

(Text 1)

M: This is the dining room.

W: Good. What I want to know is what time they serve breakfast.

(Text 2)

W: Can you tell me where the schoolmaster’s office is?

M: I’m on my way there. Come with me.

(Text 3)

M: How often do you write home?

W: I used to write home twice a month.

(Text 4)

M: How much are these discs, please?

W: 2 for 9 dollars. They used to be 6 dollars each.

M: Can you make the price lower?

W: Well, if you take all of the 4 discs, it’s only 16 dollars.

(Text 5)

W: What are you going to study?

M: It’ll either be history or art.

W: Which do you like better?

M: Actually, I’d like to take them both if I could.

(Text 6)

W: Hello.

M: Hello. This is Terry. May I speak to Joe?

W: I’m sorry but he’s not here right now. Would you like to leave a message?

M: Yes. Please tell him Terry called to remind him of the tennis club meeting at 3:30 this afternoon.

W: All right, I’ll tell him. May I have your phone number in case he needs to call you?

M: Yes, it’s 7845148. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

W: Goodbye.

(Text 7)

M: We seem to be having this conversation over and over again.

W: You are right.

M: Look, I know how you feel about my smoking. You don’t have to tell me every day.

W: I’m sorry. I worry about you.

M: I know, Mom. But I have so much stress at school. Maybe I’ll be able to quit after I graduate.

W: Let’s be honest. There’s always going to be a reason. After you graduate, it’s going to be hard to find a job, then there will be the stress from just starting a job, then ...

M: OK, I get your point. It’s just so hard. You don’t really understand because you never smoke.

W: But your dad quit smoking! You should ask him for help.

(Text 8)

M: Hello, Mary. You look tired this morning.

W: Oh, I didn’t get home until 11:30 last night. I went to a party and had a lot of fun.

M: Whose party was it?

W: Jane’s. It was her birthday. She invited thirty guests.

M: Wow! It must have been nice. Jane is good at throwing parties.

W: Yes. There were lots of nice boys; the food and drinks were the best, and we had the latest pop music to dance to. I usually dance with Frank, but he wasn’t there, so I danced with Colin Robertson.

M: Did you enjoy dancing with him?

W: Yeah. And he said he liked the way I was dressed.

M: What did you wear last night?

W: I wore my long blue dress and a pair of silver shoes.

M: That must have been perfect on you.

W: It really was.

(Text 9)

M: Have you ever visited a redwood forest?

W: No. I’ve never seen a redwood tree.

M: I recently had the chance to go to MuirWoodsNational Monument, 12 miles north of San Francisco.

W: What’s it? A redwood forest?

M: It is part of the National Park Service. It protects 559 acres, of which 240 acres are old growth Coast Redwood forests.

W: Wow, sounds great! Are the redwood trees there tall?

M: Yes. The coastal redwood trees are the tallest living things. Some are more than three hundred and fifty feet high. But none of the trees at Muir Woods is that high.

W: I’ve heard that many redwood trees are thousands of years old. Are the trees in Muir Woods that old?

M: The oldest coastal redwood tree on record is more than a thousand years. The trees in Muir Woods are 400 to 800 years old.

W: What kind of climate do redwood trees like?

M: They like a wet, foggy climate.

W: No wonder the trees in Muir Woods have survived hundreds of years. They’re near foggy San Francisco.

M: Yes, that’s probably why.

W: I am now quite curious about the redwood trees. I hope I can visit MuirWoodsNational Monument some day.

(Text 10)

Mr. Black works in an office in London, but he lives in the countryside and comes to work by train every day. As the station is not very far from his office, Mr. Black always goes on foot, and he always goes along the same street. Every evening he passes a poor man near a bridge. The man always sits there, selling matches and there is always an old dog near him. There is a piece of wood around the dog’s neck, with the words “I’m blind” written on it. Mr. Black is a kind man. He gives him a little money every day but never takes any of his matches.

Yesterday, Mr. Black had a lot of work to do in his office and was very late. He came to the man and his dog, but he did not stop. He walked quickly toward the railway station. But the poor man stood up quickly, ran after him and said, “You haven’t given me anything today. You’re always kind to me.” Mr. Black stopped and looked at the man. Then he said, “You are a blind man. How did you follow me?” The poor man said, “I’m not blind. My dog is.”


1-5 ABBCC 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 CBBAB16-20 CCABA

21-25 BBCDD 26-30 DCBBC 31-35 ACCCB

36-40 BCDDB 41-45 BCCAC 46-50 ACCBA 51-55 BCCBD

56-60 BCDAD 61-65CDBBD 66-70 CDBBA 71-75 DBEGC


1.meaningfully改为meaningful 2.for改为as 3. week改为weeks

4. bored 改为boring 5. too改为so 6.去掉got后to

7.after改为before 8. mean改为means 9.really 后加a



As the summer vacation is approaching, recently our class has had a heated discussion on whether senior students should take a part – time job. Opinions are divided as follows.

60% of the students support the idea. As to them, taking a part – time job, senior students can improve their communicative skills. In addition, not only can their life be enriched, but also they can know better about society.

However, the rest disagree. They think it will take up much of the students′time, which will have a bad influence on their study and rest.

In my opinion, I suggest senior students should keep a balance between lessons and a part- time job, so that we students can get our studies improved and meanwhile broaden our horizons by doing a part- time job.