Southwest Virginia Bible Bowl 2018

The Life Of Christ, Part 2

All questions and answers are taken from the King James Version of God’s word.

  1. In the parable of the sower, what does the1. One who hears the Word of God and does not

Seed eaten by the birds represent? not understand and Satan comes and takes it

away (Matthew 13:19)

2.In the parable of the sower, what does the2. One who hears and accepts the Word of God seed scorched by the sun represent? but falls away when faced with tribulation

(trials) (Matthew 13:21)

3.In the parable of the sower, which soil is3. The thorny ground (Matthew 13:22)

compared to a hearer who hears and accepts

the Word of God but allows the deceitfulness

of riches and cares of this world to take it


  1. A good and honest heart is represented by4. Good soil which brings forth much fruit

what in the parable of the sower? (Matthew 13:23)

5.In the parable of the tares, what unique prob-5. It is very difficult to tell the tares from the

lem did the tares represent? wheat as it grows (Matthew 13:26-30).

6. What represented the devil in the parable of6. The enemy who sowed the tares (Matthew

the tares? 13:39)

7.In the parable of the tares, what does each of7. The householder = the Son of man; the

the following represent: the householder, reapers = angels; the good seed = the children

the reapers(harvesters), the good seed, the of the kingdom; the harvest = the judgment

harvest? (Matthew 13:37-39)

8.Name five parables Jesus taught to describe 8. Mustard seed, leaven, treasure hidden in a

the kingdom of heaven. field, a pearl of great price, a net (Matthew

13:31-33, 44-47)

9.What did Jesus say to calm the wind and 9. “Peace, be still.” (Mark 4:39)

waves that threatened Him and His disciples

on the sea of Galilee?

10.The man from Gadarene who lived in the 10. That Jesus not torment them and that they be

the tombs because unclean spirits caused allowed to enter into a herd of swine (pigs)

him to cut himself and cry night and day ran that were nearby (Mark 5:7, 12)

and worshipped Jesus. What did the spirits

ask of Jesus?

11.What was the name of the unclean spirits11. Legion (Mark 5:9)

that possessed the man from Gadarene?

12.Whose young daughter did Jesus heal?12. Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue (Mark 5:

22-23, 35-42)

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13.Who was healed of an illness of 12 years’13. A woman with an issue of blood (Mark 5:25-

duration simply by touching Jesus’ clothes? 34)

14.When Jesus healed Jairus’ daughter and14. Peter, James and John (Mark 5:37)

brought her back to life, who did he take

with Him?

15. When Jesus left the home of Jairus, two15. If they believed He was able to heal them

blind men followed Him. What did He ask (Matthew 9:28)


16.Name the brothers of Jesus.16. James, Joses, Simon and Judas (Matthew 13:55)

17.Why did Jesus not do many works in17. Because of the unbelief of the people (Mat-

Nazareth? thew 13:58)

18.How did Jesus send His disciples out to 18. He sent them in pairs and told them to take

teach, and what were they to take with them? only a staff, a pair of sandals and one coat

(Mark 6:7-9).

19.What did the disciples go out to teach?19. Repentance (Mark 6:12)

20.When Jesus went out to teach, why did He20. Because they were like sheep without

have compassion on the multitudes? a shepherd (Mark 6:34)

21.To whom did Jesus send the 12 to preach21. The lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew

that the kingdom of heaven was at hand? 10:6)

22.When Herod the Tetrarch heard of Jesus’22. John the Baptist raised from the dead (Mark

mighty works, who did he think Jesus 6:16)


23.Who did some think Jesus to be?23. John the Baptizer, Elias, Jeremias or one of

the prophets (Mark 6:15; Matthew 16:14)

24.When Herod vowed to give the daughter of24. The head of John the Baptist on a charger

Herodias anything she wanted for dancing for (platter) (Mark 6:25)

Him, what did she ask of him?

25.In the desert place near Bethsaida, multitudes25. Five loaves and two fishes; about 5,000 men

followed Jesus when He went out to pray, and beside women and children (Mark 6:35-44)

He taught them. When they began to be hungry,

Jesus fed them with a little boy’s lunch. What

was in the lunch, and how many were fed?

26.When Jesus fed 5,000 near Bethsaida, how much26. 12 baskets full of fragments (Mark 6:43)

food was left over?

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27.After feeding the 5000, Jesus went on the 27. He came to them, walking on the sea (Mark

mountain to pray. Later He went to be with 6:48).

His disciples on the lake. How?

28.Finish this quotation: “In vain do they wor-28. …teaching for doctrines the commandments of

ship me….” men.” (Matthew 15:9)

29.When the Syrophoenician woman came to 29. Because of the woman’s great faith (Matthew

Jesus to ask that He heal her daughter of an 15:28, Mark 7:26)

unclean spirit, Jesus healed her, even though

they were not Jews. Why?

30.What was the result of the many healings done30. The people were filled with wonder and glori-

by Jesus? fied the God of Israel (Matthew 15:31).

