ValenciaCommunity CollegeWinter Park Campus
EME 2040: Introduction to Technology for Educators Online
Fall 201020 CRN 23753
The online environment of this course benefits busy undergrads and teachers who have the flexibility to work from school or home at their convenience. Before registering for the course, review the questions posed at to determine if online learning is suitable for your learning style. Also check the minimum hardware, software, and skill requirements for taking an online course.
Links to tips for success in an online course and an “Online Course Timeline” are very helpful:
This course requires a lot of textbook reading as well as development of projects in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Please consider your ability to learn software applications at a fast-pace without direct instructor support. A “hybrid” version of this same course is also offered. It meets on five Saturday mornings each term at the Winter Park Campus with a “live” instructor (me) for direct support, and the remaining course requirements are completed online in WebCT.
Instructor Contact Information ...... Page 1
Help Desk Phone Numbers (Atlas, WebCT) ...... Page 2
Course Catalog Description ...... Page 2
Textbook Information ...... Page 2
College-Required Statements of Policy ...... Pages 3-5
Grading Policy (Points for each assignment) ...... Page 6
Overview of Attendance and Assignment Requirements . . . . . Page 6
Course Schedule/Assignment Details ...... Pages 7-11
Final Exam Information and Due Date ...... Pages 12 and 13
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Instructor Contact Information
Dr. Dee Camp-White
Email: Once the class begins, I prefer using the WebCT
Course Mail for all communication.
Office Hours by arrangement
Phone: 407-738-1915(4-8 p.m. M-F, Sat. and Sun. 10 a.m.-9 p.m.)
Technical support telephone numbers:
YourinstructorCANNOTprovidetechnicalsupport.If youareexperiencingproblemswithAtlas or WebCT, you will need to contacttheappropriatedepartment:
- WebCT(407)582-5600(available24/7)
- TheATLAShelpdeskphone#is(407)582-5444.
Course Prerequisite: None
Orientation Session
You must complete an online orientation questionnaire. You will access the orientation activity by logging in to the WebCT course website beginningMonday, January 10, 2010, and downloading the questionnaire on the home page of the course. You must submit the results of the orientation activity before continuing with the course readings and discussions. The online orientation must be completed and posted in WebCT, along with your personal introduction, by Friday, January 15that 5 p.m. If you fail to complete this requirement, you will be withdrawn from the course as a “no show”.
Course Catalog Description
Course Objectives
Participants will:
- demonstrate increased proficiency in computer literacy, information literacy, and integration literacy skills.
- be able to explain the concepts of learningtheory that support integration of technology into the curriculum
- use a rubric to evaluate Web sites and software applications.
- develop a personal library of online resources to use in lesson planning
- demonstrate proficiency in techniques involved in developing instructional materials in various formats
- use an instructional planning model to design learning sequences
- develop lesson plans that integrate technology to support student thinking/performance at the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation levels
- develop assessment rubrics to measure student content mastery and product performance
Required Textbook
Shelly, G., Gunter, G., and Gunter, R. (2010). Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom(6th Ed.). Boston: Course Technology, Cengage Learning(ISBN 1-4390-7835-1). Since the course originates from the Winter Park Campus, the bookstore there orders the correct book. You may check at another VCC campus bookstore to see if they will have the book sent from Winter Park for you to purchase at that location.
Textbook Website
Assignments will require the use of the textbook companion website. You need to create a user profile to access the website. To do so, following these directions:
- Visit
- Click New User Registration.
- Enter the required, basic information on the New User Registration Screen. You should see a Registration Successful screen. Click the Continue button.
- You will be brought to the Choose Your Product page.
- Scroll down until you find the name of our textbook. Check the box next to the title of the textbook, and upon clicking Submit(at the bottom of the page), you’re in!
- From the My Account link (at the top of the page), click the name of the textbook to launch the Online Companion site.
These directions can also be found inside the front cover of the textbook.
WebCT Website
You may log in to the course website at: login id and password are the same as your Atlas login and password.) On the first page of the WebCT site, you will find phone numbers for technical help as well as a link for a self-paced WebCT orientation course. If this is your first WebCT course, you may need to check your browser, install Java, and disable your pop-up blocker as detailed on the login page.
Once you login successfully for the first time, you must complete the “orientation” activity and post your personal introduction. This must be completed by Friday, January 15 at 5 p.m., as stated above. There are no required online “chats”; however, WebCT does have an online chat area available for the course and informal chats may be arranged between students without the instructor’s permission.
