Dance 2015-2016 School Year

4th block

Room 407 (Choir Room) and Theatre Stage

Instructor – Mrs. Lynne A. Davis

407 and Theatre Stage

Planning period – 2nd block

304-326-7470 ext. 6850/6851

Course Description

Dance class is performance-based class. Students will learn basic dance steps, the historical and cultural significance of dance, and dance terminology, as well as, creating various dance presentations from the steps and styles they have learned.

Requirements and Policies

Classroom Rules:

1)  No gum, food, or drinks (except water).

2)  Tennis shoes and comfortable clothes are required

3)  All students will meet in the choir room and remain there until

dismissed to go to the stage.

4)  Respect is earned, so please raise your hand and wait to be called on

before you speak, be considerate of others in all activities.

5)  All cell phones will be deposited in the box at the front of the room. Often students are allowed to use their phones to look up music for a performance, but they must be given permission to do so. If a cell phone is taken out in class without permission, after a warning, cell phone will be confiscated and turned into office with a discipline form.

Grading: Grading will be on a point system. Half of the class will be dance terms and steps and the other half is a dance activity. You are expected to participate in all activities or you will receive a zero for that day of class. Up to 20 points a day can be earned for class participation. In addition to dance terminology and dance activities, you will complete computer research, and have weekly quizzes and/or tests. You need to make sure that if you have an excused absence from class that you find out what you missed from me or another student. It is your responsibility to turn in all make-up work and learn all missed routines. If you are absent, you will not receive a grade for that class until the makeup work is completed.

Extra credit can be earned in one of the following ways:

a)  written, or PowerPoint report on a particular style of dance (If requested, I will provide a template for these report)

b)  newspaper, magazines, or internet articles on dance

Academic Honesty: It is essential when you research a topic that any information you use be put into your own words. Citations are needed for direct quotes. Reports and presentations for choir that do not meet the standards upheld in the regular classroom concerning plagiarism will receive a failing grade.

Performance: Group dance projects are performed for other members of the class. All students are expected to respect, and encourage each other during practice and performances of routines.

Assignments and Due Dates:

Thursdays or Fridays – Quiz or test, Zumba, free dance time, videos, and or extra credit presentations

End of 1st six weeks – 1 folk dance presentation

End of 2nd six weeks – 1 story dance presentations

End of semester – 1 free-style self-choreographed piece

Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached during 2nd block at Liberty or leave a message for me at school, anytime and I will return your call after school.

I am looking forward to a great year at Liberty High School!

Thank you,

Lynne A. Davis

Teacher Dance/ Choir/ Show Choir & Theater Sponsor

Liberty High School

One Mountaineer Drive, Clarksburg, WV 26301

Contact Inform. – Live Grades messages &

Choose Classroom Tab & Related Arts Teachers

Please sign and return the bottom form only to school by August 21, 2015. This sheet is worth 20 points.


I, ______, the parent/guardian of

______have read and understand the rules,

policies, and requirements of dance class at Liberty High School for the

2015-2016 school year.


Parent signature date


Student signature date