Black HillsWorks
3650 RangeRoad
Rapid City,SD 57709
Welcome to the BlackHills Works
Welcome...... 2
Purpose...... 3
History...... 3
Mission,Vision,and Standards ofPerformance...... 4
SoWhat Will You BeDoing?
Volunteer Positions ...... 5
Confidentiality ...... 6
Ending Your Services ...... 6
Code of Business Ethics and Conduct ...... 6
Dress Code ...... 6
Health and Safety ...... 7
WhatYouCan ExpectfromBHW
Training...... 7
Supervision and Support...... 7
Communication...... 7
SupportingPeople with Disabilities ...... 8
ThankYou!...... 10
WelcometoBlack HillsWorks! Onbehalfof ouremployeesand thepeople we
support, Iwant totell you howpleased we are that you’ve decided to join us.Asa volunteer, you will playan important role in ourmission of―creatingacommunitywhere everyone participatestoachieve a life of full potential.‖
Since itsinceptionin 1958,BlackHillsWorkshasbenefittedgreatlyfrom the workof volunteerslike you.Volunteershave assistedwith everything fromSpecial Olympicsand other recreational activities, tofundraisingandspecial events. Today,evertighteningbudgets combined with thedesireofthosewe serve toliveincreasinglymoreactive lives make volunteersabsolutelyessential toour mission.We will be able todo what we dofarbetterwith yourhelp.
Asyou build relationships with the peoplewe serve and ourdedicated employees,we hope youfind volunteering at Black HillsWorks arewardingandfulfilling experience.Please knowwe appreciateimmeasurablyyourwillingness toshare your time, talent, and effort.You
will be making a difference in thelives ofthe people serve.
Brad Saathoff
ChiefExecutive Officer
Purposeofthe Volunteer Program
TheBlack HillsWorksvolunteerprogramexiststo enhancethe programsof the Black HillsWorks andenrich thelives ofthose we support byallowing for moreinteractionwith communitymembers, creating more opportunities tobe active and caringvolunteers,and providingtheadditional support neededto helpaccomplish theirgoalsandlive alifeof full potential.
AbouttheBlackHills Works
BlackHillsWorksisa private,nonprofit corporationin Rapid City, SD established in 1958with thegoal ofprovidingqualityservices and supportstopeople with disabilities.It meetscertification orlicensing requirementsbynumerous stateandfederal agenciesand is accredited bythe Council onQualityand Leadership.
Weserve over600 individualsage 16and olderwith various disabilities includinglearning and developmental disabilities,visual and hearing impairments,headtrauma,chronicmental illness,physical impairments, and others.Throughout vocational trainingandEmployment Resources, we also provide ourbusinesscustomerswithbusinesssolutions and adependable workforce.
Ourservicesto individualswith disabilities includeevaluation and assessment; treatment
(speech, occupational,and physical therapy;psychological services); training; education;
health caremanagement and personal nursing care;casecoordination;social and recreational activities;sensorydevelopment activities;elderlyservices;transportation; financialtrust services;information andreferral; respitecare;supportedlivingand employment;andsupport services asindividualsassumemore independence.
In ourResidential Services program,we providea varietyofchoicesand living opportunitieswhich lead tofurther independence.BlackHillsWorksoperateseight group homes andseven supervised apartmentcomplexes.Wealsoprovide supports in several apartment complexes throughoutRapid City,andmany individualslive independentlyin the community. Thetype ofresidence selected isbased oneachpersonalities,abilities and desires. Dailysupportor instruction isbasedon individual needs.
Vocational trainingprogramsinclude avarietyof manufacturing,electronics,andpackaging subcontracts,aswell as janitorial andfood services.
Our Employment Resources Division assistspeople tofindjobsinthecommunity. Employment techniciansprovide individualized instruction atthejob site as well as continuing support totheemployer. People served byEmploymentResources are involved ina wide assortmentof jobs including food service,housekeepingandjanitorial, maintenance, light manufacturing and packaging. CommunityTransitionsisaspecialized programmeeting the multiple needsofindividualswho have survived a headtrauma.
