Animal Welfare Act

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9 CFR Ch. 1 (April 25, 2001 edition)

1) Subchapter A – Animal Welfare

Part 1 – Definitions of Terms (pages 1-9)


1.) Define an Activity.

2.) Define an animal according to the AWA.

3.) Which animals are excluded from the AWA?

4.) What does APHIS stand for?

5.) When can APHIS perform an inspection?

6.) How does a class A dealer differ from a class B dealer?

7.) According to the AWA, who is required to be members of the IACUC?

8.) T or F A company that sells blood, serum, or organs for research,

teaching, testing, or experimentation is considered a dealer and is

regulated under the AWA.

9.) Are pet stores considered dealers?

10.) T or F Dead dogs and cats are not covered by the AWA.

11.) Define euthanasia.

12.) T of F Carnivals, circuses, animal acts, zoos and educational exhibits

are not covered under the AWA if they do not make a profit.

13.) When are rabbits, chinchilla, or mink considered to be farm animals and

therefore not covered under the AWA?

14.) A surface which does not permit the absorption of fluids, will not

retain odors and can be repeatedly cleaned and disinfected is said to be


15.) What humidity range is required to be maintained in any indoor housing


16.) What is an intermediate handler?

17.) Who is the institutional official?

18.) What constitutes a major operative procedure?

19.) What is the minimum horizontal dimension of a tank used to house marine


20.) How is a painful procedure defined by the AWA?

21.) What is a primary enclosure?

22.) According to the AWA, what is a quorum of an IACUC?

23.) What does sanitize mean?

24.) Who is the Secretary referred to in the AWA?

25.) Define a study area.


1.) Those elements of research , testing, or teaching procedures that

involve the care and use of animals.

2.) Any living or dead dog, cat, nonhuman primate, guinea pig, hamster,

rabbit or any other warm-blooded animal which is being used for research,

teaching, testing, experimentation or exhibition purposes or as a pet.

3.) Birds, rats of the genus Rattus and mice of the genus Mus bred for use

in research and horses not used for research purposes and other farm

animals, such as, but not limited to livestock or poultry, used or intended

for use as food or fiber, or livestock or poultry used or intended for use

for improving animal nutrition, breeding, management or production


4.) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

5.) 7 AM to 7 PM Monday through Friday except on holidays.

6.) A class A dealer breeds animals on its premises for research purposes

in a closed or stable colony. Animals are acquired for the sole purposes of

maintaining or enhancing the breeding colony. A class B dealer purchases

animals for resale.

7.) 3 members are required. At least one most be a veterinarian and one most

be a non-affiliated member.

8.) True

9.) no

10.) False

11.) The humane destruction of an animal accomplished by a method that

produces rapid unconsciousness and subsequent death without evidence of pain

or distress.

12.) False

13.) When they are raised for food or fur.

14.) Impervious

15.) 30-70%

16.) Anyone engaged in any business in which he receives custody of animals

in connection with their transportation in commerce.

17.) The individual at the research facility who is authorized to legally

commit on behalf of the facility that requirements of 9 CRF part 1,2 & 3

(AWA) will be met.

18.) If a body cavity is penetrated or exposed or if it produces permanent

impairment of physical or psychological functions.

19.) The diameter of a circular pool or in the case of a square, rectangular

or oblong pool, the diameter of the largest circle that can be inserted into

the confines of the pool.

20.) Anything that would reasonably be expected to cause more than momentary

pain or distress in a human being, in excess of that caused by an injection

or other minor procedure.

21.) A structure or device used to restrict an animal to a limited amount of


22.) A majority of the members.

23.) To make physically clean and to remove and destroy to the maximum

degree that is practical, agents injurious to health.

24.) The Secretary of Agriculture

25.) Any building, room, area or enclosure outside a core facility in which

animals are housed for > 12 hours.


2) Subchapter A – Animal Welfare

Part 2 – Regulations

Subpart A – Licensing

Subpart B – Registration

Subpart C – Research Facilities

Nancy Johnston


Subpart A – Licensing

1.  Which of the following persons are exempt from obtaining a license?

a.  Retail pet stores

b.  Any person selling fewer than 25 dogs and/or cats per year

c.  Any person who arranges for transportation or transports animals for shows, grooming, medical treatment, food, or fiber

d.  All of the above

2.  A voluntary license, issued to any person selling fewer than 25 dogs or cats for research or teaching purposes, is what class?

3.  Which of the following must be inspected for obtaining a license?

a.  Animals

b.  Facilities

c.  Vehicles

d.  Equipment

e.  Other premises used for the business

f.  All of the above

4.  Which governmental agency performs the inspections and issues licenses?

5.  If an applicant fails the inspection, he or she must wait 6 months before reapplying for a license. True or False

6.  The license for the facility may be transferred to a new owner. True or False

7.  A licensee must file for license renewal within ____ days prior to the expiration date of the license.

Subpart B – Registration

8.  A registrant must notify the AC regional director of which changes?

a.  Name

b.  Address

c.  Ownership

d.  Change in status

e.  All of the above

9.  A registrant may be placed in an inactive status after ____ (time period) of not using, handling, or transporting animals.

