Agenda #7
November 3rd-November 14th
Modern Dilemmas
Ms. Fennelly
Date / Block B / Block FFriday
November 3
Day 1
(end of T1) / Classwork
Test on War Unit
Pick up New Book and HW #1.
Explain difference between "days of the weeks" reading check quizzes and Literary Quizzes.
You Must: prepare for SLD
You Could: Start “Monday” / Classwork
Test on War Unit
Pick up New Book and HW #1.
Explain differences between "days of the weeks" reading check quizzes and Literary Quizzes.
You Must: prepare for SLD
You Could: Start “Monday”
November 6
Day 2 / Classwork
SLD on War Unit
You Must: Start reading all of “Monday”
You Could: Complete HW#1 / Day 2
No Class Today
November 7
Day 3 / Classwork
- Term 1 Review-Problems in foundational gaps
- Pass Back Work
- Reminder of difference between "days of the weeks" reading check quizzes and Literary Quizzes w/DSJs.
- Tickets for current events schedule.
- Similar Case background-optional(Today show-link on Website/google
- Quick video on Stem cells-in class (link on Website/google)
You Must:Finish reading all of “Monday”
You Could: Complete HW#1 / Classwork
1. Finish the Invisible War
2. Term 1 Review-Problems in foundational gaps (citing, quoting, commas, sentence structure)
3. Explain differences between "days of the weeks" reading check quizzes and Literary Quizzes w/DSJs.
4. Pass Back Work
5. Current Events Tickets
You Must: Start reading all of “Monday”
You Could: Complete HW#1
November 8
Day 4 / Classwork
- Collect HW #1
- “Monday” Reading Check Quiz- no notes allowed.
- Discuss Reading.
- Post HW #2-Tuesday
You Must:Read all of “Tuesday” (“Anna” + “Sara”) for tomorrow. Events people must be ready.
You Could: Complete HW#2 or Start the Creative Paper / Classwork
SLD on War Unit
You Must: Finishreading all of “Monday”
You Could: Complete HW#1
November 9
Day 5 / Classwork
1. Reading Check "Tuesday"-no notes
2. Discuss reading
3. Post HW#3
4. Assign Creative Paper
5. Events Presenters ______and ______(CP grade).
You Must: Read “Campbell” and “Anna” of “Wednesday.” Events people be ready
You Should:Work on the Creative Paper
You Could:Complete HW #3 / Classwork
- Collect HW #1
- “Monday” Reading Check Quiz- no notes allowed.
- Discuss Reading.
- Post HW #2-Tuesday
- Assign Creative Paper
- Similar Case background-optional(Today show-link on Website/google
- Quick video on Stem cells-in class (link on Website/google)
You Must:Read all of “Tuesday” (“Anna” + “Sara”) for Monday. Events people must be ready.
You Could: Complete HW#2 or Start the Creative Paper
November 10 / No Class Today
Thank a veteran or support a veteran in some way, even it is baking cookies for the veteran who lives next door to you. Feeling recognized feels validating in some way, even if it is a small way. / No Class Today
Thank a veteran or support a veteran in some way, even it is baking cookies for the veteran who lives next door to you. Feeling recognized feels validating in some way, even if it is a small way.
November 13
Day 6 / Day 6
No Class Today / Classwork
1. Reading Check "Tuesday"-no notes
2. Discuss reading
3. Post HW#3
4. Events: ____ and ___ (CP grade).
You Must: Read “Campbell” and “Anna” of “Wednesday.” Events people be ready
You Should:Work on the Creative Paper
You Could: Complete HW #3
TuesdayNovember 14
Day 7 / Classwork
1. Hand out Medical Ethics chart and explain.
2. Medical scenarios and groups (CP)
3. Events Presenters ______and ______(CP).
You Must: Read“Jesse, “Sara-1990-91,” and “Julia,” of “Wednesday” Events people be ready.
You Could: Work on the Creative Paper / Classwork
1. Hand out Medical Ethics chart and explain.
2. Medical scenarios and groups (CP)
3. Events Presenters ______and ______(CP).
You Must: Read“Jesse, “Sara-1990-91,” and “Julia,” of “Wednesday” Events people be ready.
You Could: Work on the Creative Paper
On the Horizon
Literary Quiz Prep #1=prep DSJ and Finish "Wednesday"
Lit Quiz #1
Creative Paper due Monday, November 20th