The Great Oaks Federation

Behaviour Policy

This policy is carried out within the context and spirit of the schools’ values and vision statements. It supports and reinforces the aims of both primary schools in the federation, valuing all children and adults equally and as individuals.

Wyberton Primary School Vision Statement

We believe that learning is a journey of the mind, body and soul that develops and continues throughout life.

  • All in our school will emerge prepared for the future and ready to make a positive contribution to society.
  • We will develop the confidence to embrace challenges and new situations and through forming reciprocal relationships with the local and global community our aspirations for life and careers will develop.
  • All in our school will learn in an environment that is secure, vibrant, inspirational and stimulating. We will develop thinking skills, creativity and independence.
  • We will encourage high expectations of self and others, whilst remaining a truly caring community school.

We value:

Care, honesty, creativity, respect and the commitment to achieve.

  • Staff, children, parents and governors who are caring
  • Honesty and integrity from everyone
  • Creativity and freedom of thought
  • Respect from everyone and for everyone
  • The commitment to achieve

St Thomas CE Primary Vision Statement

Saint Thomas Church of England Primary School is an innovative and dynamic school that responds positively to the ever changing world in which we live.

We believe that every child is a unique creation embracing challenges through life’s journey. We will work together in partnership with parents, governors and the church to nurture a love of learning and discovery in every child. We have high expectations and will provide a vibrant and inspirational environment in which to learn and to grow into well rounded and successful individuals.

Through our strong Christian ethos we will develop creative, compassionate and respectful individuals that will embrace challenges and opportunities with confidence, independence and a determination to succeed.

We value:

Creation, compassion, endurance, respect, fellowship and trust.

1. Adults and children who value the creation of new life, new ideas and new learning. They reach for and value new opportunities and embrace creativity and innovation.

2. Adults and children who are truly compassionate and actively demonstrate their compassion for others.

3. Adults and children who have resilience and determination and understand the sacrifices others make for them and the amazing acts of endurance of others.

4. Respect for all things, for all people and for all living things, including self respect. We value inclusion and tolerance and understand and respect the beliefs and feelings of others.

5. We understand that we belong to many families and communities. We share and care for the people in our families and have a strong sense of fellowship with our school, with the church, with the local and national community.

6. We trust in those that look after us and we will earn their trust by being good people. We value honesty, we encourage self belief and we trust in God’s love.


The school policy reflects the consensus of opinion of the whole teaching staff. It has been drawn up as a result of staff discussion and has the full agreement of the governing body.

1. Good School and Good Behaviour

1.1We at Wyberton School and St Thomas CE Primary Schoolbelieve that developing emotional behaviour in school including the celebration of work and making children, parents and staff feel valued, creates the appropriate learning environment for children. Everyone in our school should feel secure in an atmosphere that enables them to work;without disruption, where no-one’s happiness, safety or belongings are threatened by others and where each treats the others with courtesy and kindness. Our behaviour policy echoes our core values as previously stated.

1.2We expect good behaviour from children and parents and encourage respect at all times. Parents / carers will be expected to abide by our policy and expectations as well as the children. Should adultsdeviate from the school rules and values then the school is within its rights to remove or ban any parents / carers from the school in the event of inappropriateor unacceptable behaviour being displayed.

1.3This policy statement is predominantly about good behaviour and aims to present clearly:

how we define “good behaviour”

how we intend to encourage children to behave well

how we intend to discourage inappropriate behaviour

1.4The school aims to provide a positive, supportive community in which children become aware of the need to respect others and their property, to care for each other and for the environment of the school. We actively promote our school as a family and a ‘team’ and ensure children understand that their behaviour has an impact on others. The school seeks to encourage a sense of belonging, self-respect and consideration for others by involving the children in the negotiations of rules and by the positive reinforcement of responsible behaviour.

2. Discipline Structure

2.1At Wyberton and St Thomas CE Primary, it is the responsibility of staff to establish and maintain the discipline structure within the classroom and school. It is important that we reflect before we act and that all the facts are known before action is taken or a discipline matter is passed along the chain. Third parties cannot give effective support unless they are apprised of the accurate, full facts.

2.2It is the responsibility of parents to ensure their children behave at school, including out of school events and trips. If a child’s behaviour is not in keeping with this policy at an out of school event or trip, the parent/carer must collect the child if directed to do so by the school. It is the responsibility of parents to supportthe school in maintaining good behaviour. We expect parents to support their child’s learning and to co-operate with the school, as set out in the home-school agreement.

2.3Our school has a zero tolerance policy to bad behaviour from children andinappropriate behaviour from parents/carers and staff. All cases will be investigated and dealt with to ensure our school remains a happy and safe place to be.

