
Date due: Friday 19th May, 2017 = Compulsory Tasks

You should read 5 out of 7 days a week for at least 10 minutes. Parents/carers are asked to sign the record sheet each day their child reads.
Alternatively, you can carry on with your First Ministers Challenge. /
Follow instructions on worksheets (complete tasks for each week).
‘Learn Its’
Follow instructions on booklet.

Be a Journalist
Look out for a news story that interests you (it can be from a newspaper or online) and bring in the story to share with the class. / Be a Mathlete
Log in to Mathletics and complete the assigned tasks. Remember you can play live too!
. / Be a Researcher
Research an aircraft, ship or tank that took part in WW2. You can draw a diagram, make a poster, iMovie, etc. And share with the class.
Be You 1!Record an activity that you have undertaken recently and discuss the skills that you have developed whilst doing it. / Be Informative
Create a leaflet giving details to people about how to stay safe during an air raid. Don’t forget to include information on gas masks, shelters, air raid sirens, air raid warden etc,
/ Be Creative
Make your own artefact from World War 2 – this could be a rationing book, an evacuation case, a gas mask, soldier’s helmet or a medal.
Be You 2!Record an activity that you have undertaken recently and discuss the skills that you have developed whilst doing it. / Be Reflective
Think back over your learning from the past year. What have been your highlights? What would you like to do differently next year? Which learning power has helped you the most? Share this with someone at home and/or your class in any way you like. / Be a War Time Cook
Research a war time recipe and cook/bake it with the rationed ingredients.


§  Homework grid should be completed within four weeks. The 4 compulsory tasks must be completed and then you must choose 4 more additional tasks.

§  Please tick the boxes once the task has been completed and then both you and a parent/carer should sign at the bottom of the page.

Pupil Signature______Parent/Carer Signature______