/ Kay Harwood
Events Co-ordinator
Trafford Council
Room 159, First Floor, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Rd, Stretford. Manchester M32 0TH
Telephone 0161912 4502

Office Use only
Date Received

Filming in Trafford

Please note that all applications for filming on public land in the outdoor environment in Trafford should initially be submitted to address/email above.

Trafford council work closely with Creative England and will share information about film requests with them.

General Data Protection Regulation 2018 - Privacy Notice

How we use any information you give us about yourself and others:

The personal information which you give in your application will be managed in accordance with the Data General Data Protection Regulation 2018. It will only be used in the processing of your application and to collate anonymised statistics. Information may be shared with; other council departments, the council’s service delivery partner Amey, the Police and PPL & PRS music licensing organisations. We will not reveal personal details to anyone else unless:

•You ask us to reveal the information, or we have your permission to do so

•We are required or permitted to do so by law

•It is required by law enforcement agencies

•There is a duty to the public to reveal the information, eg to other government bodies, tax authorities or regulatory bodies

Electronic records relating to event applications are normally held for a maximum of 36 months.

When you give us information about another person, you need to ensure you have the consent of that person to pass these details on to Trafford Council.

Details of the Council’s overarching Privacy Policy and the Events team’s full Privacy Notice can be found using this link:

Production Company
Contact Details
Contact Name
Telephone / Mobile
Production Details
Production Title
Broadcast Channel
Production Type
Eg feature, drama, short, commercial
Brief synopsis of the programme
Crew Requirements
Number of crew
Number of cast
Number of vehicles
Locations requiring clearance with dates and times ( excluding unit bases who should instead complete the section below)
(with postcode where possible) / Date(s) / Time(s)
Questions for unit bases
Location requested (with postcode where possible)
No of stationery vehicles
Approximate number of vehicles travelling between location and unit base on a daily basis
Number of vehicles using generators
Will any lighting be used
Please complete a separate line for each date you will be on site
Date / Time vehicles will commence accessing the site / Time at which vehicle movements to and from the site will cease
You must notify any business or residential property which may be affected by your filming. This would include disturbance from lights/generator noise, loss of parking. This should be done at least one week in advance of the filming and should include contact details for the filming company.
Please provide a copy of your consultation/notification document with this application and state when it was/will be distributed.
Please indicate if your shoot will involve any of the following
this information should then be factored in to the detailed description of filming below
Firearms/Gunfire / Impersonation of emergency officers
SFX / Pyrotechnics
Stunts / Smoke Effects
Cherry Pickers of lighting towers / Wet Down
Camera Crane / Camera Track/Dolly
Driving Sequences / Scaffolding Rig
Helicopters / Music/Amplification
Parking / Music
Please provide a detailed description of filming
To include locations, contents of scene(s) to be shot, props/SFX being used and filming equipment that will be present.
If you wish to place any equipment on the public highway you need our formal permission.
Please tell us what items and provide a site plan.

Filming in Trafford – Fees & Charges

Please note all bookings attract a £50 administration fee. All prices quoted exclude VAT.

Formal clearance for filming in pedestrian areas and pavements attracts are charged at £50, this fee will cover a further two clearances if submitted within 30 calendar days of your original application. Formal clearance is required at any time you wish to place equipment on the highway which includes the public footpath.

Permits for filming on the road will be higher and will depend on the size of production.

Location fees are subject to negotiation and will depend on a number of factors.

Last updated 3 May 2018

Filming in Trafford – Indicative Fees & Charges

Location fees may increase/decrease depending on your requirements and location impact.

Production Charges / Clearance to film on the Highway including footpaths / Cemeteries and Crematoria / Public building interiors & exteriors / Parks & Greenspaces (indicative charges) / Parking Services
Admin Charge / £50 * / £50 / £50 / £50 / £50
Late application fee
(less than 5 working days) / n/a / n/a / n/a / £50
Small Production (1-5 crew) / poa / poa / £50 p/h
Medium Production (6-11 crew) / poa / poa / £100 p/h
Large production (12-29 crew) / poa / poa / £150 p/h
Major features (30+ crew) / poa / poa / poa
Evening or Night filming surcharge / poa / poa / +25%, +50%
Night filming
Unit Base – charges will vary depending on size of unit base and location / poa / From £200 per day
Car parking per bay / poa / poa
Suspension of on street parking / poa
Suspension of bays within council car parks / poa
Cancellation fees / If clearance has already been granted £50 otherwise no charge / Dependent on notice period / Dependent on notice period / £100 / poa

*Does not include road closure fees. Road closures are agreed and invoiced by our partners Amey.

Covers up to a maximum of three clearances, unused clearances will be credited to your account for 30 days. You need formal permission from the council if you need to place equipment on the footpath or highway.Day rate covers 8 hours between 7am & 10pm unless otherwise agreed

Last updated 3 May 2018

Check List for Bookings / 
All bookings should be accompanied by a risk assessment
Bookings which require traffic management must submit a traffic management plan and employ an accredited contractor/staff to perform traffic management duties.
Evidence of public liability insurance for no less than £5m must be provided
Where applicable - a copy of your official purchase order for the agreed fee which will be quoted net of VAT. If you do not operate a purchase order system you will need to provide an email agree the quoted fee and providing invoicing details.
Neighbour/Business Consultation notification document

Filming in Trafford – Standard Terms & Conditions

  1. Whilst Trafford council will use its best endeavours to ensure that the Site is available to the Production Company it accepts no responsibility or liability to the Production Company for any loss of profits or other damage suffered should the Site not be available.
  1. The Production Company shall indemnify Trafford Council against any injury or damage to any person or property and against any claim demand or expense arising by reason or in consequence of the consent granted.
  1. Consent will not be operative unless the Production Company arranges and produces for the Council’s inspection on request a public liability policy of insurance indemnifying themselves and Trafford Council against the risks referred to in paragraph two. Such policy shall provide cover of not less than £5,000,000 against any one accident or series of accidents arising from one incident unlimited during the period of insurance.
  1. The Production Company shall ensure that:

(i)No rubbish or litter shall be allowed to accumulate on the Site as a consequence of the production company’s use of the site.

(ii)No loudspeaker equipment shall be used in connection with the production during the productions company’s use of the site save as may be necessary for control and to maintain public safety.

(iii)Adequate arrangements must be made for the security of vehicles and equipment at all times that the production company remains on the site.

  1. The Production Company shall at all times comply, and ensure that all persons taking part or assisting with the Production comply with any lawful instruction or direction given by a duly authorised Trafford Council/Amey Officer or the Police.
  1. In the event of any failure to observe any of these terms and conditions, Trafford Council shall be at liberty to withdraw the Consent hereby granted forthwith. Furthermore, failure to carry out any necessary work to the satisfaction of a duly authorised officer of Trafford Council shall entitle the Trafford Council to carry out the work and to recover any expenses thereby incurred from the Production Company.

This document was last updated on 1 March 2018

Last updated 3 May 2018