“Accreditation is defined in the ETQA Regulations as the certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, a body or an institution as having the capacity to fulfil a particular function in the quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications Authority in terms of the ACT”
In terms of the ETQA bodies Regulation NR1127 Chapter 2 Education and Training Quality Assurance Bodies under the heading Accreditation section 2(1) States:
“Education and training Quality Assurance Bodies shall be accredited in each sector by the authority for the purpose of monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of national a standards or qualifications, and to which specific functions relating to the monitoring and auditing of national standards or qualifications shall be assigned in terms of section 5(1)(b)(i) of the Act “.
In accordance to the SAQA Regulations, ETQA’s must :
  1. accredit providers for specific standards or qualifications
  2. Promote quality amongst providers
  3. Monitor provision by constituent providers
  4. Evaluate assessments and facilitate moderation amongst providers
  5. Register Assessors
  6. Take responsibility for the certification of learners
  7. Cooperate with the relevant body or bodies appointed to moderate across ETQA’s
  8. Recommend new standards or qualifications to the National Standards Bodies for accreditation
  9. Maintain a database acceptable to the Authority
  10. Submit reports to the authority
  11. Perform such other functions assigned to it by the authority
The W&RSETA ETQA is required by SAQA to fulfil certain obligations as highlighted above –one of these is to monitor constituent providers in the W&RSETA Sector (see point 1 above) .
  • Promotion of Justice Act (Act No. 3 of 2003)
  • SAQA Regulations No 19231 (roles of ETQA’s
  • SAQA 2001 Quality Management Systems for Education and Training Providers
  • SAQA 2001 Criteria and Guidelines for Providers
  • and Guidelines>All Documents
  • Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act No 108 of 1996)
  • Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (Act No. 3 of 2000)
  • South African Qualifications Authority Act (Act No. 58 of 1995)
  • Education and Training Quality Assurance Bodies Regulations (No. R 1127 of 1998)


(Please mark applicable box)

To grant accreditation to Provisionally Accredited Providers / Extension of scope (MOU)
A / The W&RSETA ETQA checks to see whether the prospective provider has the necessary requirements to be accredited provisionally for a period of two years.
A development plan is drawn up whereby both the provider and the ETQA agree on the terms and conditions as set therein.
To grant accreditation to Fully Accredited Providers / Extension of scope (W&RSETA Provider)
A / The W&RSETA ETQA checks to see whether the prospective provider has all the necessary requirements to be accredited fully for a period of five years.


