Jordan – Dr. Samia Akroush and Eng. Lubna Mahasneh, NCARE

14:20 – 15:00 Discussions and Q&A

15:00- 15:30 Coffee Break

Regional Thematic Approach to Integrated Management of Land, Water and Livelihoods

Chair: Dr. Hadi Jaffar (20 minutes presentation each)

Rapporteur: Dr. Samar Attaher

15:30 – 15:40 Modeling – Dr. Nahla Zaki, NWRC and Dr. Feras Ziadat

15:40 – 16:00 Socio-economics and Economics of Water Productivity –Dr. Boubaker Dhehibi

16:00 – 17:00 Brainstorming on thematic topics – Three break out groups on Modeling, Socio-economics, and Economics of Water Productivity

18:00 – 20:30 Reception Dinner at Bristol Hotel, organized by ICARDA

Wednesday 6th November 2013

Strategic Approaches to Integrated Management of Land, Water and Livelihoods - Conclusions from 3 Years of Pilot Testing Sustainable Land and Water Management

Chair: Dr. Sandra Russo (20 minutes presentation each)

Rapporteur: Ms. Bezaiet Dessalegn

8:30- 8:51 Presentations on outputs from thematic group discussions (7 minutes each)

8:51 - 9:11 Irrigated Agroecosystem of the Abyan Delta, Yemen – Dr. Khader Atroosh

9:11 -9:31 Irrigated Agroecosystems of Egypt’s Nile Delta – Modeling the Water Balance – Dr. Nahla Zaki

9:31- 10:00 Discussions and Q&A

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break

Expert Presentations on Selected Topics (20 minutes presentation each)

Chair: Dr. Michel Afram

Rapporteur: Dr. Atef Swelam

10:30- 10:50 Soil Water Mass Balance Model and Optimization of Irrigation Using Soil Water Sensors - Dr. Ashok Alva 10:50 - 11:10 Expert Presentation on Agricultural Extension – Dr. James Hill, UCD

11:10 -11:30 Current Water Management Research at the Arid Land Agricultural Research Center - Dr. Eduardo Bautista

11:30- 11:50 Science, Technology, Innovation and Partnerships at USAID -Dr. Kyriacos Koupparis

11:50- 12:10 Discussions and Q&A

12:10 – 13:10 Lunch

Strategic Approaches to strengthen WLI Coordination among partners

Chair: Dr. Omar Kafawin

Rapporteur: Dr. Nicolas Madden

13:10 - 13:30 WLI Student Exchange Program and Strategy for Future Knowledge Enhancement

Dr. Sandra Russo

13:30 -13:50 Mobilizing USDA-ARS to compliment the strategic goals of WLI

Dr. Ibrahim Shaqir

13:50-14:10 Capitalizing on Established Strengths of the WLI and Benchmark Site-based Approach -2014

Dr. Caroline King

14:10- 14:30 Discussions and Q&A

14:30 - 14:50 Coffee Break

Strategic Approaches to Integrated Management of Land, Water and Livelihoods – Workplans for 2014

Chair: Mr. Kris Dodge and Dr. Netij Ben Mechlia

Rapporteur: Ms. Bezaiet Dessalegn

14:50 – 15:50 Group Discussion on 2014 Workplans

(Partners from regional and US Universities, USDA partners, ICARDA scientists, and other invited experts will have an opportunity to help refine WLI country workplans for 2014)

15:50 – 17:20 Presentation on recommendations on individual workplans (7 minutes per country team)

17:20 – 17:30 Closing Session and Final Remarks

Thursday 7 November 2013

Participants, with the exception of members of the Steering Committee, depart to their respective destinations.
