Curriculum Document
Name: Julie Huss
Grade Level: 8
Name of Unit: My Side of the Mountain
Content Standards
A.8.1 Use effective reading strategies to achieve their purposes in reading.
A.8.2 Read, interpret and critically analyze literature.
A.4.2 Plan, revise, edit and publish clear effective writing.
F.4.1 Conduct research and inquiries on self-selected or assigned topics, issues or problems and use appropriate form to communicate their findings.
Big Idea:
How will students use their reading strategies and knowledge of technology to effectively complete the related tasks?
-One copy for each student of My Side of the Mountain.
-Computers with internet access along with Microsoft Word.
-I-Pod Touches
-My Side of the Mountain Recording
Lesson Plan
1. After reading the book as a whole group using differentiated techniques (small group, choral reading, listening on the I-Pod, and whole group), the students will complete the following activities.
2. The students will begin by writing a reader’s response. The students will write a paragraph that directs relates to one of the three prompts below.
1. “The land is no place for a Gribley, and here I am 300 feet from the beach, with Gribley carved on it.”
2. “I can talke about that first right now, although it is still embarrassing to me because I was so stupid and scared, that I hate to admit it.”
3. “I was stuffed on catfish. I have since learned to cook it more, never have I enjoyed a meal as much as that one, and never have I enjoyed a meal as much as that one, and never have I felt so independent again.”
In preparation for writing their story, complete one graphic organizer to help
them organize your ideas. They will have a variety to choose from.
Complete a first draft. Self-assess their work using the scoring guide.
Have at least one peer edit the first draft. They should complete the
scoring guide after editing.
After making corrections, complete the final draft.
3. The next task is for the students to take a virtual tour of the Catskill Mountains
using the link listed. as a large
4. The students will then be assigned to a computer to take an internet scavenger hunt using the worksheet provided.
5. Next, the students will then be asked to complete an online survival quiz.
6. The students will then end their unit by visiting the author’s website. The students will construct an email regarding a question they have about the book or other books the author may have written. They need to print off their email for it to be assessed. This will be assessed as complete or incomplete.
Formative and Summative Assessments
Students will be assessed throughout the unit based upon teacher observations, written work through percentages including a written test and different projects using rubrics and checklists (completed/not completed). If the students do not complete an activity/task that is assessed using a check off system, they will need to complete it on their time with the teacher. See attached rubrics.