Media Meeting

December 9, 2009

Waldo Pafford Elementary


1)Welcome Betsy and Evette of the Live Oak Public Library

a)Teen Programming

b)Programming suggestions

2)Children’s Book Week! Great Job!

3)Notes from Jeff- Any computers purchased this month and forward will come loaded with Windows 7 Pro. Please contact Jeff with any questions or concerns.

4)Accelerated Reader, Circulation Statistics, and netTrekker Statistics

5)Notes from Liberty County Media Committee Meeting

6)Book Return and AR Discussion: Teachers and students have embraced individual goals in Accelerated Reader. How are you ensuring that students continually have access to books, even during non-checkout periods?

a)Book Return Date for Holidays?

b)Are you advertising classroom libraries?

c)Students reading in the media center?

7)StoryBird- a collaboration tool- How will our story end?

a)StoryBird- presentation

8)2009-2010 Annual Technology Inventory Update

a)2008-2009 survey results:

b)Online survey is available December 14th at:

c)Glossary of Terms

d)Deadline for school approval: February 12th

9)Volunteers Needed! Would you like to help with the Division II Level Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl, February 27th at Southeast Bulloch High? Please email Donna Milner at or

10)HRRB Timeline

a)You have until December 11th to register your team online.

b)Please send me a list of your ten student HRRB members by January 8th.

c)Elementary HRRB- Will your team eat breakfast the day of the bowl, January 29th? Please email me a list of student names with their lunch number by January 15th

d)Volunteer Training for HRRB: January 7th 1:00pm- 2:00pm- If you are volunteering for any of the Liberty HRRBs please make plans to attend.

e)Remember to send home permission letters for the Liberty HRRB. Put in a field trip request at your school. Mrs. Spurlin will take care of the transportation request.

f)Medallion Vote


ii)Please order one medallion for each team member by Dec. 18th.

11) GA Tech Conference: Elaine and Melissa

12)Kindle Digital Reader- Sharon Dunham

13)Reluctant Reader workshop: Kristi

14)Post to MediaMatters@LCSS - How are you promoting the media festival at your school?

a)Project samples are available!

b)Superior school projects spreadsheet due to county by March 8th

c)Superior school projects due to county by March 11th

15)Renewing Accelerated Reader- Which products and how many users?


17)Next Media Meeting, Date and Time: