Issue 1 - March2016

Welcome to the first edition of E-news – a newsletter to keep you informedaboutcritical dates and provide helpful advice about how to prepare and what to expectwhileattending Centenary commemorations in2016.


If your attendance has not yet been confirmed, please check what detailsarerequired; e.g. have you updated your passport details? Is your passport current? Isthe60 days from the date of your application nearlyup?

Once your application has been confirmed, attendance passes will bepostedthroughout the month of April2016.

Changed yourmind?

We recognise circumstances change. If you registered for an attendance pass andforwhatever reason can no longer attend, , please email as soon as possible so that yourattendancepass can be reallocated to the next applicant on the waitlist. Please rememberthepasses are non-transferable. (see clause 19 of the Terms and Conditions availableat

Book your travelearly

July is a very busy holiday period in Europe, so hopefully you will have alreadybookedyour flights. Similarly, it is recommended you book your accommodation as earlyas

possible. Many of the villages surrounding the commemorative sites are verysmalland accommodation islimited.

The Australian Government cannot assist or make recommendations toattendancepass holders organising or booking their travel to attend thecommemorations.

It is highly recommended that you take out travel insurance to cover youforunforeseen circumstances, for example medical expenses due to injury orillness,insurance for theft of valuables, baggage delay or damage and for trip cancellationorinterruption.


Make sure you register your travel and contactdetailsonline before you travel, to ensure Smarttravellercancontact you or your family in the event ofanemergency. The registration information you provideis

protected by Australia's privacylaws.

Getting to thesites


Parking in and around the town of Fromelles will be very difficult and theFrenchauthorities plan to have road closures in place. Individuals travelling on tourcoachesor in organised groups, can be dropped off and collected in Fromelles, howeverthereis no parking within close proximity to thesites.

Parking for private travellers will be in the town of Lille, approximately a 20minutedrive away. Nord Tourism have confirmed that they will be running a shuttleservicefrom Lille to Fromelles and return, once all services have finished. There will be asmallfee to cover coach hirecosts.

Lille is approximately a three hour drive from Paris, or one hour on the TGV fasttrain.


For the service at Pozières, Somme Tourism are planning a similar shuttle servicefromthe nearest major towns of Amiens and Arras travelling to the park and ridelocation at Albert airport. All transport to the service will be from the Albert airport, wherefreeshuttles will take you to the service. After the service, you will be returned toAlbertairport.

Fromelles - Laying a Wreath or FloralTributeat VCCorner

There will be an opportunity for you to lay a wreathatVC Cornercemetery.

A shuttle service will be in operation betweenPheasantWood Cemetery and VC Corner during the morning of19July 2016 from 9:00 am tomid-day.

Shuttle timings will be published closer to theevent.

Accessible seating andassistance

Accessible seating and mobility assistance is available to visitors who have aneed.While every effort is made to accommodate visitor requests for mobilityassistance,assistance is limited. It is therefore important that your application is kept up todatewith any accessibility requirements you may have. If you have not done soalready,please log into your application and update your details as soon aspossible.

Mobility assistance includes (non-allocated) seating in reserved sections, access toadisabledtoiletandshuttlebustransportasrequiredfortheindividualandonecarer.

Further information about mobility assistance will appear in future issues ofE-News.

Do you needhelp?

Ticketek / Department of Veterans’Affairs

Telephone: 1300 364002
Send Completed Application FormsTo:
GPO Box1610,
SYDNEY NSW 2001 / Email:
Telephone: 133254
Regional Callers: 1800 555254
Or writeto:
Western FrontCentenaryDepartment of Veterans’AffairsGPO Box9998