1. Garage Name ______
2. Is Garage part of Franchise Operation? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, where is parent company?______
3. What are days and hours of operation? ______
4. Does the garage buy or sell automobiles? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so, how many annually? #______
5. Does the garage sell tires? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so, what percentage? ______%
6. Is tire recapping or vulcanizing performed? [ ] Yes [ ] No
7. Is there a convenience store located on the premises? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If so, what percentage of sales? ______%
8. Does the garage perform work on vehicles exceeding 20,000 Gross Vehicle Weight? [ ] Yes [ ] No
9. Does the garage perform work on any vehicles other than automobiles? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so, what kind? ______
10. Is the garage acting as a dismantler, rebuilder or restorer? [ ] Yes [ ] No
11. Are there Gas Sales? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so, what percentage? ______%
12. Is the establishment open 24 hours a day? [ ] Yes [ ] No
13. Does the garage offer a towing service? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so, how many hours is it available? #______
14. Does the account offer a car wash service or self service bay rentals? [ ] Yes [ ] No
15. Does the garage perform any operations off-site? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so, what are the operations and the percentage of sales?______
16. Is the garage a “approved” vendor for the disabling of airbags? [ ] Yes [ ] No
17. Does the garage ever perform operations outside of the general liability classification? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so, what are the overlapping operations? ______
18. Is there any usage of company or clients vehicles after the hours of operation? [ ] Yes [ ] No
19. Does the garage offer a parking operation? [ ] Yes [ ] No
20. Does the garage accept waste oils or other pollutants from other parties? [ ] Yes [ ] No
21. Is there a contract hauler to remove all pollutants? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so, contract hauler's name? ______Do they have adequate insurance [ ] Yes [ ] No
22. Are the restrooms clean and well maintained? [ ] Yes [ ] No
23. Are the customers allowed in the shop area? [ ] Yes [ ] No
24. Is there pickup or delivery of customer’s vehicles? [ ] Yes [ ] No
25. Are there salvage or wrecking operations? [ ] Yes [ ] No
26. Are there equipment or tool rentals? [ ] Yes [ ] No
27. Does the insured have or sponsor racing cars or teams? [ ] Yes [ ] No
1. Is there adequate lighting of storage premises after-hours? [ ] Yes [ ] No
2. Are the customers keys stored in a locked and secure area? [ ] Yes [ ] No
3. Is access to the customer’s keys limited to certain employees? [ ] Yes [ ] No
4. Are all hoists, lifts and hydraulic machinery maintained on a regular basis? [ ] Yes [ ] No
5. If outside, is the storage area adequately fenced? [ ] Yes [ ] No
** If the account has a painting exposure fill out the attached addendum**
Does the account meet the following guidelines? /Yes
/ NoCONSTRUCTION: Spray booths shall be substantially constructed of steel, securely and rigidly supported or of concrete or masonry, except that aluminum or substantial non-combustible material may be used for intermittent or low volume spraying. Spray booths should also be totally enclosing and designed to sweep air currents toward the exhaust outlet. / ___ / ___
INTERIORS: The interior surfaces of spray booths shall be smooth and continuous without edges or otherwise designed to prevent pocketing of residues and facilitate cleaning and washing without injury. / ___ / ___
FLOORS: The floor surface of a spray booth and operator's working area, if combustible, shall be covered with a non-combustible material of such character as to facilitate the safe cleaning and removal of residues. / ___ / ___
Visible gauges or audible alarm or pressure activated devices shall be installed to indicate or ensure that the required air velocity is maintained. / ___ / ___
There shall be no open flame or spark producing equipment neither in any spraying area nor within 20 feet thereof. / ___ / ___
Electrical wiring and equipment not subject to deposits of combustible residues, but located in a spraying area, shall be of an explosion-proof type. / ___ / ___
All spraying areas shall be provided with mechanical ventilation adequate to remove flammable vapors, mists or powders to a safe location. / ___ / ___
Each spray booth shall have an independent exhaust duct system discharging to the exterior of the building. / ___ / ___
Exhaust ducts shall be constructed of steel and shall be substantially supported. / ___ / ___
The spray booth should have a fire Suppression system. / ___ / ___