1840 and 1850 Census Index Foreword
From: Venus Beaty Fillmore and Roland E. Tate, June 2007
Considering all of the workthat we, VenusFillmore andRoland Tate, have invested in this project, a note of introduction, explanation, and best wishes should be a piece of cake. She and I may disagree on some things but early on we agreed that our work should be available for the free use of all researchers interested inour area. In light of the boredom reduction policy now in effect, I will try to say as much as I can in as few words as I can.
Northeast Alabama was the last part of the State to be ceded to the United States by the Cherokees and it tookseveral yearsfor boundaries to be "finalized". We have included a basic county map for the area as it currently is and with a couple of early variations for the DeKalbCounty boundaries. We have entered approximate Township and Range lines forming squares of about 36 square miles each. This isto assist infinding the general area in which the families were enumerated on the 1850 census.Matching the families of the 1840 census to the families of the 1850 census has been attempted in part but is not included here.
In 1818 Blount County, Alabama wasformed from the Cherokee Cession of 1816 and from MontgomeryCounty. Then in 1819, Jackson County Alabama was formed from the Cherokee Cession of 1816.Twenty years later, in 1836, Cherokee, DeKalb and MarshallCounties were formed from the Cherokee Cession of 1835 and in some cases parts of the adjacent counties. County formation and County boundary lines changed several times between 1836 and 1870.
In December of 1866 Baine County, Alabama wasorganized from portions of DeKalb, Marshall, Blount, Saint Clair, Calhoun, and Cherokee counties. DeKalb bordered St. Clair on the south at the time. Baine wasdiscontinued on 03 Dec 1867 then reestablished 01 Dec 1868 as EtowahCounty. This means that the 1840, 1850 and 1860 censuses for DeKalb did include most of present day EtowahCounty.I failed to consider this when Ijoined Venus on this project and I had to backtrack and rethink because of this oversight
In 1840, it was Solomon C. Newman who was the Marshall of the Northern District and in charge of the 1840 Census. As best as we have been able to determine, he was a brother of Moses C. Newman. The 1840 census has been a tough bit of transcription to make and it will likely differ greatly from some of the transcriptions of the past. The Heads of Households named by S. C. Newman on this census are almost everything but what they should be. We have used Land Patents, the 1850 census and the 1860 census in come cases and even gone to family files to determine what some of the names actually were. Headings for the 1840 Transcription, both the original order and the alphabetical entries are self-explanatory.
The 1850 Census Index included here is not an alphabetical index like the brief index posted online, but rather is an as occurs or in the order in which recorded sequence and includes the first names of the heads of households along with other names of interest within said households. We have used the earlier Bureau of Land Management Patents to locate the landowners of the census and have entered a Township and Range to place them within a general vicinity of 36 square miles.
Division 25 was the southern part of present day DeKalbCounty and included Townships 8 and 9 from MarshallCounty on the west to CherokeeCounty on the East. The first page of Division 25 is 326A and there are 93 pages Starts with M.C. Newman. Moses C Newman was the enumerator for Civil Division 25 which starts with Family No. 1, (himself) on the 25th day of October 1850 and has 93 pages ending with Page 372A on 16 Dec 1850 with Family 634. Moses had a tolerably good and understandable handwriting. Something that I did notice in the 1850 census is that while more than one family was found in a number of homes, all persons within a Dwelling were considered as a single family. It might be good, at this point, to remind us that ages were supposedly computed to census day. In the years 1830 through 1900, census day was 01 June of the year taken regardless of the date actually taken. A person listed as age 31 in 1850 should have a birth date of between 02 June 1818 and 01 June 1819.
Warner Lewis Driskill was the enumerator for the 1850 census of DeKalb Co., AL District 24 starting with page 373A on the 1st day of November 1850 and concluding the 26th day of December 1850 with 617 families and on page 418B. His script could be confusing: Capital L and Capital S are virtually identical and his capital T could easily be confused for an L or an S.
Here is a bit of an explanation and a refresher for some. Since I am doing this off the cuff, I hope that I am not causing confusion or writing any false or misleading information.
LONGITUDE is measured in degrees going from west to east for [360 degrees around the Earth]. East of GreenwichEngland for the first 180 degrees, it is considered positive latitude and would be designated 001 through 180. West of GreenwichEngland for the first 180 it is considered negative latitude and would be designated 001 through 180 degrees. One degree Longitude at our Latitude [FortPayne] is about 56.75 miles. Since Longitude is divided in slices from pole to pole, the distance is greatest at the Equator and decreases as we head towards either Pole. The Huntsville Meridian is just about (-) 86.6 degrees west Longitude and this is the Meridian from which we measure our Ranges, which are all east of Huntsville.
