Carver-Scott Humane Society’s mission is:
Connecting animals in need with people who care.
Our Vision is: Every animal is safe, cared for and loved.
Minutes – Board of Directors Meeting – Aug 18, 2016 – 6:00
Board Members in attendance: Larry Fasching, Laura Schwing, Bev Fiedler, Mike Turpin, Gary Loock & Jackie Lara
Dialed in from remote: David Lies
Executive Director: Mandi Wyman
Secretary: Laura Schwing
Guests: None
Absent: Sabine Casazza, Steve Barghusen
1. Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes from July meeting. Treasurer Report and Adopt Agenda. Motion to approve made by Dave Lies. Motion seconded by Mike Turpin
All board members voted in favor. None opposed.
Motion carries.
2. Executive Director – see attached document
· TNR: Laura Schwing stepping down from TNR Manager Position but will complete the open colonies. BOD express gratitude for her efforts. Program out performed initial expectations.
· Surrender fees are to be referenced as ‘Surrender Donations’ to ensure it is not subject us to ‘sales tax issues’.
3. Upcoming events
· Doggie Poloza September 10 – Savage Chamber sponsored
· Sidewalk Dogs – September 13
· Walk/Run Fur Love 5K – on track for September 24th
o Registration site up and people are registering – confirmed 19 registered
o Sponsorship/Vendors up $2,000 from 2015
o Board members asked to volunteer for the event and raise awareness
4. Executive Committee update
· Records management
o Mike – setup for volunteers to scan the document and store electronic copy
· Need to look into using a different merchant service, one that allows the business account to belong to the business rather than a person.
o Action item: Mike to reach out to Dave L review options for recommendation
5. 2016 goals
o This will be emailed to the board
o 5 BOD goals
o 5 E.D. goals
6. Other
a. Coin banks – Jackie Lara located some of them. Discovered some were in need of replacement.
Motion to adjourn meeting made by: Gary Loock. Motion seconded by Jackie Lara
All board members voted in favor. None opposed.
Motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: Annual Meeting Thursday, September 15th