“1” is low and “5” is high

“NR” No Response

“T” Total

/ NR / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / T /
Overall rating of the session
o  Don’t do a session so late in the year! / 2 / - / 1 / 8 / 16 / 6 / 31
Overall relevance of this session to your team / 2 / - / 1 / 7 / 14 / 9 / 31
Usefulness of background materials / 1 / - / 1 / 13 / 12 / 6 / 32
Clarity and conciseness of presentations
o  The assessment material had too many big words and went very fast. More time to talk with your group. / - / - / 1 / 9 / 14 / 9 / 33
Trainers’ knowledge of subject matter / - / - / 1 / 6 / 8 / 18 / 33
Trainers’ responsiveness to group issues
o  The morning was reasonably useful, the assessment workshop was meta cognitively useless! Too much verbology. I had no clue what they were talking about! Janice was great facilitating our meeting and brainstorming. / - / - / 0 / 7 / 13 / 13 / 33
Your team’s level of engagement
o  I think the info we got we know, it was good to have time to just talk about what we know/we assume
o  Only one member attended from school site
o  Very hard to maximize the workshops when the team had to split up. 1st half of session when whole team was together, learning and engagement was high / - / - / 2 / 2 / 18 / 11 / 33
Individual learning climate (for yourself)
o  relevance / - / 1 / 2 / 7 / 15 / 8 / 33
Team learning climate (within your team)
o  relevance
o  trainer’s energy was low and transferred it to group/myself
o  only one member attended from school site / 2 / - / 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 31
Peer learning climate (cross-site sharing)
·  No cross site sharing opportunities
·  Applicability
·  There was few cross-site sharing
·  Only cross-site sharing was reporting out from a couple of sessions
·  Minimal peer learning, cross-site sharing / 3 / 2 / 3 / 9 / 10 / 6 / 30

Comments: cuando nos cambiamos de cuarto no me gusto la información demasiada información para nuestra escuela no muy clave no cuando cambiamos de salón no la entendí.

“NR” = No response

“Very” = Very Helpful

“Some” = Somewhat Helpful

“Not” = Not helpful

“Tot” = Total

NR / Very / Some / Not / Tot /
Coordinated & Integrated Services / 2 / 17 / 13 / 1 / 33 / ·  Could have used more concrete help in facilitated small group session
·  N/A
·  We needed a vision
·  Not at presentation
·  Extra info is always helpful
·  Just as we get going on our important group discussions, we get interrupted to “share” what other groups think
·  Information was helpful but not as important
·  Good idea
·  La traducion muy buena
Meaningful Partnerships / 1 / 18 / 12 / 2 / 33 / ·  Best part of session
·  Very useful material and self-eval tool
·  Great facilitation
·  N/A
·  Appreciate context set…the weaving in of pieces from past sessions
·  Extra info is always helpful
·  Created a space for creating better partnerships
·  Good idea
Parents are Powerful / 2 / 17 / 13 / 1 / 32 / ·  Good discussion of our site’s needs and assets. Good brainstorming work
·  Emphasize the reciprocal relationship
·  It’s helpful to have a facilitator (Jackie) to guide us to correct focus on “how”
·  Extra info is always helpful
·  Triggered real ideas to do
·  Great time to discuss how parents are involved and how could be involved
·  The elementary piece was extremely helpful and thought provoking. The middle school piece was irrelevant to the work we do
Parent Capacity for Student Learning / - / 9 / 9 / 15 / 33 / ·  Need of more examples of parent friendly assessment dialogue
·  Needed one more step to get at how we could do a small piece of this at home
·  More specific examples, “how to” samples needed
·  Not relevant for our parents. Not clear (2)
·  Did not seem relevant to our community, data inaccurate
·  Too much info for such a short time
·  No explicit links to reasoning of today’s session
·  Extra info is always helpful
·  Would have helped if I were a teacher
·  Good idea
·  This was a waste of time, the presenters did not have enough skills to develop a presentation that would be relevant to parents or about the topic
·  Presentation seemed irrelevant (population)
Next Steps by School Teams / 13 / 12 / 6 / 1 / 25 / ·  Great discussion and facilitated planning
·  Extra info is always helpful


MOST helpful:

·  (2) The time to brainstorm future commitments; time w/team members to reflect about important issues

·  I enjoyed brainstorming with my group and coming up with a vision and ideas to develop new strategies

·  (3) Parent presentation/parents are powerful (3) – it got us to brainstorm about things we need to do in order to involve parents more; made us realize concrete next steps that need to be taken to bridge the gaps

·  Beth Ross –comments and input in our team…time talking with individuals…reference to concept

·  Communication and next steps development within the team

·  How to incorporate parents into their learning or training

·  The group discussions facilitated by Janice…the vision…the drawing

·  The facilitated planning sessions were great

·  (6) Meaningful partnerships…specific next steps and discussions helpful; understanding more about relationships/partnerships as it relates to our partnership with P and R; developed our next steps using the form; I always get excited when I hear all of us brainstorming towards further integration

·  The activities and participation

·  we identified an important partnership that we must have a conversation with, identifying next steps

·  (2) Discussion of trust, self-evaluation and development of team partnership

·  Visioning exercise

·  (2)Team activities – because we got to speak/communicate w/each other, understand our vision; working within our team

·  Interacting with other members of our leadership team

·  Discussion about integration

·  Assessment breakout

·  Parent capacity for student learning, partnering model

·  Como trabajan las escuelas de otros estados y escuelas y que podemos tenerlo si trabajamos juntos

·  Saber como puedo ayudar mas amis hijos

LEAST helpful:

·  Teach according to the child’s personal way of learning à heart of education to diverse population

·  Doing some activities here. Giving us homework to read and do FSNP and partnership piece would make us ready to being this work in our teams to next level

·  (4)The assessment workshop; I was a little lost; Target assessment workshop (I love this topic –not relevant to most people in this group).