31.How long had the 4,000 been without food31. Three days (Matthew 15:32)

before Jesus fed them with seven loaves and a

few small fishes?

32. When Jesus taught His disciples to beware32. To beware of their doctrine (teaching) (Matthew

the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees, 16:11-12)

what was He telling them?

33.Who said, “I see men, as trees, walking”?33. The blind man healed by Jesus in Bethsaida

(Mark 8:22-24)

34.When Jesus asked His disciples, “Whom do34. “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living

men say that I… am,” what was Peter’s reply? God” (Matthew 16:16).

35.When Peter protested Jesus’ words about His35. Satan (Matthew 16:23)

coming death, burial and resurrection, what

did Jesus call him?

36.What did Jesus say would be required of those36. They would have to deny themselves and take

who would follow Him? up their cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24)

37.Finish this quotation: “For whosoever will37. “…and whosoever will lose his life for my

save his life shall lose it…” sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:25).

38. What did Jesus say would not happen before 38. Some of those with Him would not die

the kingdom came with power? before then (Matthew 16:28).

39.Which of the disciples did Jesus take with Him39. Peter, James and John (Matthew 17:1)

to the mountain when He was transfigured?

40.Who did Peter, James and John see talking40. Moses and Elias (Elijah) (Matthew 17:3)

with Jesus when He was transfigured?

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41.When Peter suggested that they build three41. “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well

tabernacles, one for Moses, one for Elijah pleased, hear ye him” (Matthew 17:5).

and one for Christ at the transfiguration,

what did God speak from a cloud?

42.How much faith is necessary, according to42. Faith the size of a grain of mustard seed

Jesus, to move mountains and make nothing (Matthew 17:20)


43.When Peter reported that he had been asked43. He sent him out to catch a fish in which he

about paying tribute (taxes), how did Jesus found a coin to pay both Peter’s and His

deal with this? tribute (Matthew 17:24-27).

44.How did Jesus teach we must become in order44. As a little child (Mark 10:15)

to enter the kingdom of heaven?

45.What parable did Jesus use to teach God’s45. The parable of the lost sheep (the ninety and

care for each ONE of us? nine) (Luke 15:1-7)

46.Explain God’s way of handling trespasses46. Go talk to your brother alone and try to gain

(offenses, sins) between brethren. him as a brother; if he does not hear you, take

two witnesses and go back to him; if he still does not hear, tell it to the church (Matthew


47.How many times did Jesus tell Peter he should47. 70x7 (Matthew 18:22)

forgive a brother?

48.Why did Jesus tell the parable of the unmer-48. To illustrate how forgiveness works (Mat-

ciful servant? thew 18:23-35)

49.In the latter part of His ministry, why did49. Because the Jews sought to kill Him (John

Jesus walk in Galilee and not in Judea? 7:1)

50.What was the report of the officers to the50. “Never man spake like this man” (John 7:46).

chief priests and Pharisees concerning Jesus

and why they did not arrest Him?

51.When the scribes and Pharisees brought to 51. “He that is without sin among you, let him

Jesus a woman taken in adultery, what was first cast a stone at her” (John 8:7).

His response?

52.Finish this quotation: “And ye shall know the52. “…and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).


53.Finish this quotation: “No man, having put53. “…and looking back is fit for the kingdom of

his hand to the plough…” God” (Luke 9:62).

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54.What did Jesus give as the two great com-54. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all

mandments? thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,… thy neighbor as thyself.” (Mt. 22:37-39)

55.What parable did Jesus tell that teaches we55. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke

should help any person in need? 10:30-37)

56.Who were the main characters in the para-56. A priest, a Levite, a Samaritan, the injured

ble of the Good Samaritan? man (Luke 10:30-37)

57.What were the names of the two sisters57. Mary and Martha (John 11:1)

in whose house Jesus often visited?

58.When asked, concerning a man blind from58. “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents”

birth, “Who sinned?”, what was Jesus’ (John 9:3).


59.How did Jesus heal the man blind from birth,59. He made clay spittle and placed it on his eyes and

and on what day did this occur? told him to wash in the pool of Siloam. It was on

the Sabbath day. (John 9:6-7, 16)

60.Why did Jesus condemn the Pharisees when they60. He told them they were outwardly clean, but in-

accused Him of not washing His hands before wardly they were hypocrites (Mark 7:6-9; Matthew

meals? 15:2-9)

61. Why was the rich man in Luke 12 called “a fool”?61. He planned for his physical well-being, but not for

his soul (Luke 12:20-21).

62.Finish the following quotation: “For unto whom-62. “…of him shall be much required” (Luke 12:48).

soever much is given…”

63.Finish the following quotation: “I tell you, Nay,63. “…ye shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3).

but except ye repent…”

64.In the parable of the fig tree, how many years64. Three years (Luke 13:7)

had the owner checked the tree and found no


65.How did Jesus describe His caring attitude 65. He would have gathered Jerusalem as a hen

toward Jerusalem? gathers her chicks under her wings, but they

would not (Matthew 23:37).