TheBlack HillsWorks exists tocreatea Communitywhere everyone participatesto achieve alife of full potential.
The vision oftheBlackHillsWorks isa Communitywhere all People aregood neighbors,valuedfriends,productive workers, respected leaders, andcaringvolunteers.
Standardsof Performance
Asa part ofour agency, willyou commit to:
Provide excellentcaretothepeople we support.
Demonstratea positive attitude. Strive to exceed all expectations.
Be apositive rolemodel.
Be honest.
Takeresponsibilityformy learning.
Showpride in whatIdo.
Be compassionate. Address everyone byname.
Treateveryone withfairness,honesty,andcourtesy.
Eliminate negativityand backbiting.
Usebodylanguageandwords that showrespect.
Recognize the value ofothers. Protectconfidentialityand privacy.
Be involved.
Ask questionswith awillingnesstolearn.
Beflexible,supportingand promotingchange. Encourageandcelebrating othersto betheirbest. Recognize everyone'scontributions.
Be a teammember–―we‖insteadof"me".
BeAccountable Eliminate avoidance. Be on time.
SaywhatI mean, meaning whatI say. Acceptconsequencesofpersonal decisions.
So WhatWillYouBeDoing?
Volunteersplaya vital role in our mission. Manyof the individuals supportedbyBlack HillsWorkshave thedesire and skillsto participatein educational, recreational,andleisure activities,but they need resources, friends, and support to accomplish thesegoals. Volunteershelp provide thisadditional support tohelp createa communitywhere everyone isachievingalifeof full potential.
Volunteersplaya numberof rolesat BHW. Fromcreatingart projectstocooking meals,attending Summer Nightson7thtogoing hiking andfishing, cleaning apartmentstoassisting onthe computer, everyperson at BHWhasindividual needsand interests. Becauseof thisvariety,we are confidentwe canfindan areato volunteer that matchesyourpersonal interests, skills,andgoals.
Someexamples ofvolunteer activities are:
Church volunteersaccompanyindividuals to church andchurch socialfunctions.
Vocational and residential volunteersassist staff in developingvocational or livingskillsand providing support in ahomesetting.
Sportsvolunteersassist with Special Olympicsor individualized athletic activities suchasswimming, weight lifting,golf, orbasketball.
One-to-one volunteerssharetime with someone with commoninterests.
Correspondence volunteersgive people who have littlefamilycontactthepleasureof receivingcards
and lettersinthemail.
Butthese are notyouronlyoptions.Your interestsand creativityeliminates any limitson the activities that you can participate in. And when you begin workingcloselywith another person, thenumber ofpossibilitiesincreases exponentially.
Confidentialityhas two elements:1) thatof trust, and 2)thatofsharinginformation with the feelingof securitythat it will remain with the other person.Weexpect all membersoftheagency to upholdthe highestlevelsofconfidentialitywhen itcomestobothour staffand peoplewe support. This includes written andelectronicrecords,email, facetofaceand phone conversations,needtoknowbasisforinformation,HIPAA, etc.Thisguaranteeofprivacyto an applicantorpersonwe provide services to isintended tofree him/her fromembarrassment or exploitation.Weneedtorefrainfromtalkingabout a person served ortheircircumstancesin publicareasofhomes,workorofficeswhere othersmayoverhearordirectlywith another employee orperson who does nothave aneedtoknow.Wealso needtoinsurethat private information isnotleft onprintersordeskswheresomeonemayinadvertentlyaccessit.
All new volunteersareexpected toreadtheagencypolicies onConfidentialityand to sign-off on theConfidentialityand Ethical Practices Agreementforms (attached). Volunteersthat end theirservice with ouragencyareexpectedtocontinue torespect theprivacyand confidentiality ofthe peoplethat are supportedattheagency.Names, circumstances,eventsare nevertobe shared with anyone outside theagencyoranyone in theagencywho doesnothave aneedto know.
