Univeristy of southern California



Rainbow Floor Application

Please complete the following application and email this application to the LGBTResourceCenterto. The Rainbow Floor selection committee will notify you via e-mail whether you have been selected to live on the floor.

Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Student ID:
Current Campus Address
Room #:
Contact Phone Number
(i.e. cell)


Please return this application to or call 213.740.7619 for more information.

Please return this application to or call 213.740.7619 for more information.

Written Statement

Please complete the following questions to the best of you ability. Each response must beno more than 200 words.

  1. Why would you like to live on the rainbow floor next academic school year? In addition, what do you hope to gain from the experience of living on the rainbow floor?
  1. How have you been active in the LGBT community in the past and what contributions would you like to make in the future?

The roommate I have selected is:
If only I am selected, I would rather: / (click to select your answer)enter the lottery with my roommate.live in this special interest community.
The apartment/suitemates I have selected are:
If not all of my group is selected, I would rather: / (click to select your answer)enter the lottery with them.live in this special interest community.

Rainbow Floor Community Standards

The Rainbow Floor is a special interest community that expects residents to have a commitment to the LGBT community and their academic success. Residents on the floor serve as role-models for the campus community. Please consider the community standards when applying for the floor.

Community standards for Rainbow Floor residents

  • Attend floor meetings, as scheduled by residents at the beginning of each semester.
  • Attend floor retreats at the beginning of each semester.
  • Participate in at least two Rainbow Floor events in the fall and spring semesters, such as campus partner dinners, community service events with local Los Angeles LGBT organizations, film soirees, Halloween party, etc.
  • Participate in at least two USC LGBT community events in the fall and spring semesters that are sponsored by the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Student Assembly (GLBTA) of the LGBTResourceCenter. Events include, but are not limited to, Welcome Back Barbecue, Ally Discussions, QueerStories, Lavender Commencement Celebration, etc.
  • Maintain a good academic standing. This is monitored by the LGBT Resource Center Director. The floor does not have a GPA requirement, but it is highly encouraged to take academics serious and create and intervention if improvement is needed.

The Resident Advisor will keep track of your participation.

Please return this application to or call 213.740.7619 for more information.