US1H Chapters 10 and part of 11 test review sheet

n  What challenges did US face during its early period?

n  Battle of Fallen Timbers

- Anthony Wayne

- Treaty of Greenville

n  Jay Treaty

n  Pinckney Treaty

n  Cabinet: define it.

- Who made up GW’s cabinet?: sec. of state, etc.

n  First head of the Senate?

n  First Speaker of the House?

n  First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

n  Strict constructionist

n  Loose constructionist

n  Hamilton’s plan for dealing with debt

- Why didn’t South like it?

- What was compromise made?

- Define excise tax and import tariff.

n  Whiskey Rebellion

- Cause?

- Significance?

- Washington’s response?

n  French Revolution (1789)

- Hamilton’s vs. Jefferson’s view

- Treaty of Alliance

- Genet affair

- How did Britain and France interfere with US trade during their war?

- What was Washington’s decision?

- Neutrality Proclamation

n  Main ideas of Washington’s Farewell Address?

n  Washington, D.C.

- Benjamin Banneker

- First president to live in White House?

n  Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans

- Why did political parties develop?

- Leaders of each party?

- Beliefs?

- Supporters?

- Pro-French or pro-British? Why?

n  Election of 1796

- Who won?

- Define caucus.

n  Problems with the French during Adams’ administration

- French tried to influence 1796 election in favor of who?

- French interfered with US trade: how?

- French didn’t like Jay Treaty: why?

- XYZ Affair

- Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

- Convention of 1800

- Napoleon Bonaparte

- How did Adams’ actions hurt him?

n  Alien and Sedition Acts

- Why were they created?

- What did each say?

n  Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

- Who created them?

- Why were they created?

- nullification

n  Election of 1800

- Why did this election go to the House?

- 12th Amendment

- “revolution of 1800”

n  Jefferson’s presidency

- What Federalist policies did he change? What policies did he keep?

- Albert Gallatin

- Marbury v. Madison

- “midnight judges”

- James Madison

- Chief Justice John Marshall

- What was the decision?

- judicial review

- Louisiana Purchase

- What problems did Jefferson have with purchase?

- Precedent set by purchase?

- Lewis and Clark expedition

- Sacajawea

- Benefits/gains of purchase?