October 12, 2016
Mayor Knickman called the regular council meeting to order on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall pursuant to law with the following council members present: Gunia, Lampe, Bissen, Seuntjens and Klein. Motion made by Lampe second by Klein to approve the agenda. All in favor, motion carried. Motion made by Gunia second by Bissen to approve minutes of the September 14 regular meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion made by Klein second by Gunia to approve payment of bills. All in favor, motion carried. Motion made by Lampe second by Bissen to approve the consent agenda items which included liquor license for Cozy Corner pending renewal, building permits for Gary Lyman, Allen Hartwig and Sullivan Supply. All in favor, motion carried.
Fire department reported that they had responded to 8 rescue and 2 fire calls. Meredith VanHouten reported for the park board that they had received a grant from Monogram Foods in the amount of $10,000 to be used on the basket ball court in the park, and that two more grants had been applied for. The Girl Scouts gave a presentation on curbside recycling to the council and asked that the council make a decision on recycling. There were residents present that voiced their opinions against the curbside recycling. Motion made by Seuntjens for the City to do curbside recycling. Mayor Knickman asked for a second and received none. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Seuntjens placed ordinance #199 “Golf Carts” on file. Councilman Bissen made a motion to dispense with the rule that the ordinance must be read at two consecutive meetings and that it be placed on its final reading. Councilman Gunia second the motion. Mayor Knickman put the question up for adoption and asked for a roll call vote. Ayes: Gunia, Bissen, Lampe, Seuntjens, Klein. Nays: None. Mayor declared the motion duly carried and placed the ordinance on its final passage. Motion made by Councilman Klein to adopt the ordinance. Councilman Bissen second the motion. Roll call vote: Ayes: Bissen, Lampe, Seuntjens, Klein, Gunia. Nays: None. Mayor Knickman declared the ordinance duly passed and adopted.
Motion made by Seuntjens to purchase 3 hand held radios and 2 police body camera’s. Second by Bissen. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Gunia second by Klein to have Meredith VanHouten open savings accounts at the Community Bank and to allow the same people to access them as do the checking account. All in favor, motion carried. Motion made by Gunia second by Seuntjens to hire Christian Leisinger as a part time police officer with a hire date of November 1, 2016. All in favor motion carried.
Motion made by Bissen second by Seuntjens to adopt Resolution 2016-33, Approval of the Urban Renewal Plan Amendment for the Dunlap Urban Renewal Area. All in favor, motion carried. Motion made by Seuntjens second by Klein to approve the Development Agreement with Dunlap Community Development Corporation, Authorizing Annual Appropriation Tax Increment Payments and Pledging Certain Tax Increment Revenues to the Payment of the Agreement. All in favor, motion carried. Motion made by Bissen second by Gunia to approve the 2016 Annual Urban Renewal Report. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Gunia second by Klein to approve the Preliminary Plat Industrial Park Third Addition subject to pending changes. All in favor motion carried. Motion made by Klein second by Bissen to adjourn at 8:10 PM. All in favor motion carried.
These minutes will be approved at the next regular council meeting.
Jason E Knickman, Mayor
Nancy Baker, City Clerk