Registered Trading Name / Trading as Name
Company legal status and Registration number / (Pty) Ltd / Closed Corporation / NGO / CBO
If organizations core business is training, are they registered with the DOE? / YES / NO
If yes, please supply number and proof
Date of Desk top evaluation (1) / YY/MM/DD / Date of follow up desk top evaluation (2) / YY/MM/DD
Name of Quality Assurer
Micro / Small / Medium / Large
BEE Compliant / Not BEE Compliant
Contact Person
Title / First Names / Surname
Physical Address / Postal Address
City / City
Post Code / Phone / Code / Number / Post Code / Fax / Code / Number
E- mail / Fax / Code / Number / Cell / Code / Number
Definition / This is defined in the ETQA Regulations as “that activity or objective within the sector upon which an organization or body concentrates its efforts” and includes the NQF registered standards and qualifications that would be quality assured by such an accredited ETQA.
Explanation / A body may be accredited as a provider by an ETQA whose primary focus coincides with the primary focus of the provider. The organization applying for accreditation is required to demonstrate that it is necessary to be accredited within the identified sector.
For which unit standards is the provider seeking accreditation for: Please list / U/S / U/S / U/S
U/S / U/S / U/S / U/S / U/S
U/S / U/S / U/S / U/S / U/S
Type of Training Provider / Delivery
(Training and formative assessments) / Assessment
(Summative and RPL Assessments) / Delivery and Assessment
(Delivers and manages assessment)
The provider has not received or applied for accreditation at another ETQA / YES / NO
Definition /
Explanation / In respect of adequate financial resources, the provider will be required to demonstrate that they have the necessary financial resources to sustain learning services throughout the period of accreditation. There should be proper budgetary and financial management processes in place including the allocation of resources adequate to the requirements for providing and developing quality learning services.
CRITERIA[1] / Please mark the applicable box and include the relevant information.
Registration as a legal entity* / Partnership / Private Company / Public Company / Close Corporation / Section 21 / Statutory Body / Trust / Registration Number
Company is tax compliant* / No / Yes / If Yes, Is a certified copy of the tax clearance certificate supplied? / Date valid from
YY/MM/DD / Expiry Date
No / Yes
SARS Number* / SDL Number
Company is financially sound. That the evidence has been provided to demonstrate that the provider will be able to financially sustain the operations during the accreditation period.* / Audited financial statements / Letter indicating that organisation is solvent and complies with generally accepted accounting practices
No / Yes / No / Yes
Company has Employment Equity Plan in place (this only applies if (i) company has more than 50 employees or (ii) company has less than 50 employees but a total annual turnover that is equal to or above the applicable annual turnover of a small business in accordance with the Act). / No / Yes
Ownership of or access to the resources and facilities required for provision* / List resources required for provision / Evidence of facilities owned/used and resources owned/used
List Attached / Lease Agreement / Deed / MOU
Attached / Attached / Attached
Additional resources such as software audio visual materials books, etc. are reasonably accessible to learners / YES / NO
Has the company submitted a business plan? / YES / NO
Definition / The requirement as per the SAQA criteria and guidelines for provider is that the provider has a quality management system which includes policies, procedures and mechanisms to review these.
Explanation / Therefore the provider must be able to demonstrate to the relevant ETQA that it has a quality management system which includes all of the above to ensure the degree of excellence specified for provision and assessment is achieved.
CRITERIA * / Compliance / Evidence / comments, good practices / Support Required / Development plan
Compliant / Minor Non-compliance / Non-Compliance
Does the company have a vision statement (Where the company wants to be)*
Does the company have a mission statement (The means the company will use to get where they want to be)*
Does the company have measurable quality objectives and purposes relating to ETD
Ways in which the provider listens to the views of its learners and employers that have sent learners (where relevant) and the manner in which this informs the way in which the learning programme will be reviewed in future
Quality Manual*
QMS Policies[2]*
Standard operating Procedures[3]*
Process Flows[4]
Templates /Tools*
Evidence that staff will be trained in the QMS
Review of QMS from input by staff, employers, clients, learners*
Procedures in place where minutes of meetings will be kept regarding QMS discussions
Ways in which the provider will listen to the views of its learners and employers that have sent learners (where relevant) and the manner in which this informs the way in which the learning programme will be reviewed in future
Internal customers are satisfied with provider products and services
Learner Satisfaction Surveys
Assessor feedback*
External customers are satisfied with provider products and services
Employer Satisfaction Surveys*
Definition /
Explanation / Sufficient staff (full time or contractual) suitably qualified in the subject or sector and assessment will have to be shown to be available to ensure quality of the learning experience and achievement of the specified unit standards or qualification.
Does the provider have the following in place? / Compliance / Evidence / comments, good practices / Support Required / Development plan
Compliant / Minor Non-compliance / Non-Compliance
There is a policy and procedure for recruitment, selection, appointment, promotion and termination*
There is a policy in place for staff development and staff development opportunities*
Staff selection criteria and evidence that will be used*
Is there a staff appraisal template
Is it envisaged that there will be a performance appraisal schedule for the year?
Proof of staff development i.e. ATR, WSP* (For levy paying companies)
Definition /
Explanation / Assessment can be defined as a measurement of the achievement of the learning outcomes
The education and training system is one in which learning attainment is based on achievement through appropriate assessment of learning outcomes specified in the NQF (National Qualifications Framework) registered standards and qualifications. Assessment can thus be defined as a measurement of the achievement of the learning outcomes
Does the provider have the following in place? / Compliance / Evidence / comments, good practices / Support Required / Development plan
Compliant / Minor Non-compliance / Non-Compliance
A range of assessment instruments are used in the assessment of learners*
Is the timing of assessments flexible in order to accommodate the various needs of learners *
Assessment information is provided to learners and assessors these include;
Learning outcomes;
Assessment criteria;
Assessment procedures and dates*
Records of assessment must be kept and learners must receive detailed and accurate feedback on their progress and performance*
How will learner results be submitted promptly to learners and employers, as well as the W&RSETA
Is there a learner record database*
How will learner results be securely stored and remain confidential
Storage facilities for materials and records*
Does the assessment cycle include both formative and summative assessments*