66.In which parable did Jesus tell of a situation66. The parable of the great supper (Luke 14:16-

in which all the invited guests began to make 24)

excuses for not attending the dinner?

67.What excuses were offered for not attending67. Bought a field, must see it; must try out my

the great supper in Jesus’ parable? new oxen; have a new wife, cannot leave her

(Luke 14:16-24)

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68.Who did the Lord say could NOT be His68. Anyone who put his family or his own life be-

His disciple? fore following Him (Luke 14:26)

69.Over what are the angels of God joyful?69. One sinner who repents (Luke 15:7)

70.What parable did Jesus teach to explain joy70. The parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-

over a sinner’s returning to God? 24)

71.What parable was told by Jesus to teach His71. The parable of the unjust steward (Luke 16:

disciples to take advantage of their 1-10)


72.In the account of the rich man and Lazarus72. As a beggar who lay at the gate of the rich man

how was Lazarus described? covered with sores which the dogs licked

while he begged to eat the crumbs which fell

from the rich man’s table (Luke 16:20-21)

73.In the account of the rich man and Lazarus73. He wore purple and fine linen and ate bounti-

how was the rich man described? fully every day (Luke 16:19).

74.Describe the fate of the rich man and Lazarus.74. Lazarus was carried to Abraham’s bosom. The

rich man was sent to torment where he could

look and see Lazarus, but could not go to him

because of a great gulf between them (Luke


75. Where did Mary and Martha live?75. In Bethany (John 11:1)

76.How long had Lazarus been dead when Jesus76. Four days (John 11:39)

came to Bethany?

77.Who was high priest at the time of Lazarus’77. Caiaphas (John 11:49)


78.Who were the ten who were told by Jesus to78. Ten lepers whom He had healed (Luke 17:12-14)

go and show themselves to the priest?

79.How many of the ten lepers that Jesus healed79. One (Luke 17:15)

came back to say, “Thank you”?

80.Who did Jesus warn His disciples not to 80. Anyone who claimed to know of Christ’s com-

follow after? ing (Luke 17:20-24)

81.To whom did Jesus refer in warning His 81. Lot’s wife (Luke 17:29-32)

disciples not to turn back for anything?

82.Jesus told of two men who went to the temple82. A Pharisee and a publican (tax collector)

to pray. Who were they? (Luke 18:10-14)

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83.Describe each man’s attitude in Jesus’ story83. The Pharisee was proud, thankful he was “not

of the Pharisee and the publican. like other men”. The publican was humble

and would not even lift his eyes toward

heaven, calling himself a “sinner” (Luke 18:


84.Who approached Jesus wanting to know how84. The young ruler (Luke 18:18-23)

to receive eternal life and left sorrowful at

the answer he was given?

85.To what did Jesus compare the difficulty of a85. A camel passing through the eye of a needle

rich man’s going to heaven? (Luke 18:25)

86.In the parable of the laborers in the vineyard86. The householder paid all the laborers the same

why did some of the laborers murmur when wage without regard to the amount of time

it was time to be paid? they had worked (Matthew 20:1-16).

87.To whom did Jesus say He would be delivered,87. The Gentiles (Matthew 20:19)

mocked, scourged and crucified be-

fore rising on the third day?

88.What did Jesus tell His disciples often that they88. About His coming death and resurrection

never fully understood until after it happened? (Luke 18:31-34)

89.Who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus?89. Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-4)

90.Of what individual and action did Jesus say 90. Mary’s anointing of Jesus in Bethany. She

would be remembered wherever the gospel opened an alabaster box of costly spikenard

was preached? and anointed Him with it (Mark 14:3-9).

91.Why did Jesus send two of His disciples into91. To fulfill prophecy made by Zechariah

a village to find a colt that had never been (Zechariah 9:9; John 12:14)


92.What did Jesus do when He saw money-92. He overturned their tables and drove them out

changers in the temple? of the temple (Mark 11:15; Matthew 21:12).

93.What three parables did Jesus tell in the temple93. The parable of the two sons, the vineyard para-

to warn the Jews what would happen if they ble and the parable of the wedding feast (Mat-

refused to accept the preaching of the gospel? thew 21:28-22:10)

94.What was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees 94. “Whose is this image and superscription?

who asked, “Is it lawful to give tribute to Render to Caesar the things which are

Caesar?” Caesar’s” (Matthew 22:20-21).

95. Which sect (group) of the Jews did not be-95. The Sadducees (Matthew 22:23)

lieve in the resurrection?

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96.What was the question the Sadducees asked96. Whose wife she would be in the resurrection

concerning the woman who was married to (Matthew 22:28)

seven brothers, all of whom died without

having children?

97.Jesus prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem.97. They refused to repent and to receive the

Why was Jerusalem destroyed? teachings of Jesus (Matthew 23:37-38).

98.Why did Jesus say that the widow who gave98. Her giving was a sacrifice; the others gave of

two mites gave more than any of the others? their surplus (Mark 12:42-44).

99.What did Jesus say that signified the way in 99. “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will