Withdrawal Policy
During a first attempt or a second attempt in the same course, if you withdraw or are withdrawn by your professor before the specified withdrawal deadline, you will receive a W (Withdrawn). After the specified deadline, if you withdraw or are withdrawn by your professor, your professor will assign you either a WP (Withdrawn Passing - based upon the last date of attendance) or a WF (Withdrawn Failing - based upon the last date of attendance). If you do not withdraw and fail to take the required final examination, the professor will assign you a WF (Withdrawn Failing).
The last date to withdraw is February 12, 2010 to receive a grade of W. Please consult the college catalog for more information on the impact a grade of W, WP, or WF on your grade point average (GPA). See:
Attendance Policy
You are required to complete the online orientation activity by Friday, January 15at 5 p.m., before you may continue with the course. In addition, you will “attend” class by logging onto the WebCT course each week to complete assignments and engage in asynchronous online discussions with the instructor and other enrolled students. You may choose the exact timing of your online participation, but you must log in at least three times per week. After the submission dates for two assignments have passed with no contact from the student, an email will be sent informing you that your continued enrollment in the course is in jeopardy. If there is no response to the email within ten days, you will be withdrawn from the course with a grade assigned of W, WP, or WF assigned according to college policy.
No Show Status
Class attendance (at the orientation and by posting online) is required beginning the first week of the term. If you do not attend class (indicated by posting your introduction and the orientation questionnaire) during the first week, you may be withdrawn from the class as a “no show”. In this event you will be billed for the class and a “W” will appear on your transcript for the course.
Academic Honesty
Policy Number: 6Hx28: 8-11
8-11Academic Dishonesty
Law Implemented: / 1001.64, F.S.
Policy: / A.All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia Community College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, acts or attempted acts of plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, facilitating academic dishonesty, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive.
B.All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the students' individual thoughts, research, and self-expression. Whenever a student uses ideas, wording, or organization from another source, the source shall be appropriately acknowledged.
C.Students shall take special notice that the assignment of course grades is the responsibility of the students' individual professor.
Procedure: / When the professor has reason to believe that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred, the professor may proceed in one of three ways:
- The professor may choose to consider the act of academic dishonesty to be an academic offense, and using his/her academic judgment may assign an academic sanction to the responsible student, following a discussion of the matter with the student and any other appropriate persons. Academic penalties may include, without limitation, one or more of the following: loss of credit for an assignment, examination, or project; withdrawal from course; a reduction in the course grade; or a grade of "F" in the course. If the student disagrees with the decision of the professor, the student may seek a review of the decision subject to and in accordance with Policy 8-10, Student Academic Dispute and Administrative Complaint Resolution.
- The professor may choose to consider the act of academic dishonesty to be a violation of the Valencia Student Code of Conduct, and may refer the matter for resolution in accordance with Policy 8-03. Disciplinary penalties for academic dishonest may include, without limitation, warning, probation, suspension and/or expulsion from the College. Any appeal of disciplinary sanctions will occur subject to and in accordance with Policy 8-03.
- The professor may choose to consider the act of academic dishonesty as warranting both an academic and disciplinary sanction. In this case, a professor should refer the matter for resolution in accordance with Policy 8-03, Student Code of Conduct, and when appropriate, should withhold any academic sanctions until such time as the disciplinary process is concluded and the student has been found responsible for violating college policy. If the student is found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct, the professor may then assign academic sanction in addition to any assigned disciplinary sanction. Any appeal of disciplinary sanctions will occur subject to and in accordance with Policy 8-03, and any review of academic sanctions will occur subject to and in accordance with Policy 8-10.
History: / Adopted 4-24-85; Amended 11-18-92; Amended 12-11-07; Formerly 6Hx28:10-16
8-03 Student Code of Conduct Student Code of Classroom Conduct Policy Number: 6Hx28:8-03 See for complete text of this policy. You are expected to apply the same principles of mutual respect, courtesy, and classroom safety in the online environment.
Specific Authority: / 1006.60, FS. / Law Implemented: / 1006.60, FS.Valencia Student Core Competencies
Please read the description of the learning outcomes identified for a Valencia graduate. The Core Competencies() (Think, Communicate, Value, Act) reflect a learning-centered initiative by the college to align philosophy, courses and instruction with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for each student’s personal satisfaction and success in the workplace. You may use the checklist as a self-evaluation tool as well as an outline of goals for all learners at any age or level of development.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities (Winter Park Campus, Room 203, 407/ 582-6887).
Children on Campus
Please follow college policy relating to children on campus. Please make arrangements for childcare outside of classrooms or labs.
Your Evaluation of the Course
Near the completion of the course you will have the opportunity to provide feedback on your experience. You will receive an email in your Atlas account with instructions for completing the course evaluation. Filling out the form will only take a few minutes and your input is completely anonymous. Your responses are important for the continued improvement of the course. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated.