Q -Aneighborinquiresaboutapersontheyknow whohappenstohaveadisability. She is wonderingif weprovideservicestothispersonand isasking abouttheir disability. CanI talk aboutit since she knowsthem?
A-No,simplystatethat due toconfidentialityyouareunable toconfirm ornotconfirmif someonereceivesservices at our agencyortalkabout them,even if theyarefriends.Shecan ask theperson hisorherselfandtheycanchoosetosharewhat theywantshared.
(Adaptedfrom AgencyPolicy,DocID:POL1097)
Volunteersare not required to provide notice priortoending theirservice with theAgency. Wehope,however,that volunteerswill provide anyavailable noticein theform of e-mail or
phone call totheVolunteerCoordinatorofwhen theirservice will end.Weunderstandthat unforeseeneventsoccurandrespectthe volunteers’ rightsto endtheir service atanytimethey seefit.
Codeof BusinessConductandEthics
Additional agencypoliciesregarding Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of those we support, HarassmentandDiscrimination,Receiving gifts, and otherinformation, is found in theCode of
BusinessConductand Ethicsbooklet.Pleasefamiliarize yourselfwith ouragencypolicies and contact the VolunteerCoordinatorifyou have anyquestions.
All volunteersare expected tofollowthe same dress codeasthestaff members intheirwork area. Intheresidentialand day-program settings, volunteersmustweartennisshoes orother
closed-toeshoesand clothing thatdoesnot restrict mobility.Jeans andt-shirtare allowed.Be suretotalk to your supervisoraboutappropriatedress ifyou have any questions.
I. Volunteersarenot coveredbytheagency’sworkercompensation;however,thegeneral liabilitypolicydoes covervolunteers.
II. Weare adrugfree workplace.Using alcohol or illegal drugs isnotallowed.Employees supervisingvolunteersmayhave access toprescription drugs,controlled substancesand medical supplies aspart oftheir job and volunteers maycome incontact with thesesubstances during their service.Wehave alegal andethical responsibilityto maintainstrict control over these items.Report anyproblemsto yourimmediatesupervisor.
Volunteersareprohibitedfrom ingestion, possession,trafficking, manufacture,dispensing, or distribution ofanyamountofillegalmood-altering,controlled substancesatall times.Thisincludes,but isnotlimited to,allformsofnarcotics,depressants, amphetamines,hallucinogens,and marijuana.Violationwill resultin immediateremovalfrom the worksite andtermination of service,andthe violation will be reportedtotheRapid City Police Department.Long-term volunteers(those volunteerswho intend toserve beyond asingle event)are eligibleto beselectedfor randomdrug test.
What You Can Expect from BHW
All volunteerswill receive trainingpriortoentering their service area. Trainingwill include an introductiontotheBlackHillsWorks andan overviewofall VolunteerPolicies.After theagency training,volunteerswill report totheir service areawhere theywill begiven area-specifictraining bytheir supervising staff.
Volunteerswill be selected bythe VolunteerCoordinatorandplaced byagreementbetween the VolunteerCoordinatorandtheVolunteer Ambassador foraspecificdepartment.During thevolunteer’sservice,theywill be undertheimmediatesupervision of the department VolunteerAmbassadorand department staff.
Anydiscrepancies thatarise onbehalfofeither the volunteer(s)or the supervisingstaffwill be reportedtotheagency VolunteerCoordinatorand directed tothe appropriate agencyadministration.
Wewant thisexperience tobe asenrichingand rewarding foryou asfor the people we support.Yourhappinessisextremely important tous,and we will do anything in our powerto assistyourneeds. Ifyouknowofa waythatyour service or the Agencycould beimproved, contact the VolunteerCoordinatororanother staff member;we areopentosuggestions.
Neverbe afraid tocontactastaff memberorask them aquestion.Theyare thereto help you. Thesamegoesfor the Volunteer Coordinator. Ifyou havequestionsorconcernsaboutyourservice,contacttheCoordinatorand heorshe will gladlytalk to you and worktoresolveany issues that arise.