10.  How does a registrant request to cancel a license?

Subpart C – Research Facilities

11.  What kind of facility is exempt from registering with the Secretary?

12.  What is the minimum required membership of an IACUC?

13.  Which of the following is NOT a function of the IACUC?

a.  Review the facility program every year

b.  Inspect all the animal facilities every 6 months

c.  Review and investigate concerns about the care of animals in the facility

d.  Be authorized to suspend any activities involving use of animals in research

14.  The IACUC will review activities involving animals to ensure that procedures are designed to avoid or minimize discomfort, distress, and pain to the animals. True or False

15.  Major survival surgery and non-major operative procedures on all animals must be performed in a designated surgical facility. True or False

16.  The limit for number of survival surgeries on one animal is ____.

17.  A designated reviewer of a protocol has the authority to do the following:

a.  Approve the activities

b.  Require modifications of the activities

c.  Request full Committee review

d.  All of the above

18.  The Chairman of the Committee has the authority to suspend any activity that is not being conducted in the manner approved. True or False

19.  Name three areas in which training and instruction be provided to research personnel.

20.  The duties of the attending veterinarian are the following EXCEPT:

a.  Be a voting member of the IACUC

b.  Have the appropriate authority to ensure the adequate veterinary care of all animals

c.  Daily observation of all animals

d.  Guidance to the principal investigators and other research personnel

21.  Each dog or cat must have the following in the animal record:

a.  Name and address of vendor

b.  Date of acquisition

c.  Description of animal

d.  Official USDA tag number or tattoo for each animal

e.  All of the above

22.  Records must be maintained for ___ years.

23.  The annual report to the USDA should contain the following information:

a.  Location of all facilities where animals were housed and used for teaching or research

b.  Common names and numbers of animals used in which painful procedures were performed and appropriate drugs were used to minimize pain and distress

c.  Common name and numbers of animals used in which painful procedures

d.  All of the above

24.  The IACUC of a Federal research facility reports to what agency?

25.  Food and water deprivation of animals is allowed for training purposes. True or False

26.  Dogs, cats, and non-human primates must have a health inspection no more than ______(time period) before shipment.


1.  d

2.  Class A

3.  f

4.  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

5.  False - An applicant has two more chances to pass inspection if the first inspection fails. If he or she fails after the third attempt, then the applicant must wait 6 months before reapplying.

6.  False - The license is issued to a specific person for specific premises and do not transfer to a different person or location.

7.  30

8.  e

9.  2 years

10.  He or she must make a written request to the AC Regional Director.

11.  Federal research facilities

12.  The Chairman, the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, and the Non-affiliated person

13.  a – The program review is performed every 6 months.

14.  True

15.  False – Rodent surgery and non-major procedures do not require a dedicated surgical facility.

16.  One, unless scientifically justified and approved by the IACUC

17.  d

18.  False – An activity may be suspended only after a full committee review and vote.

19.  Humane methods of animal maintenance and experimentation (including basic needs, handling, aseptic surgical methods), the need to limit the use of animals or minimize distress, proper use of anesthetics and analgesics, how to report animal misuse, and how to access information on methods and alternatives to animal use.

20.  c- Other people can be responsible for the daily observation of animals provided that the veterinarian is informed promptly of any and all animal health problems

21.  e

22.  Three

23.  d

24.  The head of the Federal agency conducting the research, not APHIS

25.  False. It is not allowed except when expressly approved by the IACUC

26.  10 days


3) Subchapter A – Animal Welfare

Part 2 – Regulations

Subpart D – Attending Veterinarian and Adequate Veterinary Care

Subpart E – Identification of Animals

Subpart F – Stolen Animals

Subpart G – Records

Subpart H – Compliance with Standards and Holding Period

Subpart I – Miscellaneous

Pages 42-45

Sonya Gearhart, DVM

Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University


Subpart D:

1. True/False: Dealers & exhibitors are required to have an attending

veterinarian under formal arrangements.

2. True/False: Daily observation of all animals under the care of a

dealer/exhibitor must be made and must be made by the attending


Subpart E:

3. True/False: All dogs and cats must be individually identified by

Class A and Class B dealers either by a tattoo or by a tag affixed to a

collar placed around the animal’s neck.

4. True/False: Unweaned puppies and kittens must be individually

identified even if kept as a litter with an appropriately identified


5. True/False: Animals other than dogs and cats do not have to be

individually identified by a dealers/ exhibitors so long as the primary

enclosure is properly identified and labeled.

6. Official tags must contain the following information:

a. Number identifying the state and the dealer/exhibitor/research


b. Number identifying the animal

c. The letters “USDA”

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

7. All official tags must:

a. Be serially numbered

b. Be made of a durable alloy or plastic

c. Not be used more than once in a 5-year period

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

Subpart F – no questions

Subpart G

8. True/False: Dealers, auction operators, exhibitors and

intermediate handlers are required to maintain records on each dog and

cat that is purchased , sold or handled by them and hold those records

for a minimum of 1 year.

9. True/False: All dogs, cats and nonhuman primates delivered to an

intermediate handler must be accompanied by a health certificate issued

by a licensed veterinarian not more than 15 days prior to delivery.

10. True/False: For all COD shipments, the consignor must guarantee in

writing the payment of all expenses, including return transportation,

should the animal be unclaimed.

11. Any dog or cat acquired by a dealer/exhibitor shall be held for a

period of not less than ____ days, not including the day of acquisition.

12. Any dog or cat acquired by a dealer/exhibitor from a pound or

shelter shall be held for a period of not less than _____ days, not

including the day of acquisition.

Subpart I:

13. A dog or cat must have been weaned and be at least ____ weeks of

age before delivery to an intermediate handler or transporter, unless it

is to be transported to a registered research facility.

14. A class B dealer may obtain dogs and cats from which of the


a. A legal entity operating as a humane shelter or contract pound

b. State, local, city operated animal shelters

c. Other licensed dealers

d. Breeders

e. Any individual, regardless of whether this individual bred and

raised the animals on their premises

f. All of the above

g. All of the above except e

15. True/False: Each pound or shelter must hold each cat and dog at

least 5 days, which is to include a Saturday, prior to disposition to a


16. A dealer must provide the recipient of all dogs and cats a