Periodontal Therapy/ Scaling & Root Planing Information
Periodontal disease is the result of the progression of gingivitis into the underlying supporting bone. Gum disease may progress painlessly, producing few obvious signs, even in the late stages of the disease. The result is varying degrees of damage to the bone which, if not treated can result in loss of some or all teeth.
Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical treatment for periodontal disease which involves the physical removal of calculus (tartar or hard mineral deposits) below the gum line with various instruments including an ultrasonic scaler. Bacteria and toxins are also removed in this process allowing diseased tissue to heal. Many patients will need to be anesthetized for this procedure for thorough treatment and comfort.
Important Information Following Treatment of Periodontal Disease:
- It is vital that periodontal disease be monitored by a dental professional and specialized cleanings called periodontal maintenances be performed on a regular basis, usually 3 to 4 month intervals. Failure on the part of the patient to maintain these appointments may critically jeopardize the future health of the teeth and gums. It is important for the patient to know that there will no longer be routine cleanings provided. There is no cure for the bone loss that occurs with periodontal disease and periodontal maintenances are performed instead of routine cleanings to maintain the health of the teeth and gums and monitor the disease.
- There may be increased sensitivity of the scaled teeth which can last two weeks or possible linger. This condition usually resolves itself over time. Using a sensitive toothpaste during this time may help.
- The patient’s gums may initially feel tender. Rinsing with a warm salt water solution made diluting 1teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water a couple times a day will help heal and soothe the gums. It is important to continue to floss and brush according to instructions during the healing time.
- The jaw joint may be tender due to extended opening during the treatment. The patient may take an over the counter pain reliever as needed- what would normally be taken for a headache.
- Good, diligent home care is ESSENTIAL for improvement. Treatment is a team effort, with you as the principal player. The daily investment of time and energy will result in increased health. Please know that we are dedicated to helping patients any way we can. Feel free to address us with any questions or concerns.