·  (13) Parent capacity…too general; not sure what the connection was w/parent involvement; Though engaging –I wasn’t clear on how the parents assessment for learning would be a possible tool in our school –how would this be developed unless the school began the entire approach; The parent capacity for student learning was confusing and irrelevant; not very helpful thinking from a parent’s point of view; teaching parents about assessment as tool for engaging these parents; assessment for learning was not appropriate at all for our parents, not what was expected and presenters did not know enough about topic to present; it was not relevant to the population that we are serving – it would have been great to have a culturally sensitive/diverse presentation

·  sharing out vision statements

·  relationship counseling

·  sustainability meeting really did not meet expectations for tangible next steps

·  slogan making

·  we really need to look at academy session scheduling; during summer would be beneficial or at least the final session – very busy time of the year

·  lack of school staff present; not having an agency to partner with school

What ONE concept, activity or connection got you really excited? How will you follow up on this idea with your leadership team?

·  Commitments…because the team was involved and engaged in the process…team was excited about implementing

·  (2) Working as a team…taking that back to our school; meeting with team and brainstorming and taking concrete steps

·  Beginning dialogue on integration/collaboration with after school/parks & rec program

·  Getting parents, teachers to work together

·  Connecting parents with standards, what they really mean; bridge the disconnect in parent involvement

·  Parent capacity for student learning – I don’t think I will follow up because teachers will need to do this type of assessment

·  Writing the vision –we didn’t have one

·  Brainstorming with an outside positive facilitator

·  (2)Meaningful partnerships; we have scheduled a meeting to include a new partner

·  To address the grassroots efforts and follow thru…resources will be crucial to implement this work

·  (5) Parent engagement plan –discussion was great –interest in building on existing parent orientation; “stay on top of it!” –more communication; strategies; to continue with the strategies that we have used to gain parents involved and how to work with new parents

·  Partnering intelligence

·  (2) Partnership definition; partnership model/share model;

·  Partnering intelligence helped

·  Ad hoc committee à after school à will follow up in august

·  Understanding target of what student will know when he/she has completed a course

·  We almost got to discuss assessing, etc. as a team -- FSNP

·  Creating lasting connections with all partners

·  Las declaraciones que hicieron los jóvenes

·  El como poder llamar mas la participación de los padres a la escuela; poner en acción las ideas todos juntos papá, niños, maestros, directora

What do you see as your team’s most challenging barrier(s) to implementing comprehensive family and youth resources?

·  Space…lack of participation from all involved

·  (3) Getting together as a group; having all team members at table; Getting everyone involved together consistently;

·  (2) to bring partners to collaborate

·  Time, vision that is shared and aligned, sustainability

·  So much is happening at the site –things need to be simplified

·  Communication with all partners…not blaming but getting to “how” around our clients

·  Getting parents to invest (time and energy) into school

·  Lack of site coordinator full time

·  Integration of services and building/nurturing meaningful partnerships

·  Continued, aligned efforts and follow thru…resources will be crucial to implement this work

·  Agency partner with school and each partner committed and engaged

·  (2) Seeing thing happen; Having things actually happen

·  Follow-up; sustainability after the ACSD

·  Parent involvement

·  Language barrier

·  Politics, money, time

·  Having all school/community on same page

·  (3) Funding to continue; number one barrier; thinking creatively

·  need to develop better partnership with P and R to strengthen afterschool program

·  Consistent leadership; cultural

·  (2) Communicating effectively with all stakeholders. I realize my shortcomings in this area, and will take positive steps to learn to communicate effectively; effective communication between everyone involved

·  En primer lugar el idioma y el ser – indocumentado

·  La comunicación y los recursos debido al bajo presupuesto y falta de personal

What additional kinds of technical assistance (or other resources) would help your team to overcome these barriers?

·  More players/decision makers at the table –process to check divergence/alignment of stakeholder visions

·  Coach

·  Time…$ for support services

·  Money

·  (4) Facilitation (send us Janice!);More facilitation and dedication from administration/school district; facilitated dialogues; possibly some facilitation of a “check in” meeting to assess where we are and where we’re going

·  (2) Funding source info…strategy info; ideas for grant writing

·  More input from students…brainstorming more

·  More bilingual tools

·  Just help with creative thinking

·  Finding a site coordinator to work with the school

·  Continued dialogue with leaders to learn effective ways to continue to develop teams

·  Finding other community resources

·  El ofrecer los servicios a todos los padres en cuestiones técnicas

·  Estudia informarme mas donde hay ayuda

What other topic(s) would you have liked to cover?

·  (5) Specific parent involvement strategies for disengaged parent populations; tips to engage parents, instead of pretending to be parents; more about different types of parent involvement/explanation; parent involvement strategies!; maybe have someone from Children’s Aid IS 218 who is actually doing the work that we are doing

·  (2) Teacher involvement in community schools…more on how to integrate/coordinate; strategies for linking school/staff to the concept of community school

·  How parents can specifically help their kids and assist a community school

·  More of above (funding source info…strategy info)

·  Envision

·  How planning is going from other sites

·  Empowering youth

·  More culturally specific issues

·  Anything more related to actually creating these kind of partnerships

·  Como recaudar fondos y como sacar a nuestros estudiantes adelante

·  How to juggle the many teams, committees, cadres needed to successfully run a community school

·  Leadership team development; our team is still not formed and working effectively

How well do think the ACSD listserve is working? How could it be improved or better utilized?

·  Bring the family voice and less “expert” opinions during this process

·  I am not sure

·  (3) N/A;(my first time here)

·  ?