Blaeser’s Bits
March 17 – March 28
(Two Weeks)
We will continue to work in Chapter 13 as we learn about area and perimeter. We are also learning to find the area of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into separate rectangles. We will continue with this chapter throughout the week and will have a Chapter 13 test during the following week. We will then begin Chapter 11 as we move into measurement. We will measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams, kilograms, and liters.
Language Arts
We finished our study of Thurgood Marshall, and we will now begin learning about Lyndon B. Johnson. He was the 36th President of the United States, from 1963 – 1968. He used his position to work for laws that he thought would make life better for people in the United States. He also argued for laws to protect civil rights, such as the right to vote. Students brought home a study guide yesterday. We will have our test on Friday. Next week we will learn about Cesar Chavez. He helped farm workers in California get better working conditions and recognition of their rights.
Social Studies
We are finishing up Chapter 5 as we wrap up our unit on economy and the productive resources. Our test on this Chapter is tomorrow. Students brought home a study guide yesterday. Next week we will review Chapter8 as we review the branches and levels of government. We will not have a test on this Chapter before Spring Break. We have been learning about five of the rivers in the United States. Our class was divided into groups. Each group researched information about the rivers and completed a group project. Each group presented their project to the class, and they did an amazing job!
We will begin Chapter 5 in our Science text as we study magnets and learn how to identify common objects that are attracted to magnets and how magnets attract and repel each other. We will have our test on magnets next Wednesday. We will then move to Chapter 4 in our Science text book as we learn about heat. Our study of heat will correlate with our High Touch High Tech lesson which is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26. Students will learn to identify three or more ways to produce heat such as burning, rubbing (friction,) and mixing. We will also learn about the effects of insulation on heating and cooling.We will study Sort 20 this week as we learnto identify spelling patterns of plural words. The following week we will work on Sort 21 as we learn to identify final –y spelling patterns.
This WeekNext Week
Thurs. ArtThursdayMusic
Fri. PEFridayPE
Thank you to Anne Davidson for being Story Parent this week, and toJill Pollard for being Story Parent next week.
Our Target day is Friday. If you are scheduled for Story Parent and would like to come in on another day instead, that is certainly okay. Just let me know, and we will work out a time that is convenient for you.
As you can see from this newsletter, we are very busy! I am sending home a calendar tomorrow with all test dates and other events, so that you will have a quick “at a glance” view of the next two weeks.