Release Notes for PeakEasy 4.74

Release Date: June 16th, 2014

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.74 (Released: June 16th, 2014)

1.  To change the highlighted ROI width, the user may now click and drag the edge of the ROI.

2.  A bug with PeakEasy reading and displaying GPS coordinates was fixed.

3.  The following isotopes were added to the PeakEasy libraries: Bi-211, Ni-57, Mg-27, Ge-77, Ge-77m, Sc-44, and Ti-44.

4.  GPS coordinates will now be saved in SPE type files.

5.  PeakEasy will now read the GPS coordinates found in IdentiFINDER II files.

6.  A library error was corrected regarding the X-rays emitted for the decay of Tl-204.

7.  A bug resulted in some multiple Gaussian peaks displayed in a single ROI disappearing after leaving the ROI. This is fixed.

8.  The folder with reference spectra has been updated (ver. 2.2) with new or improvements to the following isotopes: Am-241, Co-57, In-111, Ir-192, Pd-103, Tl-201, and Fukushima data.

9.  Improvements to the peak fitter were incorporated when using “Cntl-Left Mouse” drag operation.

10.  A minor bug was fixed when loading ROIp (Region-of-Interest) files were the current calibration contained 3rd or 4th degree coefficients.

11.  The half-life of Ni-63 was corrected from 1001 yrs to 101.2 yrs.

12.  Saving spectra as an “identiFINDER (*.SPC)” file will now use a shorter header. This is to avoid supplying fictitious data like temperature and version numbers. Neutron counts and GPS data will be included if other than “NA.”

13.  PeakEasy now supports more file types when using the “Save GPS data to (*.csv)”.

14.  PeakEasy had some problems reading auto generated RSI ICD1 files. This is fixed.

15.  Several bug fixes to the N42.42 file reader was implemented.

16.  The user may now save a spectra using a N42.42 v2011 format.

17.  The “Save File as GR135” was removed.

18.  The user can use a ROI to re-calculate the “Count Rate Chart.” New is the ability to normalize this ROI to a different ROI. This assists in searching for specific peaks even when background is changing significantly.

19.  The calibration was not found when reading some GR440/660 files. This is fixed.

20.  PeakEasy did not read or write the 4th calibration coefficient or deviation pairs in a GADRAS PCF file. This is now fixed.

21.  GPS data from GR460/660 detectors are now automatically converted to digital degrees so the single locations can be displayed using PeakEasy (if attached to the internet.)

22.  RSI’s mobile detector system file (*.RSV) can now be read by PeakEasy.

23.  Background files loaded by PeakEasy will now default to always displaying the first spectrum/record.

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.53 (Released: July 29th, 2013)

1.  PeakEasy will now read more variants of GPS coordinate data. This fixes a bug when displaying the GPS location found in some files.

2.  PeakEasy will now read a new variant of P3T files.

3.  A small bug occurred when redisplaying the Count Rate Chart using the tools menu. This is fixed.

4.  Sometimes messages at the bottom of the spectrum display would not display properly. This is fixed.

5.  In a couple of places, PeakEasy terminology has been revised. Reactions reported as (a, g) and (n, g) includes reactions like (a, a’) and (n, n’) where gamma-rays are still emitted.

6.  When the “Peak Fit Analysis” is turned off, the user can now set a ROI larger than 1000 channels and PeakEasy will report the total counts in the ROI.

7.  When total neutrons are displayed, they will be displayed using “XXX total”.

8.  When neutron rate is displayed, they will be displayed using “XXX.X cps”.

9.  The half-life of I-129 was changed from 0.00 to 1.57+e7 yrs.

10.  Ir-194m half-life was changed from 171 days to 31.8 ms.

11.  Ir-194n was added to the libraries (half-life = 171 days.)

12.  A new file format from with an APL detector can now be read by PeakEasy.

13.  A problem was found when RadSeeker files mixed integer and exponent values in the same channel data. This was fixed for all file types.

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.51 (Released: May 10th, 2013)

1.  GPS coordinates are now extracted from IdentiFINDER 2 N42.42 formatted files.

2.  The maximum number of files that may be batch processed was increased to 5000.

3.  The live-time and real-time are now extracted from older Canberra text files.

4.  Shaping coefficients are now read from and written to *.SPE and *.CHN files.

5.  The reader for LANL’s P3T file format was updated to support later versions and calibration coefficients included in the file.

6.  PeakEasy has successfully undergone limited testing with Windows 8. Some modifications were made to support the new Windows 8 display.

