School Board Officers:

Jennifer Feicht President

Robert McGinnis Vice President

Robin Farrington Board Secretary

Glenn Gross Treasurer

2010 Legislative Chairperson: Melanie Lowrey

2010 IU Representative: Craig Ashbaugh

2010 Career Center Representatives: Glenn Gross

Robert McGinnis

Ken Borland, ALTERNATE

2010 PSBA Cabinet Representative: Judy Hanby

Established the second Monday of each month as the board workshop, and the

third Monday as the date for the regular monthly meeting. The only exceptions are April,

July and November when the workshop and monthly meetings will both be held on the third

Monday, and December, when the organizational meeting and monthly meeting will be held

on the first Wednesday. All meetings will be held in the library or cafetorium of the

elementary school and begin at 6:30 p.m.


Approved, as presented, district residents to be exonerated from paying 2009-10 school per capita taxes.

Adopted a Resolution wherein A-C Valley School District will limit the tax increase to the index of 4.2%.

Approved financial support to the Foxburg Free Library in the amount of $600.

Resolved to advertise and accept bids for the services of the cafeteria.

Approved, as listed and upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, adding the following

to the substitute list for the 2009/10 school year:


Theresa Lewis Tammy Lynn McGarvey

Janet Stewart


Ginnie Fleming – Elementary Ed.

Approved Ryan Irwin, effective upon receipt of all documentation, as the Junior High

Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach, at a supplemental salary of $1,441.

Approved Patrick Kerlin as voluntary coach for Girls’ Basketball pending receipt of the original documentation to be brought to Mrs. Farrington.

Approved the Curriculum Guide, as presented.

Approved an EETT Grant Opportunity.

Approved a Race to the Top Grant opportunity at the discretion of Mrs. Brinker based on

information received.

Approved the Conference and Field Trip requests, as presented.

Approved the first reading of Policy 705 Safety.

Approved the request of the A.C. Valley Little League to use the elementary school front

lobby on January 23, 2010, January 30, 2010 and February 6, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. to

12:00 Noon for Little League and Softball Registration.

Approved the request of the A-C Valley Varsity Cheerleaders to use the high school

gymnasium, cafeteria and auditorium for Lauren Snyder’s senior project (cheer competition)

on January 9, 2010 from 2:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Approved the request of Student Council to hold the PASC District 2 Board Meeting on

December 9, 2009 in the LGI and Faculty Room at the high school from 4:30 p.m. to

8:00 p.m.

Approved entering into an Agreement with the Allegheny Region Chapter of the American

Red Cross to provide a disaster-based community shelter.

Approved the request of the A-C Valley Cafeteria Staff to hold their Christmas Party in the

elementary cafetorium on December 21, 2009 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Approved the 2010 School Board Meeting Dates, as presented.

Approved the Right of Way Agreement for Foxburg Borough.