3. The Chain of Responsibility

3.1The chain of responsibility in disciplinary matters is:

  • self-discipline
  • the class teachers or adult on duty, including Midday Supervisory

Assistants (MSAs)

  • support within the year-group or other teachers
  • Phase Leaders (St Thomas’) (where applicable)
  • Assistant Head
  • Head of School
  • Executive Head Teacher
  • Governing body, at the request of the Executive Head Teacher

3.2On occasions it may be necessary to deviate from the above chain of responsibility; however the exceptional circumstances in which the chain may be short-circuited should be strictly reserved for issues of similar gravity to those listed under “more serious offences”.

4. What is good behaviour?

4.1We agree that good behaviour means that staff, pupils, visitors and parents:

  • have a caring attitude towards themselves and respect others
  • are polite and friendly
  • move and play safely
  • work hard
  • look after our school and everything in it
  • use appropriate language
  • abide by our school/class rules

5. How do we encourage good behaviour?

5.1Staff, visitors and parents:

  • explain and demonstrate the behaviour we wish to see
  • give praise when children behave well
  • ensure that criticism is constructive and is related to our school


  • inform parents about their children’s good behaviour
  • reward the individual or group for their good behaviour
  • listen to the children at the School Council
  • closely monitor all children’s behaviour around school
  • insist on quiet and calm behaviour when moving around the school
  • consistently apply sanctions

6.The Rules

The school rules apply at all times – anywhere in the school buildingor grounds and during educational visits – expectations will always be high.

6.1We understand that there will be times when individual children do not behave appropriately. To try to minimise these occasions we will:

  • highlight good behaviour as it occurs
  • constantly involve and remind pupils of the school rules and values
  • ensure that all staff will consistently apply the rules
  • children will be encouraged to take ownership of their behaviour

through the use of choices

  • staff will emphasise that there will always be consequences for the

choices we make

  • ensure good systems and procedures are in place

7. Classroom Rules

7.1These should be brief, clear and kept to a minimum. They should be negotiated with the children and displayed in a prominent position in the classroom. They must be positive and reflect the aims and values of school.

8. School Rules

  • Walk at all times inside school.
  • Keep hands, feet and unkind words to yourself.
  • Call everyone by his or her correct name.
  • Be polite and kind to others.
  • Be punctual.
  • Wear the correct uniform.
  • Work quietly and sensibly in class and show consideration and respect

for others

9. The Rewards

9.1The reward system is a vital part of our programme. If it is to be effective we must ensure that children value the rewards on offer. Our system of rewards and privileges will include:

  • verbal and non-verbal appreciation
  • giving extra responsibilities or duties, displaying the need for trust
  • team points
  • the opportunity to attend parties, trips etc
  • achievement rewards
  • certificates for good work

10. Sanctions

10.1For minor offences inside or outside the classroom in any one period, sanctions such as time lost from play times will be enforced. Children who misbehave in after school clubs will lose their place in the club. Children who commit a number of minor offences over a short period of time may lose the opportunity to take part in a class trip or other special events. The school reserves the right to prevent a child taking part in an educational visit due to inappropriate behaviour as outlined in this policy. If there was a cost for the trip, parents will not necessarily receive a refund if the costs can’t be recovered by the school.

10.2More serious offences such as:

  • physical abuse/violence
  • the use of foul or abusive language
  • theft
  • persistent disruption of the class or assembly
  • vandalism
  • racism
  • insolence
  • refusal to co-operate
  • extortion – deliberate physical or mental pressure on another


  • malicious accusations against staff
  • bringing illegal drugs onto school premises
  • bringing any item that could be classed as a dangerous weapon onto

school premises

* Any serious misuse of social media to deliberately cause offense or harm.

would merit a more appropriate sanction. These may include:

  • loss of privileges
  • report to Assistant Head; Head of School or Executive Head teacher
  • parents notified of inappropriate behaviour and invited into school to discuss this
  • contact a further agency (Ed Psychologist or Behavioural Support


  • removal from class to Beehive or Acorn or other appropriate room
  • use of an internal exclusion
  • in consultation with the LA, removal to the Boston Teaching and Learning Centre for a fixed period of time.
  • fixed term and permanent exclusions
  • children with recognised SEND needs for behaviour may be treated


11. Racial Abuse (C/F Racial Equality Policy)

  • Where repeated incidents of racial abuse are made against children oradults within the school, this could result in a fixed term or permanent exclusion. All incidents will be logged and fully investigated by Head of School and/or Executive Head teacher.

Physical violence against staff will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate exclusion.

This policy will be reviewed regularly in the light of new advice or government guidance.