Jan 17th, 2016 GPC Congregational Meeting Minutes – Approved w Changes
Sanctuary, 11:10am – 11:40am
· Moderator: Rev. Lyle Schmidt
· Secretary: Chuck Moresco, Clerk of Session
· Quorum was present (48+ members per Section 9.7 of GPC By-Laws)
Congregational Items:
Immediately following worship, the annual meeting of the congregation of Gilroy Presbyterian Church was called to order with prayer by Moderator Rev. Lyle Schmidt.
· 2016 Budget:
o The 2016 Budget was presented by Treasurer Jodi Heinzen and a short discussion followed. Items of discussion: Per Capita funds for Facilitator of Church Life and Outreach to continue her position.
· Elections:
o Deacons:
§ The report of the 2015 Nominating committee was presented by Elder John Hunsperger. John placed into nomination for Deacon the following persons: For the class of 2016 ,Sylvia Valdez , for the class of 2017, Lee and Mary Hachinski, for the class of 2018 ,Tony Herz , Ron and Carol Terry, and Dawn Jackson. The Moderator opened for further nominations from the floor. With no further nominations a motion was made and seconded to cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried.
o Elders:
§ John placed into nomination for Elder the following persons: For the class of 2018, Jeanne MacKie, Char Marrazzo, Randy Elder and Shauna Lynch. Vicki Minerva was nominated for the class of 2016. The Moderator opened for further nominations from the floor. With no further nominations a motion was made and seconded to cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried.
o Nominating Committee:
§ John, on behalf of the nominating committee, placed into nomination for the 2016 Nominating Committee, members at large the names Ken McDonald, Edie Elder, Alissa Smith and Marian Yoder. The Moderator opened for further nominations from the floor. With no further nominations a motion was made and seconded to cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried.
§ A service of ordination and installation followed with the candidates answering the constitutional questions and ended by prayer and the laying on of hands.
o Pastor Nominating Committee:
§ The report of the Pastor Nominating Committee was presented by Clerk Chuck Moresco. Candidates placed into nomination were Ric Heinzen, Tricia Herz, Alison Miner, Albert Ndze, Kathy Sakahara, Scott Sylvester, Alissa Smith, Katie Van Horn, Melinda Waller, Tim Whitman and Bob Wilkinson. The Chair opened for further nominations from the floor. With no further nominations a motion was made and seconded to cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried.
Having no further business the meeting was adjourned with prayer at 11:40am by Rev. Lyle Schmidt.
Chuck Moresco, Clerk of Session Lyle Schmidt, Moderator