LATITUDE is measured from the Equator in degrees north or degrees south from 0 degrees to 180 degrees at the poles. One degree Latitude is about 70 miles and the Alabama / Tennessee Line is very nearly on the 35-degree north parallel. It is from here that we measure our Townships in 6 mile segments starting with Township 1 South and proceeding through Township 9 South so that the southernmost part of DeKalb is about 54 miles south of The Tennessee Line. Present day DeKalbCounty starts about 8.75 miles south of the Tennessee line at County Line Creek.
A Township is a designated piece of land lying between two vertical Range lines (at points east or west from a given meridian) about 6 miles apart and two horizontal Township lines (at points north or south from a given latitude) about 6 miles apart. This then means that means that a Township is approximately 36 Square miles. This is broken into 36 Sections of about one square mile each and they are numbered starting in the northeast with 1 and proceeding through 6 in the northwest it then drops south to 7 and moves east to 12, drops down to 13 and proceeds back westward and continues to drop and reverse through the 36 sections. Each Section is broken into quarter’s sections of 1/2 mile by 1/2 mile containing about 160 acres each and this then is again broken into quarter/quarter sections of about 40 acres each. These are designated by directional quadrants as per the example: NWSE 10 / 8-S 8-E No Huntsville which tells us that this is a block of land about 1320 feet by 1320 feet which is about square and contains about 40 acres of land. It is the northwest 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of Section 10 in Township 8 south of the degrees latitude near the Alabama / Tennessee Line and in Range 8 (48-54 miles) East of the Huntsville Meridian.
1826 Commissioners from Georgia and Alabama met at Fort Mitchell, Alabama (near present day Columbus, Ga.) to begin surveying the land to establish the Georgia-Alabama border from where the line left the ChattahoocheeRiver. Alabama commissioners soon abandoned the work; the Georgia team completed the survey. While there was some minor dispute over the surveying and validity of the line, Alabama finally ratified it in 1840.
The Alabama / Georgia State Line begins at a point about 1.57 miles west of the Range 9 to Range 10 East Line according to the USGS Topographical Map (Barton Hollow, USGS New Home (GA,AL,TN) Quadrant Topographical Map) this places the GA/AL/TN corner at the NW quarter of the NE quarter of Section 5 Township1 South Range 10 East of the Huntsville Meridian. Current maps of the commercial variety tend to ignore this and start at R9 to R10 corner. When you are a nitpicker like me, it throws a lot of things out of kilter.
For those of you who are online or have access to a computer, the following sites may be of some value in better understanding our home. For those who do not, some of the images have been copied and are included here.
Attached are image004.gif and image002.gif can be found at:
Attached is the "dekalbTWRange.jpeg" attachment:
This URL gives you option of looking at other counties in Alabama:
And just for fun, I find the information in this section very interesting:
Combining Census (1840 & 1850) and Land ownership before 1850.
1850 Census for District 24
Warner Lewis Driskill was the enumerator for the 1850 census of DeKalb Co., AL District 24 starting withpage 373Aon the 1st day ofNovember 1850 and concludingthe 26th day of December 1850 with 617 families and on page 418B. His script could be confusing: Capital L and Capital S are virtually identical and his capital T could easily be confused for an L or an S. I believe that he or one of his assistants sometimes heard names starting with an S as having started with a T as in the case of Tims / Sims and Telethy / Selethy
W.L. DRISKILL 34 M, 340B was enumerated on Moses C. Newman's Division 25 census and it is likely that he still lived on his father's property which was the former community of Camden, the original DeKalb County Seat. William DRISKILL 63 M, 334B //DRISKILL, WILLIAM5/1/1845NW 25/ 8-S 7-E. This was a densely populated area at the time with a number of rental properties for a number of years. Camden retained its name on through the Civil War days. Before 1900 the area had become known as the Van Buren District and it is now considered to be part of Collinsville.This landis now the Payton Dairy Farm or a part thereof.
Daniel D.BURKLATTER 32 M, 403A //BURKHALTER, DANIEL B 4/10/1847 SWSW 15/3-S 10-E I double-checked all images and these transcriptions are correct as transcribed. Burkhalter bought 3 land patents and his name is consistent on the patent data. The census should read Daniel B. Burkhalter.