7.  A bug that resulted in peak labels being displayed far above peaks was corrected.

PeakEasy 4.50 (Released: April 8th, 2013)

1.  GPS coordinates extracted from spectra files are now displayed in the “Display File Parameters” windows box. A button next to these coordinates will display the location using Google maps if the computer is attached to the internet.

2.  In PeakEasy 4.40, a variant format of GR135 Plus Text files would not display spectra other than the first record. This is fixed.

3.  Switching detectors in Thermo-Fisher Scientific ASP files could result in a random bug that would sometimes close PeakEasy. This is fixed.

4.  Line labels extending to the right of the main display will no longer leave a trace.

5.  GPS coordinates for the GR660/440 were labeled wrong. They are now labeled correctly as Northing and Easting.

6.  The method which PeakEasy uses to average live/clock times when adding spectra with different run times has been improved, typically for Raytheon and Thermo ASPs. This may result in a small change (<0.01%) as compared to older PeakEasy versions.

7.  Waterfall Plot: A new menu item has been added to the “Count Rate Chart” window (displayed for specific detectors) called “Waterfall Plot.” This displays a colored plot corresponding to count rate as a function of spectra record/sample vs. channel number.

8.  Several bugs in the batch mode processor were fixed. Keep sending in your comments.

9.  If the 2011 N42.42 files did not include live-time nor clock-time, the count rate chart would be empty. This is fixed.

10.  The reader for N42.42 files was updated to include several new variants of this file format.

11.  Ir-192 half-life was changed from 74.02 days to 73.83 days.

12.  Gamma-rays 265.8 and 304.9 keV were added to the Bi-210 library.

13.  The Cu(n,g) library has been revised IAW the “Database of Prompt Gamma Rays from Slow Neutron Capture for Elemental Analysis,” IAEA, Vienna, 2006.

14.  When reading in Thermo-Fisher Scientific daily log files, not all isotopes listed in the file were extracted. This is corrected.

15.  The calibration adjustment of Thermo-Fisher Scientific ASP files was changed slightly to help avoid errors when file calibration coefficients are off by more than 20%.

16.  The Thermo-Fisher Scientific RIIDEye detector format is now supported.

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.40 (Released: Jan 14th, 2013)

1.  Version 4.30 (only) had a bug when using the peak search tab. At higher energies the search engine would fail and list only one isotope (or none at all.) This is fixed.

2.  PeakEasy now recognizes LaBr in several file formats. When LaBr is recognized, additional PeakEasy lines are displayed for some isotopes.

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.30 (Released: Dec 18th, 2012)

1.  Several bugs were fixed in PeakEasy when reading 2011 N42 type files.

2.  Energy discrimination is now available on the count rate chart for 2011 N42 type files.

3.  Sometimes a ROIp file would not load properly if zoomed in. This is fixed.

4.  The batch mode processer would sometimes crash with certain file types. This is fixed.

5.  Most files containing multiple spectra will now default to displaying the first spectrum.

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.27 (Released: Oct 24th, 2012)

1.  File batch processing is now available in PeakEasy. To bring up the batch mode window, drag more than one file onto PeakEasy (or use “Data/Tools” menu.)

2.  A bug when using PeakEasy with some Motorola laptops is fixed.

3.  The half-life for Pb-210 was changed from 20.4 years to 22.2 years.

4.  The half-life for U-238 was changed from 4.70E+9 years to 4.468E+9 years.

5.  I-129 was added to the PeakEasy libraries.

6.  Pu(X-rays) were added to the PeakEasy libraries.

7.  A problem opening some GR-130/GR-135 ASCII files was corrected.

8.  Default calibration parameters for GR-135 ASCII files were slightly different when loading files as primary vs. secondary. This was corrected.

9.  The neutron counts from some GR-135 ASCII type files will now be displayed in PeakEasy.

10.  In the library tab, some yield/branching ratios were displayed incorrectly as NA. This is corrected.

11.  CHN files that contain MCS data will be displayed with the “NOTE: Multi-Channel Scaler Data.”

12.  When CHN files are first opened, any spectrum description text from the file will now be displayed in the main window.

13.  PeakEasy will now read CHN calibration parameters saved as MeV correctly.

14.  The live time was displayed wrong for CHN files with high runtimes (>400,000 sec). This was corrected.

15.  You may now set the number of last opened files displayed under the “File” menu. To do this, go to menu “Data/Tools” then ”Advanced User Preferences.”

16.  The description found in Ortec SPC files will now be displayed on the main screen when first opened (along with analysis results found in the file.)

17.  PeakEasy will now extract GPS data from some radHUNTER detector files and display this data in the Spectrum Description window (Cntl-F).