Thingsto RememberWhen Interactingwith People with Disabilities
A personwith adisabilityisa person –someone to meetandgettoknow. Remember that individualswith disabilities are more similarto you thandissimilar.
Encourage conversationand interaction between yourselfandthemembers.
Promotethe active participation oftheindividual with adisability in all aspectsof the activity.
Appreciatewhat the person isableto do.
Offerassistance onlyifasked,orif the needseemsobvious.
Respect the individual’s righttoindicatethekindofhelp needed.
A personwith adisability mayneedsometimetospeak orgetthingsdone.
Neverletthedisabilitydefine theperson. Ratherthan saying – “Bobisdisabled,” say – “Bob
isa person witha disability.”
Discuss thedisability ifit comesnaturally into theconversation.
Speak directlytotheperson rather thanthrougha companionorsignlanguage interpreter.
Offertoshakehandswhen introduced.
Alwaysidentifyyourself when meeting someonewith avisual disability. Ifyou offerassistance,waituntilthe offerisaccepted.
Treatadultsasadults; neverpatronize people inwheelchairsbypatting themonthe head orshoulder.
Do notleanagainstorhang onsomeone’swheelchairorcart.
Listen attentivelywhen talking with people who have difficultyspeaking and wait for them tofinish. Neverpretendto understand, ratherrepeat whatyou heardand wait for them torespond.
Place yourselfateye level when speakingto aperson using awheel chair.
Tapa person who hasahearing disabilityon theshoulderorwave yourhand togethis orherattention.Speakin normal toneofvoice.
Be yourself.
Gettingthe Conversation Started
- Whatwas thelast movie you wentout to see?
- Howlonghave you been with the BlackHillsWorks?
- Whatwas your favoriteouting ever?
- What isyourfavoriteTV show?
- Wheredo you work/goto school?Whatdo you do during the day?
- Whatare yourplansfor theweekend?
- What isyour mom, dad,sister,brother,andpet’sname?
- Howold are they?
- Whatdotheydofora living?
- What isyour middle name?
- Whatdid you havefor breakfast thismorning?
- What isyourfavoritefood?
- What isyour least favoritefood?
- What isyourfavorite snack?
- What isyourfavoriteCD orkindofmusic?
- Whatstation doyou listen toontheradio?
- Wheredo you liketo shop?
- Ifyou couldgoon vacation anywhere in the world,where would you go?
- What isyourfavoritesport towatch?
- Who is your favoriteplayer?
- Areyou amorning person ora nightowl?
- What isyourfavoritekind ofice cream?
- What isyourfavoriteholiday—whatdo you eaton theholidays?
- Ifyou won the lottery, whatwould you buy?
- What isyourfavoritejoke?
- Ifyou couldmeet onefamousperson,who would you wanttomeet?
- Ifyou could askthe presidentof the UnitedStates onething, whatwoulditbe?
- What isthescariest movie you’ve everseen?
- Ifyou werean animal, what kind ofanimal would you wantto be?
- What isyourfavoriteHalloween costume?
- Ifyou hadthreewishes,whatwould youwish for?
- Whatarequalities ofagoodfriend?
- Whatthingsmake youhappy?
- Whatare yourhobbies?
- Whatdo you liketo dowhen you’refeeling bored?
- Whatare your greatestaccomplishments?
- Whatare somethings to doduring a long car ride?
- Whatare your favorite thingsto do inthe summer(fall,winter, spring)?
Obviously,yourservice providesus with helpwegreatlyneed,but this isn’tjustabout us. We wantyou to getsomethingoutofourpartnership.Didyou knowvolunteeringcan benefityou, thevolunteer*:
Teachyourskills to others
Enhanceyour résumé
Expressgratitudeforhelpyoumayhavereceivedin thepastfroman organization Communicateto othersthatyou areambitions,enthusiastic,and careaboutthe community Makeadifferenceinsomeone’slife
Finally, we wouldliketosay, “Thank You.”Ourorganizationis betterbecauseofyou, andwe hopeyourlife isbetterfor theserviceyouaredoing.