^^^373^^^1&2 First pages of District 24
1850 Census Index District 24
Page numbers are stamped in upper right corners of the microfilmed pages. Every other page is unnumbered. The "A" page is always the numbered page,
and the "B" page is the unnumbered page following it on the film (it was the backside of the paper that was microfilmed).
First page of District 24 is 373A and there are 92 pages
^^^373^^^ 1&2
Cain Killian 175a M[0-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Cane KILLION 43 M, 373A
William R. SUTHERLAND 38 M, 373A T7S R8E // SOUTHERLAND, WILLIAM 7/1/1845 NWSE 30/ 7-S 8-E (1/2 mile northwest of Horton)
A Killian 175a M[1-2-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Elias spelled his name Alias and pronounced it Aylus - has been spelled Alice.
Elias KILLION 39 M, 373A //T7S R8E KILLIAN, ELIAS 5/1/1845 NW 23/ 7-S 8-E( 1.5 miles north of Collbran near Lebanon Road) // KILLIAN, ELIAS 5/1/1845 assignee of ELIZABETH ROWAN E½SW 11/ 7-S 8-E a possible widow of
A Rowan 154a M[0-0-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]or
R Rowan156a M[2-1-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
// KILLIAN, ELIAS 4/10/1847 SESE 14/ 7-S 8-E (1 mile south of AL Hwy 35 at the I-59 interchange in Fort Payne) // T8S R8E KILLIAN, ELIAS 4/10/1848 SWSW 10/ 8-S 8-E(2 miles southwest of Collbran & 1/2 mile east of Killian Cemetery) // KILLIAN, ELIAS 5/1/1848 assignee of MARTIN T HEARD SENE 9/ 8-S 8-E (2 miles southwest of Collbran &includes Killian Cemetery)
Daniel KILLION 22 M, 373A
Isaac TIMS (Sims)18 M 373A In the home of Cane KILLION
Gilbert Sims 174a M[0-0-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[3-2-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] widow
Elizabeth 52 F, 373A T8S R8E
SIMS cont'd 373B
E Goggans163a M[1-1-0-0-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]F[1-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] ???
Edmond T. GOGGIN 38 M, 373B T8S R8E // GOGGIN, EDMUND T 5/1/1845 assignee of JOHN CHENNAULT W½NE 10/ 8-S 8-E // GOGGIN, EDMUND T 5/1/1845 E½NW 10/ 8-S 8-E // GOGGIN, EDMUND T 5/1/1845 E½SW 3/ 8-S 8-E // Edmond T. GOGGIN 38 M, 373B GOGGIN, EDMUND F 4/8/1848 SWSW 3/ 8-S 8-E (Probably recorded by the man who used F for T. on the 1840 census) (1 mile south ofCollbran)
Geo W Crow174a M[0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]F[0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
George W. CROW 31 M, 373B T6S R9E // CROW, GEORGE W 5/1/1845 W½SW 34/ 6-S 9-E Joint ownership (on Old Valley Head Road in present day Fort Payne, just south of the TVA Sub-Station)
D Dutton179a M[0-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]F[1-2-1-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] ???
Frances DURTON 41 F, 373B T6S R9E
Robert Crow174a M[0-0-1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0]F[0-1-3-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0] ???
Michael CROW 25 M, 373B
Thomas GODDARD 373B
Geo Brandon 174a M[1-0-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[1-2-1-0-2-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0]
Lewis Brandon 174a M[1-0-1-0-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Margaret BRANDON 73 F, 373B (Wife of Lewis Brandon?) Brandon, Lewis; d. 24 Oct 1860 - age 80 Gravel Hill Cem.
