Tactran Sustainable Travel Grant Scheme 2016/17
Application Form
1. / Name of Organisation Making Application:Please indicate the name of the Company or Organisation making the application. This should identify the potential beneficiary of the proposal, whether organisation-wide, one workplace within an organisation or a specific group of staff (e.g. Property Section within Any Building)
Main contact Name:
Address for Correspondence:
Address of premises where grant will be spent (if not same as above)
No. of employees grant scheme would benefit:
c Large employer (>250 employees)
c Medium employer (50 - 250 employees)
c Small employer (<50 employees)
Type of Organisation Making Application:
c Local Authority
c Health Board
c Educational establishment
2. / Brief description of proposal (maximum 100 words – bullet points are welcome)
Proposed effect:
Please provide a brief description of proposal including details of whom and how it is likely to benefit.
3. / Total cost of proposal
Total grant applied for (maximum £5,000 and normally no more than 50% of total proposal cost)
About Your Grant Application:
4. / Name of proposed project:5. / Your funding source(s) for current proposal (other than Tactran’s STGS):
Please give details of sources of funding to support the grant.
6. / Does your organisation have a Travel Plan which has been accepted by your Management Committee/Board?
7. / Have you implemented a travel planning measure in the last 12 months? (If yes, please provide details of a short case study with details of implementation – 300-500 words)
About Your Organisation’s Travel:
8. / Percentage of total staff who may benefit from the grant::9. / Percentage of employees who currently travel to work by single occupancy car (if known):
Is there any other further information you would like to add to support your application?
About Your Grant Application
Tactran aims to provide a decision within one month of receiving your application. If successful, when do you intend to start implementing the proposal and when would it be available for use?Planned Commencement Date:
Planned Operational Date: