Sable CollinsLe Francais 4 Honors 04665
Denver School of the ArtsAnnee scolaire 2009-2010
Vmail : 720 424 1816Salle de classe D200
Email : Bureau: D206, appt. only
Chers etudiants, ce dernier cours de francais sera magnifique et on aura une annee scolaire 2009-2010 inoubliable !
Course Description
French 4 Honors continues to heighten the student’s listening and speaking proficiency. The student will ask most questions in French and will understand most instructions in French. There is an emphasis on oral assessment and analyzing literary and cultural topics of Francophone countries. In addition, there is increased emphasis on reading and writing more complicated, analytical documents. The intensive study of grammar continues, adding the more obscure verbs and verb tenses, idiomatic expressions, as well as the more complex sentence structures and concepts. The student continues to create and communicate in French on this more complex level.
This class is almost entirely conducted in the target language and students gain greater competence in the language by doing the following:
*Writing in-class compositions of varying length (up to 200 words) and for various purposes.
*Telling stories individually, in pairs, or in groups based on pictures.
*Performing in-class listening comprehension exercises.
*Reading Francophone prose and poetry as a vehicle for language study and expansion as well as for literary analysis.
*Performing an in-depth study of grammar and syntax.
*Discussing artistic and cultural topics, current events, and personal experiences.
*Reviewing and broadening vocabulary.
As the teacher for this class, I reserve the right to modify this syllabus depending upon classroom/student/time factors as I determine the class needs.
Denver Public Schools Standards for World Languages
1.Students communicate in a foreign language while demonstration a high quality of language in all four essential skills : listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
2.Students acquire and use knowledge of other cultures while developing foreign language skills.
Materials and Supplies
Various reading books, such as Le Petit Prince, which I purchase for $29 with student- paid activity fee.
A spiral notebook just for this class that you will keep here. It doesn’t have to be big.
A 3-ring binder (classeur) and dividers. Here is how you will categorize your classeur:
3.Class notes
4.Assessment (graded work, tests, etc.)
Dictionary (dictionnaire)
The Internet (l’Internet)
You have space in the classroom to store your classeurs.
**You will bring an organized classeur and signed syllabus for Monday, August 24, 2009!
Tutoring is available on a first-come, first-served basis by appointment only. Tutoring is usually done at lunchtime.
Class Rules
*Respect yourself
*Respect others
*Respect your environment
*Respect the teaching/learning process
Everything falls into one or more of these categories. These rules help insure that we all have a great year.
Learning Agenda
We will have roughly 9-week thematic units. Firstly, we will focus on grammar and readings. Then we will move into literature for the 2nd 9 weeks. For the 3rd 9 weeks, various cultural aspects such as music and film. For the final 9 weeks, we have a final project and emphasis on speaking and writing.
Quality of Work
Your work is a reflection of you and should therefore be turned in demonstrating your best effort. Your writing MUST be LEGIBLE and in an easy to read color pen or standard pencil. No red pens. Should turned-in work be ILLEGIBLE, I will not grade it, you will get a “0”, and I will return it back to you.
In IC, I update your grades every week and you have a progress grade every 3 weeks. These are done on Thursdays. I will often give verbal progress reports to you as well during class time. Your grade is cumulative. It will start fresh second semester. You will be graded on :
1.Class participation and attendance
Participation/Presence en classe
2.Written, listening, and spoken exercises.
Exercices ecrites, auditoires, et parlees
3.Exams, projects, quizzes
Examens/projets/quiz*I GIVE POP QUIZZES!
Grading Scale
100-93 A92-90 A-89-87 B+86-83 B82-80 B-
79-77 C+76-73 C72-70 C-69-60-D59-0 F
Attendance and Participation
You get 5 points a day for being in class AND actively participating. Just being in class is not sufficient for these points. You must demonstrate to me that you are engaged in the teaching/learning process. New concepts are learned every day. Familiar concepts are reviewed every day. Consistent attendance and good participation are essential for success at language learning. A LARGE portion of your grade is based on attendance and participation.
*For the full 5 points: student is on time, student has all materials, student is prepared (has homework completed), student contributes positively to class, student speaks in French as much as possible, student is on task.
We will see age-appropriate films highlighting the French language and/or French/Francophone culture. We may use them as listening activities. Depending upon the nature of the film, I will send out permission slips.
Late Work
Late work will be accepted for EXCUSED absences. All other late work is accepted for 50% off of your grade for that assignment unless you have contacted me beforehand. Makeup work from excused absences must be completed PROMPTLY of I will not accept it. It is YOUR responsibility to find out what work was missed if you were absent.
Tardy Policy
It is my strong expectation that you be on time to class every day. When you are late, you waste my time, your time, and your classmates’ time. When you are tardy, give me your tardy slip and quietly take a seat. Do not disrupt the class. If this becomes an issue, I will call home or/and notify the Student Advisor.
Food and Drink
French 4 Honors may eat in class. BE CLEAN ! Any activity for which food is a key component will be held in the classroom.
Personal Item Storage
When you enter into class, the first thing you will do will be to put ANYTHING not directly related to class in the back of the class by the windows under the posters. This includes purses, phones (TURNED OFF), back packs, Ipods, and any food.
Electronic Devices
You WILL turn your phone off or set it to “silent”. You WILL NEVER refer to it. You WILL NEVER text in class. You WILL NEVER plan on listening to music on your own device unless I decide. There is NO individual music during tests. You WILL NOT make me take your phone/Ipod away from you. You WILL remember that we are at SCHOOL and not at the MALL.
Due to the fact that these are disruptive to the Teaching/Learning Process (Rule 4 above), I expect NEVER to see or hear these things in my class:
Doing hair or makeup
Inappropriate dress
Inappropriate language ACCORDING TO MY STANDARDS
Constant yelling out when you should raise your hand
Relying on English when you could be trying in French
Not giving other people a chance
I expect that you want to be here. I expect that you are choosing to come to DSA rather than another high school. I expect that you are planning to “grow up” and seek your fame and fortune outside of your parents’ home. The things I teach in both the content (French) and the context (the classroom) are useful tools and life skills. I expect that you want to be the best student, American, and citizen of this world that you can be. That is why I have many of the rules in my class from recycling to choosing to speak well. I expect that now as well as in the future, you will want to present your best facet to the outside world. This is a great place to develop that facet.
I also expect that we will have a great year. This is my 11th year at DSA and I know for an absolute fact that the students who choose to attend DSA are some of the best students and overall people I have ever met. I expect that I will challenge you and make learning as enjoyable as possible. I expect I will continue to foster a love of language within you.
I look forward to an exciting, challenging, and (positively) eventful year!
Avec mes semtiments les plus sinceres, Madame Collins
Return this form to Madame Collins by 8/24/09
I have read, understood, and agreed to the syllabus for French Level Four
Student name :
Student signature :
Student email :
Parent(s) name(s) :
Parent(s) signature(s) :
Parent(s) email(s) :
Student/parent comments