James TUCKER 53 M, 373B T7S R8E // TUCKER, JAMES 5/1/1845 NW 35/ 7-S 8-E // TUCKER, JAMES 5/1/1845 NWNE 35/ 7-S 8-E (1 mile west of Brandon)
William TUCKER 22 M, 373B
Cont'd TUCKER 374A
Alexander BRATTON 31 M, 374A // T7S R8E GARRETT, THOMAS 5/1/1845 assignee of ALEXANDER BRATTON W½NW 25/ 7-S 8-E(1 milenorth of Brandon)
Lewis Brandon 174a M[1-0-1-0-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Hugh BRANDON 41 M, 374A T8S R8E // BRANDON, HUGH H AL DeKalb 5/1/1845 assignee of LEWIS BRANDON NE 3/ 8-S 8-E (adjacent to west side Collbran & Gravel Hill Church)
H Newkirk 179a M[2-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-2-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Hiram NEWKIRK 42 M, 374A T7S R8E // NEWKIRK, HIRAM 6/1/1845 W½SW 35/ 7-S 8-E (adjacent to north side Collbran & GravelHillChurch)
T Garrett162a M[1-0-1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0]F[2-1-2-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Henry GARRETTE 28 M, 374A (probably son of Thomas) T7S R8E
J Garrett 171a M[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0]F[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0]
Jesse GARRETTE 70 M, 374A T7S R8E
Isaac EVANS 40 M, 374A
James EVANS 8 M, 374B
Mary MERRELL 5 F, 374B
James NEWKIRK 47 M, 374B T7S R8E
John PATTERSON 51 M, 374B T7S R8E // PATTERSON, JOHN 6/1/1845 E½SE 12/ 7-S 8-E // PATTERSON, JOHN 7/1/1845 E½NW 12/ 7-S 8-E (1/4 mileeast of the I-59 interchange at AL Hwy 35 in Fort Payne) T10S R7E//PATTERSON, JOHN AL Etowah 4/8/1848 Lebanon 8903 AL3140__.372 SESW 1/ 10-S 7-E No Huntsville ALNow Etowah
John Ward 180a M[0-2-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-1-1-0-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0]
John G. WARD 52 M, 374B T10S R7E//WARD, JOHN AL Etowah 5/1/1845 Lebanon 7304 AL3110__.219 W½NW 4/ 10-S 7-E No Huntsville ALNow Etowah//WARD, JOHN AL Etowah 5/1/1845 Lebanon 7395 AL3110__.297 SWSW 5/ 10-S 7-E No Huntsville ALNow Etowah
T Garrett162a M[1-0-1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0]F[2-1-2-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Thomas GARRETTE 56 M, 374B // T7S R9E GARRETT, THOMAS 5/1/1845 NW 19/ 7-S 9-E // GARRETT, THOMAS 5/1/1845 NWSW 19/ 7-S 9-E(at the foot of Lookout Mountain in now south Fort Payne, 2 miles north of Brandon) // T7S R8E GARRETT, THOMAS 5/1/1845 NE 24/ 7-S 8-E // GARRETT, THOMAS 7/1/1845 E½SW 24/ 7-S 8-E (at the junction of US-ll and LebanonRoad) // GARRETT, THOMAS 5/1/1845 assignee of ALEXANDER BRATTON W½NW 25/ 7-S 8-E // GARRETT, THOMAS 5/1/1845 assignee of ARRIS L HICKS SE 26/ 7-S 8-E
A L Hicks 174a M[1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]F[1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
// GARRETT, THOMAS 5/1/1845 SENE 26/ 7-S 8-E (south of and near the junction of US-11 and LebanonRoad) T11S R8E//GARRETT, THOMAS AL Etowah 5/1/1845 Lebanon 7371 AL3110__.274B 18/ 11-S 8-E Yes Huntsville AL Etowah and NESW 18/ 11-S 8-E Yes Huntsville AL Etowah//GARRETT, THOMAS AL Etowah 10/1/1845 Lebanon 8137 AL3130__.034 A 18/ 11-S 8-E Yes Huntsville AL Etowah//GARRETT, THOMAS AL Etowah 8/10/1849 Lebanon 9943 AL3160__.390 S½SE 9/ 11-S 8-E Yes Huntsville AL Cherokee, Etowah Now Etowah
Garette WEBB 3 M, and Jane 1 F, 374B
Phil Brandon 174a M[2-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[2-1-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Phillip BRANDON 48 M, 374B T7S R8E // BRANDON, PHILIP 5/1/1845 E½SE 34/ 7-S 8-E (includes the Gravel Hill Church and Cemetery at Collbran)
Cont'd BRANDON 375A
J Lyons 162a M[0-0-0-0-0-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0] F[2-2-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
John LYON 50 M, 375A T7S R9E // LYONS, JOHN 5/1/1845 NWNW 17/ 7-S 9-E // LYONS, JOHN 5/1/1845 assignee of WILLIAM WALKER SW 8/ 7-S 9-E (just northwest of "Five Points" on Lookout Mountain)// LYONS, JOHN 6/1/1845 E½SE 7/ 7-S 9-E (Gault Ave. South in Fort Payne just north of AL Hwy 35 branching to the west) // LYONS, JOHN 5/1/1848 SWSW 31/ 6-S 9-E (south of Isbell Field Municipal Airport in Fort Payne)