Have a “Back-Up” Plan
Back-up can mean several things. First, it’s important that you save all assignments in at least 2 places in case one “fails” or crashes. You need to save your work to a hard drive AND a CD, an external hard drive such as a flash drive, or another computer or “server”.
Second, it’s absolutely imperative that you have a plan for another computer you can use to complete assignments in case your home computer crashes. Make sure your virus protection software is up to date.Then arrange or plan in advance of a problem for use of another computer. This can be a relative’s or friend’s computer, a computer at your school, one of the Valencia computer labs, or an internet café. Computer problems will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to complete assignments on time.
Important Note about Microsoft Office 2007 (includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint):
Microsoft has released a "compatibility pack" for pre-2007 users that can be downloaded and installed to allow reading of 2007 format documents in their native format (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx. and .mdbx).If you are using Microsoft Office 97-2003, you will need to download and install this software, so that you can view the projects of students who develop and post their assignments in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint 2007. Please use the following link to download the patch (copy/paste into your browser):
If you are developing your assignments in Office 2007, the “Help” feature within each program is your first option for getting “unstuck” and learning the navigation “ribbons”.
If you’re still confused with the new appearance and locations of commands in 2007, you may want to try the free online training (includes video demos, narration, practice modules, etc.) offered for the various programs of Office 2007 available on the Microsoft website:
The grade you receive in this course is based upon completion of course requirements. The elements of student performance that will be graded include reflections on assigned topics and posted in the course Discussions area, website and software reviews, and the development of a teacher web page and curriculum page.
300 Points Possible (subject to change):
- Orientation Questionnaire, Personal introduction and response to at least one other student’s Intro, posted in Discussion area by January 15 at 5 p.m.(5 points)
- Textbook Chapter reflections and chapter-relatedactivities (20 pts. each; 160 points)
- Excel spreadsheet activity (25 points)
- Teacher Home Page (25 points)
- PowerPoint presentation (25 points)
- Final Exam: Curriculum Web Page (60 Points)
Grade for Course (300 Total Points):
270-300 = A
240-269 = B
210-239 = C
180-209 = D
Below 180 = F
You can track your points for each assignment in the WebCT feature “My Grades”. Contact me using the Mail feature in WebCT if you don’t see points within 7 days of completing and posting an assignment.
Note: I will not automatically grant a grade of “Incomplete” for students who fail to complete all of the assignments and the Final Exam prior to March 4th, 2010. If you are having serious difficulties completing the course on time due to a personal or family health or other emergency, you MUST contact me at the email address above, PRIOR TO THE LAST DAY OF THE COURSE. Explain your circumstances, list the assignments you need to complete, and a proposed date for completion of all course requirements (no more than 4 weeks from March 4, 2010.) I may ask for documentation of your issue, and will notify you if your request for a grade of Incomplete has been granted.
Complete all of the chapter activities (see detailed descriptions on WebCT site and in the Assignment section of this syllabus beginning on page 7) by the Saturday due date before 10 p.m. The PowerPoint, Excel, and web page projects are also due on Saturday by 10 p.m.The Final Exam, a web page project, is due by Wednesday, March 3rd, at 5 p.m. My goal is to post your points in “My Grades” on WebCT within 5-7 days following the due date for that week’s assignments. Your receipt of all of the points for the assignment should be considered feedback that your work exceeds the minimum requirements and is an example of “A” work for the reflection or assignment.
I will read and monitor all assignments and discussions on a regular basis (at least 4 times per week) and will respond to the public discussion area in order to expand on a point or clarify an issue. If I miss commenting on something that you have questions or concerns about, please use the course mail to contact me with your question and I will answer and respond in the public discussion as well.
There are eight textbook chapters. We will follow a schedule of reading one or twochapters per week and posting a written assignment in the Discussion area of WebCT by the due date for each chapter. To earn all of the points for that chapter, you must: 1. Complete all of the chapter activities, 2. Post them by the due date, AND 3. Reply to/comment on the posted assignments of at least two other class members.
This third requirement is to ensure that you are “in attendance” in class weekly, and also to provide input and support for other class members.You need to post a comment, reply to someone else’s assignment or comment and post your assignment on 3 separate days each week. Students who do not post assignments and comments weekly may be withdrawn from the course at the instructor’s discretion. Your online presence is expected and encouraged. Hands-on activity assignments (ie. PowerPoint, Excel, Web Page) will be interspersed with the weekly chapter assignments. Your points will be posted in “My Grades” within one week following the due date for that assignment.