Chem. Test Ch. 1A 2015

Make sure you record your answers on the scantron

Questions 1-20: Label the following as to whether the change represented was

a) physical or b) chemical.

1)  Mixing your sulfur and iron together in Lab #1

2)  Filtering your salt/sand/water mixture in Lab #1

3)  Burning methane in a Bunsen burner in Lab #1

4)  Our dry ice from the first day subliming

5)  Blending a hot dog

6)  My truck rusting in the teachers parking lot

7)  A piece of last years lunch in your locker rotting

8)  you digesting a Taco from Taco Bell (if that is possible)

9)  An exped student digesting bark because they forgot their dried jerky

10) breaking big rocks into little rocks (like you’re in jail)

11) Bending a piece of copper wire until it breaks

12) dissolving Kool Aide into water

13) you leave your “drinkie” on your nightstand and it evaporates over night

14) Ingested iron filings (from your Captain Crunch cereal) “dissolve” in your stomach acid

15) You use crucible tongs (instead of a test tube holder) to pick up a test tube and it falls and breaks

16) the acid from the test tube in # 15 eats into the lab top

17) the brilliant (and handsome) Dr. Lambert quickly neutralizes the acid spill with a base

18) because you used the wrong equipment again Dr. Lamberts face (and ears) turn red

19) as you fear for your well-being you feel cool on your forehead as sweat evaporates

20) never missing a chance to do chemistry, Dr. Lambert collects the sweat from # 19 and uses fractional crystallization to find it is 95% water 4% salt and 1% of trace chemicals

Questions 21-35: Match the following to the type of matter they represent

a) element, b) compound, c) homogeneous mixture, or d) heterogeneous mixture.

21) The iron filings you used in Lab #1

22) The sodium hydrogen carbonate in Lab #1

23) The sulfur/iron mixture from Lab #1

24) air

25) concrete

26) the gas in a helium balloon

27) carbon dioxide gas

28) blood

29) Cuyahoga river water

You are parched and want some tasty Kool Aid. First, you find a packet of Kool Aid (#30). After opening the packet you pour it into your pitcher and add 1 cup of sugar (#31). Then you fill the pitcher up with distilled water (#32). After mixing you have a wonderful drink (#33). You pour this into a plastic cup (#34) and plop in a lemon wedge (#35).

Questions 36-40: Label the following as to whether the property of pure water represented is

a) physical or b) chemical.

36)  It decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen

37)  It has a boiling point of 100oC

38)  It is a colorless liquid

39)  Sugar dissolves in it

40)  It’s density is 1.0 g/mL

41) All of the following are physical properties of matter EXCEPT _____.

A) explosiveness

B) hardness

C) melting point

D) color

E) mass

42) Physical properties of a substance include _____.

A) density and hardness B) melting and boiling points

C) color and odor D) all of the above

43) All of the following changes to a metal are physical changes EXCEPT _____.

A) polishing B) cutting C) melting D) bending E) rusting

44) Which of the following is NOT a physical change?

A) the spoiling of cheese B) the cutting of cheese C) the melting of cheese

45) Which of the following does NOT involve a physical change?

A) grinding B) mixing

C) tarnishing D) melting

46) Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

A) air B) soil C) steel D) brine

47) Which of the following is a true statement about compounds?

A) They have variable compositions.

B) They have properties similar to those of their constituent elements.

C) They can be physically separated into their constituent elements.

D) They are pure substances.

48) A copper-colored wire changes to a darker color after it is heated and then cooled. What type of change has likely taken place to cause this color change?

A) a chemical change

B) a physical change

C) neither a physical nor a chemical change

49) A chemical change occurs when a piece of wood _____.

A) is painted B) is cut C) decays D) is split

50) When paper becomes yellow-brown in color upon exposure to sunlight, what type of change is likely taking place?

A) a physical change

B) a chemical change

C) neither a physical nor a chemical change