18.  GPS data will now be displayed and exported in decimal format (6 dec. precision = 0.11 m)

19.  Export of GPS data is now in CSV format and includes detector count rate data.

20.  When summing some ICD1 files (PeakEasy 4.03 and later), the deviation pair calibration adjustment would be lost. This is fixed.

21.  In PeakEasy 4.20 and later, the menu File Open did not work. This is fixed.

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.03 (Released: Mar 27th, 2012)

1.  A bug was found when reading some RSI RS-705 detector files (containing 2 gamma-ray and 4 neutron detectors.) Data in one of the neutron detectors was skipped when reading this file. This is fixed.

2.  A bug was fixed when reading some RSL MPS detector files.

3.  Np-238 was added to the libraries.

4.  PeakEasy can now read a new version of RSI’s RS-705 search detector.

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.00: Feb 21st, 2012 (Since PeakEasy 3.85)

1.  Several new formats from the RadSeeker are now readable by PeakEasy.

2.  A new format from Radiation Solutions, Inc. is now readable.

3.  Ortec’s Digibase XML files are now readable by PeakEasy.

4.  IdentiFINDER’s Mark II detector files are now supported (both SPC and XML.)

5.  PeakEasy will now read and report multiple IsotopeID lists from the new IdentiFINDER files.

6.  Ortec’s Fission Meter files (2A.log and RealTime.log) are now readable with PeakEasy.

7.  A new SAIC RPM8 format is now readable by PeakEasy.

8.  PeakEasy will now read some Bacchus Output (CDF) files.

9.  Mirion Technologies’ SpiR-ID detector files (N42 and SPE) are now readable by PeakEasy.

10.  PeakEasy will now display analysis results for some ICD2 files, even if no spectra are in the file.

11.  A bug was fixed when reading some PCC formatted files.

12.  PeakEasy will now read neutron data from SAM-940 Eagle-Plus files.

13.  Raytheon’s 11 panel ASP-ORD system is now readable by PeakEasy.

14.  A bug was fixed when reading 11 panel ASP-ORD ICD2 files that have over 5000 analyzed spectra in them.

15.  The half-life for Pu-241 was changed from 15.2 years to 14. 35 years.

16.  The half-life for Co-57 was changed from 270.02 days to 271.79 days.

17.  The half-life for Bi-207 was changed from 38.0 years to 31.55 years.

18.  The half-life for Eu-152 was changed from 12.7 years to 13.54 years.

19.  The half-life for Ba-133 was changed from 10.7 years to 10.53 years.

20.  The half-life for Sr-85 was changed from 64.73 days to 64.84 days.

21.  In the Eu-152 library, a couple of gamma-ray intensities were modified.

22.  Li(a,g) and B(a,g) libraries were updated.

23.  The following isotopes were added to the libraries: Br-85, Ce-141, Cl-38, Eu-146, Gd-146, Hf-171, Hf-173, Ir-188, La-141, La-142, Lu-169, Lu-171, Lu-171m, Nb-89, Nb-96, Nd-149, Np-236, Os-185, Pr-145, Te-129, Tm-167, Th-227, Te-129m, Te-119m, Te-121, Te-133, Sb-120m, Sm-151, Xe-135m, Yb-167, Yb-169m, Ag (X-rays), Cd (X-rays), Lu (X-rays), and Th (X-rays).

24.  Lu-177 was added to the Lu-177m library.

25.  A “Clear Lines” button has been added to the search tab. This will clear the lines displayed above, but keep the table results.

26.  ROI data files (*.ROIp) may now be loaded by drag-and-drop.

27.  Some PeakEasyLib reference spectra (folders 2.0 and above) now contain “Peak Labels” that may be toggled on and off.

28.  Left-mouse dragging the cursor to the left will zoom out partial (only 25%) if the user drags a small fraction of the display and releases the mouse. Left dragging farther will zoom out to the full spectrum as expected.

29.  The marker line in PeakEasy will no longer interfere with shift and control mouse drag operations.

30.  PeakEasy is now using the term ROI (Region-of-Interest) whenever referring to marking areas of the spectrum intended for peak analysis.

31.  PeakEasy now uses a new ROIp file format. PeakEasy will still read the old format, but older PeakEasy versions will not read the new ROIp format.

32.  A multiple Gaussian fitting algorithm is now available for ROI analysis. To use, right click on a ROI. Then select “Auto” under the “Number of Gaussians.”

33.  The algorithm that determines the ROI boundaries when double clicking on a peak has been significantly enhanced.

34.  PeakEasy sometimes used the detector live time for Thermo and Raytheon ASP detectors for determining neutron CPS. PeakEasy now uses clock time or real time (if available) to determine neutron CPS.

35.  A couple of bugs were fixed when running PeakEasy in Windows 7.