2012 MINI SOCCER RULES (U-6 through U-10)
BE ADVISED: As of the start of the 2012 season, there are updates to FSC mini-field rules as per OSA standards regarding the goal area, penalty areas and methods of scoring. Please read ALL rules carefully!!)
1. The Team
a) A maximum of 14 registered players.
b) A maximum of 7 players on the field at one time.
c) If a team cannot field a minimum of 5 players, it shall forfeit the game.
2. Offside
*The offside rule does not apply to mini soccer. *
3. Penalty Kick
a) Indirect penalty kicks can be awarded for infractions committed by the defending team in its own penalty area (the 10 yard box). An indirect free kick shall be taken from the point of the infraction unless the infraction takes place inside the 5 yard goal area. In such circumstances the ball shall be placed on the penalty mark, 8 yards out from the centre of the goal-line. An indirect free kick may then be taken from that point. At no time during regular season play will a direct penalty kick be awarded.
b) Defending players need to be a minimum of 6 yards from the ball when the kick is taken.
4. Method of Scoring
a) A goal is scored when the whole of the ball has crossed over the goal-line, between the goal-posts and under the cross-bar, provided it has not be thrown, carried or intentionally propelled by hand or arm, by a player of the attacking team, except by a goalkeeper from within his own penalty area.
b) The referee shall be the sole judge as to whether a goal has been scored.
c) During the course of play, should any outside agent prevent the ball from passing into the goal or assist the ball into the goal, play shall be stopped. The referee shall restart the game by dropping the ball.
5. Goal Kick
a) When the whole of the ball has crossed the goal-line, either on the ground or in the air, excluding that portion between the goal-posts, having last been played or touched by a member of the attacking team, a goal kick shall be awarded to the defending team. The ball shall be placed on the line of the 5 (4.5m) yard box that is parallel to the goal-line and on the side nearest to where the ball crossed the goal-line.
b) At the taking of the goal-kick, all opponents shall be outside the penalty-area i.e. the 10 yard (9.1m) box until the ball has been kicked into play. The ball shall be in play when it has travelled directly beyond the penalty-area.
c) If the player taking the goal-kick plays or touches the ball a second time before it has been played or touched by another player, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team. If the ball does not clear the penalty area, the goal-kick shall be retaken
d) A goal may be scored directly from a goal-kick provided the ball has cleared the penalty area.
6. Goalie
a) The six (6) second rule will not apply. The goalkeeper will not be limited to only 6 seconds from the time of possession to distribute the ball back into play.
b) Must wear a shirt that is distinctive from all other players on the field.
c) Can pick up the ball anywhere inside the penalty area, namely the 10 yard box.
7. Free Kick
a) Opposing team players shall be a minimum of 6m away from theball for all free kicks until the ball is in play. The ball is in play when it has been kicked and the ball has moved.
b) If a ball is passed to a goalie by his/her teammates and he/she touches it with the hands, a penalty kick will be awarded to the opposing team. The penalty kick rules above will apply.
c)* All free kicks are indirect (two touch). Direct kicks do not apply to mini soccer.*
8. Throw In
a) Players will be given a second chance during the regular season games only.
b) There will be no second chances during CUP games.
9. Field of Play
a) U-6 – U-10 will play the full mini field.
10. Referees
a) For U-6, the coaches will referee. They will be allowed on their half of the field to coach their players as well as referee the match.
b) For U-6 division, coaches will not be allowed on the field for the 2nd half of the scheduled season, except the coach designated to referee at that time.
c) *For U-7, U-8 & U-10, referees will be provided for all games, and coaches will not be allowed onto the field of play. *
11. Playing Time
Each player on the team shall play a minimum of half of the game.
12. Standings
a) Points awarded are 3 for a Win, 1 for a Tie, 0 for a Loss.
b) No scores, points or standings will be kept for the U-5 and U-6 Divisions.
c) In the event of two or more teams being equal in points for 1st place at the completion of the schedule, they will be determined as “Co-Champions”.
d) No score will be registered with greater than a 5 goal difference (i.e. A 7-0 victory would be recorded as 5-0).