Geo Smedley 174 a M[0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Thomas G. SMEDLY 46 M, 375A // T7S R8E SMEDLEY, JOHN R 5/1/1845 W½NE 22/ 7-S 8-E (1/2 mile north of Adamsburg Cemetery at Liberty Hill Church)
John J. STEWART 43 M, 375A T7S R8E // STEWART, JOHN J 5/1/1845 SE 24/ 7-S 8-E (Gibson Gap land just north of the horseshoe curve and to the Sylvania and Brow Road intersection)
Tatam GARRETTE 43 M, 375A T7S R8E
Casper HUNTER 45 M, 375A T7S R9E // HUNTER, CASPER 3/1/1850 SWSE 7/ 7-S 9-E (2 miles northeast of Blake on Sand Mountain)
Jno Lankford 178a M[4-2-0-0-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-1-0-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
John M. LANKFORD 42 M, 375A // T7S R9E LANKFORD, JOHN 5/1/1845 assignee of LEWIS D HALL NW 6/ 7-S 9-E //T6S R9E LANKFORD, JOHN M 6/1/1845 assignee of
B Estes 177a M[2-1-0-1-0-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0]F[1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] ???
BETHLEHEM ESTES SE 31/ 6-S 9-E // LANKFORD, JOHN M 8/10/1849 W½NW 32/ 6-S 9-E (includes Lankford Cemetery and mostof Isbell Field Municipal Airport in Fort Payne)
Cont'd LANKFORD 375B
Ludioell BALLENGER 52 M, 375B T10S R8E//BALLENGER, LUDWELL AL Etowah 6/1/1845 Lebanon 6270 AL3100__.065 NE 32/ 10-S 8-E Yes Huntsville AL Cherokee, Now Etowah(Here is an example of the changing County Lines where the Patent was issued for land in Cherokee County in 1845 land that became DeKalb County before 1850, then Etowah County in 1867)
Willis Baxter 183a M[1-1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[3-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Willis BAXTER 44 M, 375B T7S R8E // BAXTER, WILLIS 3/1/1850 SWNW 34/ 7-S 8-E (on Lebanon Road, 1 mile south of Shiloh Church and Cemetery and1/2 miles northwest of Gravel Hill Church at Collbran)
Samuel SLATON 31 M, 375B
W Bohammer178a M[2-0-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-1-0-0-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] ???
Willis BOHANNON 44 M, 375B T7S R8E
Thomas PINKERTON 32 M, 375B T7S R8E
Jesse Baxter 175a M[0-0-1-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Jesse BAXTER 73 M, 376A T7S R8E // BAXTER, JESSE 6/1/1845 SW 27/ 7-S 8-E (includes ShilohChurch and Cemetery on Lebanon Rd.)
Saml Haws 154a M[0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]F[0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Samuel HAWS 37 M, 376A T7S R8E // HAWS, SAMUEL 8/10/1849 NESW 10/ 7-S 8-E (Pine Ridge)
Elizabeth McCURDY 53 F, 376A // T7S R8E MCCURDY, ELIJAH 5/1/1845 NW 10/ 7-S 8-E (Pine Ridge) [Spinster daughter of Elijah]
Caroline Bruce 22 F and Jackson BRUCE 2 M, 376A Dau & gs of Jesse Baxter?
James FIELD 34 M, 376A T7S R8E // FIELD, JAMES 8/10/1849 SENE 30/ 7-S 8-E (1/2 mile northeast of Horton)
Saml Weaver 177a M[1-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[2-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] son?
William WEAVER 33 M, 376A //T6S R8E WEAVER, SAMUEL 4/10/1848 NENE 35/ 6-S 8-E (1/4 mile south of AntiochCemetery)
William CHITWOOD 15 M, and siblings' 376A
James Baxter 183a M[0-1-0-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]F[1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
James BAXTER 38 M, 376A T7S R8E // BAXTER, JAMES 5/1/1845 N½NW 34/ 7-S 8-E // BAXTER, JAMES 6/1/1845 W½SE 27/ 7-S 8-E (1/2 mile east of Shiloh Church & Cemetery off Lebanon Rd.)// BAXTER, JAMES 10/1/1845 assignee of RICHARD CHITWOOD SESE 32/ 7-S 8-E (just north of Lebanon Cemetery)
Richd King 175a M[0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Richard L. KING 29 M, 376A T7S R8E
R Murphy 182a M[1-0-0-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Robert MURPHEY 47 M, 376B (old Bob Murphey, first sheriff of DeKalb Co., AL.