The assessments address both theoretical and practical components of the learning programme
Workplace contracts
(The workplace contracts for practical training that will be taking place.)*
Are the assessment methods and instruments/tools clearly defined*
Is there a document outlining steps to be followed in appeals process*
Outline of assessment plan including:
When learners will be assessed
How learners will be assessed
What assessment methods will be used*
Assessors work to common and explicit instructions for allocating results or judgements*
Outline of moderation procedures
Definition /
Explanation / Before learners enroll they need guidance about the choice of course or programme. Once enrolled they need information and guidance about payment or fees, registration procedures, requirements of the course, contact sessions and assessment procedures.
Does the provider have the following in place? / Compliance / Evidence / comments, good practices / Support Required / Development plan
Compliant / Minor Non-compliance / Non-Compliance
Learner records are kept and include learner biographical data*
Names and details of contact person/people responsible for learner support are provided
List of support services for learners
Before, during and after the training intervention*
Is there a RPL procedure for learner entry*
Will learners from different backgrounds and with either formal qualifications or their equivalents have access to the learning programme
i.e. implementing different selection procedures*
Career path mapped and defined to learners*
Is there a prospectus provided together with costs involved*
There is a policy in place which permits the repetition of courses for a limited number of times at no additional cost*
Definition /
Explanation / A key aspect of quality is the overall good governance for and the management of provision. Responsibilities and accountability thereof lies with the provider.
Does the provider have the following in place? / Compliance / Evidence / comments, good practices / Support Required / Development plan
Compliant / Minor Non-compliance / Non-Compliance
Examples of attendance registers are submitted and will be maintained and include; names, contact details, dates, course type, signatures of learners*
A training schedule will be in place where courses are pre planned with proper structure and time allocation
Control documents for the booking in and out of learner portfolios
Certificate register with serial numbers and signature of acknowledgement of receipt*
Database of learner information and learner records will be maintained*
Policies and procedures a re in place for the accurate capturing maintenance and regular updating of learner information*
Definition / A Learning programme is defined as the process through which the learner achieved standard/s or qualification
Explanation / Programmes are flexible and designed with national needs as well as the needs of prospective learners and employers in mind; their form and structure encourage access and are responsive to changing environments; learning and assessment methods are appropriate to the aims and purposes of the programme.
Does the provider have the following in place? / Compliance / Evidence / comments, good practices / Support Required / Development plan
Compliant / Minor Non-compliance / Non-Compliance
Is it stipulated that learner /facilitator and assessor feedback will be used to update the training material.
Evidence exists for reviewing and updating of training material.
Evidence exists that the W&RSETA will be informed about changes to the approved training material.
There is a policy and procedures in place for the design of the training material
There is evidence of how the training provider will assure the practical or experiential element of the learning programme*
There is evidence of how the training provider will management assessment across sites for the maintenance of learner information *
A needs analysis was utilised in the development of programmes i.e. research, national and provincial priorities and liaison with other professional bodies*
Definition / Assessor means the person who has been registered by the relevant ETQA in accordance with the criteria established for this purpose by a SGB to measure the achievement of specified national qualifications framework standard and or qualifications and “constituent” assessor has a corresponding meaning;
Moderator means the person who moderate the assessment
Explanation / A training provider who wishes to be accredited needs to have the relevant assessors registered in accordance to the scope that the training provider wishes to acquire. If an assessor is not registered for a specific unit standard or qualifications whilst the provider is and assesses the unit standards or qualification the assessment will not be recognized by the SETA and will be regarded as invalid.
Does the provider have the following in place? / Compliance / Evidence / comments, good practices / Support Required / Development plan
Compliant / Minor Non-compliance / Non-Compliance
Qualified and trained assessors. Please check the assessor application and reflect the names of all assessors.*
Qualified and trained moderators. Please check the moderator application and reflect the names of all moderators.
List the names of all facilitators*
Copy of employment contracts /service level agreements for the above staff members.*
Definition /
Explanation / While ETQA’s may add requirements, providers would be expected to report to ETQA’s in keeping with the SAQA reporting requirements.
Does the provider have the following in place? / Compliance / Evidence / comments, good practices / Support Required / Development plan
Compliant / Minor Non-compliance / Non-Compliance
There is a system and facilities in place for maintaining and updating detailed information about the past, present and future potential learners*
Learners have unique registration numbers*
There are contact details for learners*
Demographic information*
Background experience and previous qualifications are captured*
Special learning needs are captured*
Developmental Area / Activities involved / Responsible person / Time Frame / Review
Prospective Provider:I hereby declare that the above information that has been sent to the W&RSETA ETQA as well as the information that has been captured in the above document is true, accurate and correct. I am aware that the W&RSETA will validate and verify all this information during the site visit for the accreditation. I declare that this work is my own and I authorise the W&RSETA to keep the copy that I have sent in for future reference and validations.
Signature of applicant:


[1] * Minimum criteria for submission has been indicated where an astrix has been placed in the criteria column.

[2]Policy on learner repetition, Policy on learner support, Disability policy, Language policy, Communication policy (internal and external), Reporting policy, HIV /AIDS policy, Learner entrance and access policy, Administration policy, Certification policy, Database policy, Staff selection and recruitment, appraisal and development policy, Basic conditions of employment Act, Equity policy, Financial policy, Marketing policy, Appeals policy /Grievance, Non conformance and correction action policy, OHS policy, Review policy, RPL Policy, Learner satisfaction policy, Employer satisfaction policy, Assessment policy, Moderation policy (Internal and external), Skills development policy /WSP and ATR

[3] Procedures for the policies listed above

[4] Process flows for the procedures listed above