Colette A. Ryan

6 Mockingbird Ct.

Waterford NY 12188

OBJECTIVE: DIR/Early Childhood Position


2013-Present TEACHER, private teacher working and traveling around the world with

a family.

2008- 2013 MASTER TEACHER, Story Place Preschool, Castleton New York.

Develop and implement curriculumfollowing the DIR/Floortime® model, SCERTS model, and Miller Method modelsfor 12 multi-disabled 2-5 year olds, including physical impairments and medically fragile students, adhere to New York State standardsof preschool education

Manage a staff of 13 teaching assistants’, therapists, and one to one aides

2000-2007 MUSIC PROVIDER, St. Colman’s Home, Watervliet, New York

Provide music experiences for autistic 5-21 year old students.

Includingdeveloping lessons, performances, and adapting equipment

for use by thestudents. Supervision of teaching assistants in classroom

1996-2000EARLY INTERVENTION TEACHER, Private Practice, Waterford,

New York.Provide early intervention special education services to infants, preschoolers, school aged children and their families, including ASD, Down’s Syndrome, and medically impaired children. Includinggenerating goalsand implementing educational objectives.


1993-1996EARLY INTERVENTION TEACHER, Circle of Friends, Delmar, New York.Provide home- based special education services to children and their families, Including generating goals and implementing educational objectives.

1990-1993CONTINUING EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR, ShenendehowaCentralSchools,Clifton Park, New York. Development and implementation of adultprogram on child development. Topics included: children (newborn to agesix), discipline, siblings, and crisis intervention. Developed and coach infantmassage and exercise program for infants and parents.

1988-1989ADJUNCT FACULTY, MariaCollege, Albany, New York.

Instructor and developer of Early Childhood course work.

1987-1988Long Term Substitute MASTER TEACHER, St. Colman's ChildDevelopmentCenter,Watervliet, New York. Teacher of multi-disabled and delayedpreschoolers. Supervision of two teaching assistants.

1987-1989MASTER TEACHER, St. Coleman's Home, Watervliet, New York. MasterTeacherwith five autistic children, functioning on a preschool level.Supervised onecollege intern and one teacher's assistant.

1976-1984DIRECTOR SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, RensselaerCountyJuniorMuseum, Troy, New York. Organized, developed and adapted museum exhibits and classes for handicapped and preschool individuals. Duties also included supervision of three employees, greeting visitors, presenting classes and museum paperwork.

EDUCATION:DIR Institute- Level 2 of a 3 tiered post graduate clinical training in DIR/Floortime®

COLLEGE of ST. ROSEM.S. Ed. May 1987 Early Childhood Education


Major Special Education

Minor Music


November 2012 “International Conference on Autism and Disorders of Relating and

Communicating” Rockville, Maryland. Topics included understanding

families,diagnosis, and emerging Neuroscience

November 2011 “International Conference on Autism and Disorders of Relating and

Communicating” Maryland. Topics included understanding

families,diagnosis, and emerging Neuroscience

May 2008 “The Infancy and Early Childhood Training Course” Taught byStanley Greenspan. MD.Topics include assessment, diagnosis, and intervention techniques usingDIR/Floortime. Obtain DIR/Floortime Certificate of Mastery.

November 2006“SCERTS Model Training Course” Taught by Barry Prizant. Topics

included socialcommunication, emotional responses and transitional support.

November 2005 “International Conference on Autism and Disorders of Relating and

Communicating”McLean Virginia. Topics included understanding

families,diagnosis, and emergingNeuroscience

April 2000“Infant and Child Training Course” Arlington, Virginia Taught by

StanleyGreenspan,M.D. Topics include assessment, diagnosis, and

interventionstrategies using the Floortime technique, and advanced clinical seminars inolder children and adult learners.

November1999“International Conference on Autism and Disorders of Relating and

Communicating” McLean, Virginia Topics included biomedical advances,early indicators, and new approaches to screening and diagnosis.

April 1998“The Infant and Early Childhood Training Course.” Arlington, Virginia

Taught by Stanley Greenspan, M.D. Topics included assessment, diagnosisand intervention strategies using the Floortime technique, and advancedclinical seminar on biomedical approaches, enhancing communication,auditory processing, improving motor planning and increasing sensory capacity

February1998“The Miller Method.” The Language and Cognitive DevelopmentCenter,Boston, Mass. Topics included body organization, developing socialinteractions, the Miller Umwelt Assessment, and developing reading andwriting.

November 1997 “Approaches To Developmental and Learning Disorders in Infants and

Children.” The Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and LearningDisorders, Rockville, Maryland. Topics included interventions to enhanceauditory processing, language, reading and learning.

March 1996“Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders: The Early Years.”

EmersonCollege, Boston, Mass. Topics included sensory integration,

languagedevelopment, music therapy and group play-based interventionfor youngchildren.

HONORS:Outstanding Scholars/Special Education

Presenter - Adirondack Community College Adult Learning

Series “Autism: What You Should Know”.

SPECIAL SKILLS:Sign Language College of St. Rose

Clowning College of St. Rose

Floortime Provider