GASSMAKS. 16 PhD og 3 Post Doc research scholarships 1

Together with the national process industry and Sintef, the department of Chemical Engineering at NTNU will participate in a national research programme with the aim to increase the added value of natural gas conversion processes. Five projects will be initiated with financial support from the Norwegian Research Council.

·  Catalysis ( NT-55/07): Up to 6 PhD research scholarships within dehydrogenation of propane, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, oxidative dehydrogenation, carbon nanofiber and synthesis of dimethyl ether. Contact:

·  Process control ( NT-56/07): 4 PhD and 1 Post Doc research scholarships within optimal operation and control of chemical plants, plus energy efficient distillation. Contact:

·  Process design ( NT-57/07). Improved process design and operation of natural gas conversion processes. 2 PhD research scholarships are open within systematic process design applied on syngas production integrated with methanol or Fischer- Tropsch syntheses, in addition to polyolefin process technologies. Contact:

·  Modeling ( NT-58/07): 4 PhD and 1 Post doc research scholarships. The projects can be focused on flow in fluidized systems (solid particles in a gas), bubble swarms in a liquid, porous media flows, and combustion. Studies on the interaction between the flow, chemical reaction kinetics and equilibrium, and mass- and heat transfer in the reactors are central issues in these projects. Contact:

·  Membrane separation ( NT-59/07): 1 PhD and 1 Post Doc research scholarships within CO2 capture from natural gas at high pressure. Contact:

For more information about the projects please contact the e-mail addresses above.

PhD positions:

The applicants to the PhD scholarships must have a master degree or equivalent within a relevant subject, such as Chemical Engineering, applied Physics, Chemistry, or Energy and Process Engineering. NTNU’s PhD-rules require a master degree or equivalent with at least 5 years of studies and an average grade of A or B within a scale of A-E for passing grades (A best). Candidates from universities outside Norway are kindly requested to send a Diploma Supplement or a similar document, which describes in detail the study and grade system and the rights for further studies associated with the obtained degree:

The appointment of the PhD fellow will be made according to Norwegian guidelines for universities and university colleges. Applicants are obliged to engage in an organized PhD training program, and appointment requires approval of the applicants plan for a PhD study.

It is a prerequisite that candidate appointed to the position is qualified for admission to PhD program at the faculty.

The PhD position is for a period of 3 years or 3 years and 9 months with 20% teaching duties.

PhD candidates are paid according to state salary level 43, NOK 325.600 per annum. There is a compulsory deduction of 2 % for the State Pension Fund.

Post Doc positions:

The applicants for the positions must have a PhD within a relevant subject. The position is for a period of 2 years. Post Doc candidates are paid according to the state salary level 54-77, NOK 394.700 to 613.100 per annum. The salary at start is normally level 54. There is a compulsory deduction of 2 % for the State Pension Fund.

For all positions:

The appointment will be made according to the general regulations regarding university employees.

Applications should be sent electronically through JobbNorge found at

Applications should include CV, authorized documentation of previous education, study record, list of subjects, grades and publications obtained, work experience as well as possible achievements in research. Mark the application with reference number to the position applied for.

Application deadline: 25th August 2007