Joseph C. BOGLE 47 M, 376B
Isaac FEARSON 72 M, 376B (McPherson) T7S R8E // MCPHERSON, ISAAC 4/8/1848 SENE 3/ 7-S 8-E //
Hamelton THURMAN 17 M, 376B
Thos Beck 177a M[1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Thomas BECK 40 M, 376B T7S R9E // BECK, THOMAS 5/1/1845 E½SW 31/ 6-S 9-E // BECK, THOMAS 7/1/1845 NENE 6/ 7-S 9-E // BECK, THOMAS 10/1/1845 SENE 6/ 7-S 9-E (1 mile west of Chavies) // BECK, THOMAS 10/1/1845 NWNW 5/ 7-S 9-E (1/2 mile south of Chavies)
William CHITWOOD 22 M, 376B
John McDANIEL 35 M, 376B
John H. WILLOUGHBY 36 M, 376B
^^^377^^^ 9&10
Willoughby HAMMACK 37 M, 377A
Joseph SAMPLEY 19 M, 377A
Joshua CONWAY 30 M, 377A
James Garrett 174a M[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0]F[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0]
James GARRETTE 73 M, 377A T7S R8E // GARRETT, JAMES 5/1/1845 W½SE 18/ 7-S 9-E // GARRETT, JAMES 6/1/1845 NE 18/ 7-S 9-E Jointly (at US-11 in Fort Payne south of the AL Hwy 35 branch towards Scottsboro)
Wm Smedley 174a M[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-2-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0]
William SMEDLY 71 M, 377A T7S R9E // SMEDLEY, WILLIAM 5/1/1848 NESE 18/ 7-S 9-E (at US-11 in Fort Payneeast of the AL Hwy 35 branch towards Scottsboro)
John FOSTER 25 M, 377A
James REECE 17 M, 377A
Daniel KILLION 60 M, 377A
Mary PRICE 26 F, 377A
R Tate175a M[0-1-1-1-3-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] brother
Mayben TATE 46(38) M 377A (b. 1812) T7S R8E // FATE(TATE), MABEN 4/10/1848 SWSE 12/ 7-S 8-E // TATE, MABEN 8/10/1849 SESW 12/ 7-S 8-E (adjoining south side of AL Hwy 35 & west sideof I-59 interchange)
Thomas LYON 46 M, 27 M, 377A
Cont'd LYON 377B
James MOORE 62 M, 377B
Joseph McREYNOLDS 21 M, 377B
Samuel MOORE 25 M, 377B
Alexander MOORE 33 M, 377B
Thomas HAMMACK 42 M, 377B //T7S R9E HAMMOCK, THOMAS 5/1/1845 E½NW 18/ 7-S 9-E (includes part of the old section of Glenwood Cemetery) // HAMMOCK, THOMAS 5/1/1845 SW 18/ 7-S 9- E (Fort Payne 1/2 mile southwest of Glenwood Cemetery)//T7S R8E HAMMACK, THOMAS 3/1/1850 SESE 13/ 7-S 8-E (3/4 mile south of AL Hwy 35 & east sideof I-59 interchange)
John SMITHWICK 26 M, 377B
Fransis Swader 174a M[3-0-1-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0] F[0-1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0]
Francis SWADER 53 M, 377B T7S R9E // SWADER, FRANCIS 6/1/1845 E½SE 5/ 7-S 9-E // SWADER, FRANCIS 8/10/1849 SESW 5/ 7-S 9-E (Fort Payne about Minvale crossing & 1/2 mile south of the north Wye)
Cont'd SWADER 378A
Thos SWADER 174a M[0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] F[1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0] ???
This Thomas is probably son of the Francis above and was living next door in 1840. It is likely that Margaret is his widow and is still living next door in 1850.
Margarette SWADER 43 F, 378A T7S R9E
Nathaniel ROBERTSON 60 M, 378A // T7S R9E ROBISON, NATHANIEL L 8/10/1849 NWSE 5/ 7-S 9-E (Minvale, 1/2 mile south ofthe north wye in FortPayne)