Farm to Cafeteria: 2014Farmer Evaluation


Name of person filling out form:______

Contact Information: (phone/email) ______

We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this brief survey regarding your farm operations and farm to school experiences. This information will be used to evaluate the Farm to Cafeteria program so that we can better serve your needs, help track local food purchasing trends across the state, and collect foundational information to strengthen the program as we continue to work together in the future. Thanks!

Please reach out to us if you need any assistance or have further questions:

Alena Paisano, , 505-473-1004 ext.16,

Shauna Woodworth, , 505-660-4287

Farm Information

  1. Name Of Farm______
  2. Geography (City, County) ______
  3. Approximate size of farm ______acres, in production of fruits and vegetables ______acres
  1. Which of the following products do you currently grow:

____Cluster Tomatoes ____Cherry Tomatoes (mix)___Grape Tomatoes(red)____Cucumbers ____Zucchini/Summer Squash ____Bell/Sweet Peppers ____Onions ____Spinach ____Salad Greens ____ Other Greens ____ Head Lettuce ____Green Chile ____Jalapenos ____ Herbs ____ Corn ____Potatoes ____Apples ____Cantaloupe ____Honeydew ____Watermelon ____Peaches ____Plums ____Dried Beans

Other ______

  1. What are your current markets (please list all)______
  2. ______
  3. Does your farm have any of the following certifications:

____GAP Certification (Please describe) ______

____Food Safety Manual (Please describe) ______

____Organic Certification (Please describe) ______

____NMSU Co-operative Extension traceability training. Agent:______

____Other (Please describe) ______

  1. Do you have product liability insurance? ____YES ____NO. What is your coverage?______


  1. The following are standard documentation and requirements for school sales. Please check below to indicate the practices you employ on your farm.

____Product Liability Insurance

____Farm Map (including products and row feet/acre)

____Harvest Log

____Washing Log

____Packing Log

____Product Recall Procedure

____Invoicing Procedure

____New boxes

  1. Do you have a washing station for post-harvest handling? ____YES ____NO
  2. Do you have cold storage? ____YES____NO
  3. Are you able to distribute your product? ____Yes ____NO How far are you willing to drive to access a market?

(Please describe)______

Local Food (New Mexico Grown)

  1. Did you participate in the Farm to Cafeteria program or make independent school sales in the 2013-14 school year? ____YES ____NO (Please skip to question 2)

Approximately how much did you sell to schools in 2013-14? ($/lbs) ______

What products did you sell to schools? ______


What were some of the challenges when selling to schools?______


What are some of the benefits when selling to schools? ______


  1. Why do you want to participate in Farm to Cafeteria/sell to schools? ______


  1. Would you be interested in expanding your production to meet the demand of school sales? _____YES _____NO

Please describe ______

  1. Do you know other farmers in yourarea who may be interested in school sales?____YES ____NO

Please describe______

  1. What products would you be interested in growing for school sales?

____Cluster Tomatoes ____Cherry Tomatoes(mix)___Grape Tomatoes(red)____Cucumbers ____Zucchini/Summer Squash ____Bell/Sweet Peppers ____Onions ____Spinach ____Salad Greens ____ Other Greens ____ Head Lettuce ____Green Chile ____Jalapenos ____ Herbs ____ Corn ____Potatoes ____Apples ____Cantaloupe ____Honeydew ____Watermelon ____Peaches ____Plums ____Dried Beans

Other ______

  1. Would you be interested in participating in any of the following Farm to School activities to benefit your local schools?

____ Provide promotional materials (logo, photos, brochure, etc.)

____ Technical support for school gardens/greenhouses

____ Farmer in the classroom/cafeteria

____ Local food tastings

____ Hosting farm visits for students

____ Hosting farm tours for school staff, administration, and policy makers

Other: ______