FRCR1 Anatomy Module 2010 ( pm sitting)

I . AP skull

1.R internal acustic meatus

2.L superior orbital fissure

3.L Greater wing of sphenoid bone

4.L inferior turbinate

5.Saggital suture


1.R atrial border

2.L main bronchus

3.Spinous process of 7th cervical/1st thoracic vertebrae

4.Gas in the fundus of stomach

5.Coracoid process of scapula

III. Lateral x-ray of elbow

1.Olecranon process of ulna

2.Head of radius

3.Capitellum of ulna

4.Anterior extracapsular fat pad

5.Which muscle attaches to structure labelled 1

IV. Plain abdominal x-ray

1.R m.psoas major border

2.L pedicle of L3 vertebrae

3.pelvic brim ( L )

4.R ischial spine

5.Descending part of colon

V.CT colonography reconstruction

1. Caecum

2.Splenic flexure

3.Transverse colon ( haustra)

4.Rectosigmoid junction


VI.SMA angiogram

1.Jejunal branches of SMA


3.Ileocolic artery

4.R renal pelvis

5.Ileal branches of SMA/ L urether

VII.Coronal MR shoulder joint

1.Deltoid m.

2.Trapezius m.

3.Inferior labrum

4.Supraspinatus m.

5.Acromion process of scapula

VIII.Lateral C-spine x-ray

1.Anterior arch( tubercle) of Atlas

2.Spinous process of third cervical vertebrae

3.Hyoid bone

4.Posterior clinoid process

5.3rd molar tooth

IX.MR spine at the level of L3/L4

1.Cauda equina

2.Abdominal aorta

3.R Psoas major muscle

4.3rd R spinal nerve root

5.R superior facet joint

X. CT axial of neck

1.R lobe of thyroid gland

2.L subclavian vein

3.R pectoralis major muscle

4.L internal jugular vein


XI.CT axial chest



3.Aortic arch


5.Blade of scapula

XII. Child frontal CXR

1.R border of thymus

2.L border of thymus

3.R ventricular border

4.Lateral border of scapula

5.Centre for ?femoral head/greater tuberosity/coracoid

XIII.Axial MR of the heart

1.R atrium

2.R ventricle

3.Muscular interventricular septum

4.L ventricular wall

5.Mitral valve

XIV.Axial MR abdomen

1.Pancreatic duct

2.Upper pole R kidney

3.R adrenal gland

4.Portosplenic confluence

5.Middle hepatic vein

XV.Axial MR/CT abdomen

1.Azygos vein

2.Posterior basal segment lower lobe of L lung

3.Abdominal aorta



XVI transabdominal USS pelvis of female

1.Urinary bladder



4.What is the normal postmenopausal thickness of the structure labelled 3- 3mm


XVII Saggital MR of gravid uterus


2.Fundus of the uterus

3.Lateral ventricle of the foetal head


5.Urinary bladder

XVIII Coronal MR if sinuses

1.L Infraorbital canal

2.R inferior turbinate

3.R lamina papyracea

4.R maxillary sinus

5.L optic nerve

XIX. Mid-saggital MR brain

1.Fourth ventricle

2.Tentorium cerebella

3.Massa intermedia

4.Genu of corpus callosum

5.Pituitary stalk/optic chiasm

XX Sialogram parotid gland

1.Main parotid duct

2.Where does it drain?

3.Palatine process of maxilla

4.Posterior wall of maxillary sinus

5.Spinous process of Atlas