Test 2 Answers (
1.You live in hot and sunny fashionable Winter Park, Florida where most everybody drivers a BMW
and all the kids have plenty of Beanie Babies. You decide to up your rates from the standard $180
an hour to $550, as you figure, well, you're just worth it regardless of what these rich folks can pay
or not. Ethical or Not. ?
Non Ethical - creating a hardship for your personal gain in just not good form
Ethical - IF you can get the DPR to approve the rate hike
Non Ethical - you can't charge more than the going rate for therapy
Ethical, in a free economy, it's whatever the market will bear
2.Drugs that enhance a neurotransmitters effects are referred to as:
3.This individual is most likely to experience depression in the United States:
An individual with a paraphilia
An anorexic woman
A man with a specific phobia
A bulimic man
4.A newly wed couple, Amanda and Stan, come to you after Stan called really shook up. They had
been living together for about 6 months before they got married and for the last two months have
been fighting every day. Both are recovering alcoholics and Stan has hit Amanda a few times the
last month. Stan feels awful about hitting Amanda but she makes him so mad he can't control his
anger. Legally in relationship to the violence perpetrated on Amanda by Stan, what should you do?
You have no legal obligation
Help Amanda with information on domestic violence shelters
Notify the police, get Amanda out of danger
Call the spouse abuse hotline and report Stan
5.All of the following are dissociative disorders except...
dysthymic disorder
depersonalization disorder
multiple personality disorder
dissociative fugue
6.This is a division of the autonomic nervous system which controls the internal organs and is
primarily active when an individual is not in a state of arousal:
Parietal nervous system
Psychoactive nervous system
Sympathetic nervous system
Parasympathetic nervous system
7.This is a chemical which is an important part of the stress response:
8.Which research design would you suggest for research on the effects of growing older on IQ
9.In order to assess the effects of a LSD on the MMPI scores of a patient, MMPI is administered to
one patient at one-week intervals for six months during the baseline phase of the experiment and
for six months during the treatment phase. This research design is:
ABAB design
Multiple baseline design
Ex-post-facto research
Single subject research
10.Based on statistical research, upon first admission to a mental hospital, one is most likely to be
diagnosed with:
Bipolar disorders
Schizoid personality disorder
Schizophrenic reaction
11.Antidepressants are most likely to affect this neurotransmitter:
12.What is the single most significant component necessary for success in consultation?
Both parties feel they are receiving benefit from their transactions
Perceived power to create change
Expertness of the social worker
The relationship
13.Carkuff had as his core conditions that an effective social worker should exhibit:
Concreteness Respect Empathy Genuineness
Rapport, Knowledge, Influence
Power, Intimacy, Intelligence
Warmth, Knowledge, Understanding
14.If a colleague requests a consultation to discuss one of his clients with a problem that happens to
be in your area of proficiency, your ethical duties require that:
It is only important that you maintain confidentiality about the identity of the client
Your communication with the colleague does not reveal who his client is
Without actually talking to the client, you are putting yourself in jeopardy
You can not ethically talk with your colleague until you see a signed waiver signed by his client
15.This axis on the DSM-IV is used to categorize physical disorders:
16.When a homosexual client expresses a desire to consult a homosexual social worker, you, as the
present social worker and a heterosexual, might want to:
Reassure the client and continue therapy
Explore the client’s reasons
Refer the client to a homosexual social worker
Terminate the relationship
17.This is the fear of being outside of one's home:
Social phobia
House phobia
18.These are pain killers produced within the body of human beings:
Ethanol and ACTH
Enkephalins and endorphins
Dopamine and seratonin
Acetylcholine and GABA
19.One of the differences between humanistic and cognitive modes of treatment is that cognitive
Do not show unconditional positive regard
Use a client-centered approach
Tend to be more directive
Tend to focus on the past
20.Two antipsychotic drugs used for the treatment of schizophrenia are:
Prozac and wellbutrin
MAO inhibitors and lithium
Lithium and prozac
Chlorpromazine and resiprin