Minutes of the Toc Chamber of Commerce's held on the Tues Oct 13th 2015 at Golf Club

Present: Liz Lang, Sun Lui, Sergio Redegalli, Clive marsh, Steve Naughton, George Christie, Ross Bodey, Spencer Rutherford, LockieThornburn, Tracey Stewart, Kerry Davies

Apologies: MerynSocha, Colin Jones, Kristine Philpot, Mark Baldwin, Marg Rumbold

Minutes: Moved C March, Seconded Steve Naughton. That they be accepted.

Business Arising:

Tunnels - Kerry still working on

Town Map - should be ready to edit next week: Sergio would like an add in it, LIz to follow up.

Presidents Report:

Presidents meeting with Council delayed to the 26th October.

Liz congratulated the Flyer team

Liz thanked the businesses that opened up over the long weekend

Treasurers Report:

Opening Balance $13044

Closing Balance $14699

33 memberships received

LockieThornburn requested membership form. S. Naugton to follow up.


Deferred as no Secretary

Retail Report:

Fairy lights paid for and received. Rural Fire brigade to put up.

Sergio provided info on Xmas decorations

Postcards - now available

General Business:

Old Buildings : L Thornburn still working on

Carols: Sunday before Xmas. Liz Lang and Katie Gouty organising, Specer Rutherford offered to assit.

Tree Planting in Deniliquin St - -suppose to happen when completed tree planting on Newell Highway, water under street seems to be still an issue.

Street Name Change. Apparently Emergency numbers have been informed. Rotary to pain new numbers on kerb

Activities over Xmas/ New Year/January for Visitors: A general discussion took place. Foreshore Committee proposing film night on foreshore, want entertainment before film. Find out what pubs, golf club, bowls club proposing. Food stall night proposed. Films in Hall proposed. Bush dancing, Old time dancing, dancing demos, and up and coming local bands

Moved: K Davies Seconded: Steve Naugton Carried

That a Committee be established to investigate and report back to Chamber for Xmas/January and Easter with Committee consisting of Ross Bodey; Spencer Rutherford: Sergio Redegalli; Kerry Davies

Moved: Liz Lang Seconded Steve Naughton Carried

That Chamber contribute $800 for a band.

Flags Outside Information Centre. Appear to be lost, Ross Bodey to inquire as to whether in Tourist Info Building. Liz Lang reported meeting had being deferred

Electricity Supply Problems: Sergio Redegalli reported on issues he was having. Agreed this was a major issue for not only Sergio but other potential businesses coming to Toc. Agreed that Sergio to find out more inform. Chamber to do some lobbying re situation after Sergio finds out more.

Information Centre not able to sell train tickets. Rumour at present, waiting for meeting between Info centre and Council.

AGM next Meeting:To be held next meeting. Presidents and Secretary's position will be vacant.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 11th November at 7pm at Golf Club. Dat e changed because of Golf Club vote night