Bring Your Donations to New Heights with Email Blasts!

Email is the easiest way to get the word out to your friends and supporters. You are welcome to use these samples to create your own messages.

Ideas for success:

·  If you don’t know where to start, contact our office for some email templates to use. Simply choose an email template, fill in the blanks and cut and paste.

·  We suggest including the website and event logo as well as other images to make your email eye-catching.

·  Send them to everyone you know.

·  On December 1, plan to send out several emails asking your supporters to go online and give to your organization.

·  Become a storyteller. Tell stories about how your organization is changing lives in the Kearney area.

·  Use pictures. “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Include “action items”. Use your emails to ask supporters to do the following:

·  Donate to your cause.

·  Tell 5 of their friends to go online and donate.

·  “Like” your cause on Facebook. Have them “Share” your message.

·  Retweet the link to donate on Twitter. Tweet thoughts using the hashtag #KearneyGives.

Use subject lines that catch attention.

·  Go for something engaging and eye-catching, and watch your open email rates soar.

·  We suggest you don’t say “please donate”, but instead say something like “Why can’t more playgrounds look like this?” (from playground nonprofit KaBOOM!), or “Will all the beautiful women please stand up?” (from CharityWater).

Make messages even more appealing,

·  Insert a great photo of your work or add a powerful first person account of someone whose life your work has touched.

·  The pictures that tend to engage donors are interesting action shots where you can see people’s faces.

Updated on 9/6/2016

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