13. Game Duration
Age Group / Game DurationU-6
/ 40 Minutes (2 x 20 minute halves)
U-7, U-8 / 50 Minutes (2 x 25 minute halves)
U-10 / 50 Minutes (2 x 25 minute halves)
14. Cup Competition
a) For all CUP games ending in a tie after regulation play, 2 x 5 minute overtime periods will be played. The “Golden Goal” rule will apply (i.e. first goal ends the game). If tied after overtime, FIFA penalty kicks will follow. (i.e. 5 per team, followed by 1 each until a winner is determined). For penalty kicks, the ball will be centered 7m in front of the net.
b) CUP Competition is separate from League play. All Cup games are drawn through a blind draw and involve all teams within that Division.
15. Substitutions
Substitutions will be permitted in all League and Cup games as follows:
a) After a goal is scored
b) At any goal kick
c) At the beginning of a half or quarter
d) On ones own throw in
e) To replace an injured player only
f) At the beginning of 1st or 2nd overtime periods (Cup games).
16. Team Responsibility
a) If a league referee is not present, both coaches must agree upon a referee (Cup games excluded). In the event both coaches cannot agree on a referee, both teams may be considered to have forfeited the game. This decision is made by the Executive or its designate.
b) With the exception of the U-6 Division, the winning team shall be responsible for notifying the League Convenor of the result of the game within 48 hours. In the event of a tie, the home team will notify the Convenor. Home team is listed first on the master schedule.
c) 15 minutes shall be allowed from the time of kick-off for lateness. If a team cannot be fielded after the extra 15 minutes has elapsed, the opposing team shall be awarded the game.
d) All spectators, players and coaching staff must remain a minimum of 2m away from the side lines at all times during the game.
e) No spectators are permitted behind the goal lines while a game is in progress. All spectators will be seated on the opposite side of the field to where the players are located.
f) In all Divisions (except in U-6), coaches and assistants shall do their coaching from the sidelines only, and must stay on one side of the field throughout the game. Coaches and assistants must stay within 5m of their team bench. U-6 coaches may go on the field to coach.
g) A maximum of two (2) coaches are allowed on the sidelines per team.
h) A game can only be cancelled at the playing field by the referee. Electrical storms, hail, heavy rain, insufficient light or any unsafe condition can warrant cancellation. If the match is stopped after 3/4 of the game has been played, then the score shall stand (excluding Cup games). Otherwise, it must be rescheduled. If a game is postponed for any other reason, no points will be awarded. For the U-6 Division, the game can be cancelled at the discretion of the opposing coaches.
i) The use of any player not registered with the Flamborough Soccer Club will result in forfeit of the game and disciplinary action by the Club.
17. Rescheduling & Call Ups
a) All reschedule requests must be submitted through your Division Convenor.
b) In the U-7 to U-10 Divisions, teams may call up a maximum of two (2) players to make a total of nine (9) players dressed for that game (ie – if you have 9 players available, you may not use call-ups).
c) Call ups are permitted from the next lower Age Division only. A particular player may not be called up by the same team more than two (2) times during the season.
d) Call-ups must be approved by the Coach of the team from which the player is being called up. Under no circumstances is a player to be called up without knowledge and approval of his regular team Coach.
e) No call ups are permitted for Cup Games.
18. Dress Code
a) All players for safety reasons cannot play with the following:
1. exposed hard arm casts.
2. stiff rimmed baseballs caps (except for goalie if sun is an issue).
3. watches and dangling or loose jewelry.
4. anything the referee feels might endanger any player on the field.
b) All players must wear a team jersey tucked inside team shorts.
c) All players must wear shin guards inside team socks.
19. Other Matters
All matters not herewith covered shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the Flamborough Soccer Club or its designate.