Working with Sections

This module explores some of the basic techniques used in the creation and modifications of a section.

Creating a Section

n  A new section may be started in one of two ways:

n  Using the FILE / NEW... command allows you to build any size section you desire. Any length and number of shelves may be assigned to the section.

n  A second method uses the FILE / BUILD SECTION... command. This method starts a new section based on a limited number of templates.

Steps / Result/Comment
1.  Click on the New button / The New Section dialog box appears:

3.  Enter a name in the Section Name field / This is the only required field on the Description tab.
4.  Click on the Dimensions tab of the dialog box / The dimension fields appear.
5.  Enter the known dimensions
6.  Select OK to continue or press ENTER / The new section appears.

n  The windows that make up a new section are:

The Items Worksheet--Displays in tabular form all of the products currently displayed on the planogram. Initially this worksheet will be blank.

The Shopping Cart Worksheet--Holds all items deleted from the planogram. They may be added back into the planogram from here. This worksheet is sometimes called the Unallocated list.

The PMaster (product master)--Contains all the items which may be added to the section. See the module "The Product Master" later in this CBT for details on PMaster manipulation.

The Shelves Worksheet--Shows (in tabular form) all the shelves contained in the current section. Shelves may be modified and deleted using this worksheet.

The Planogram Window--Shows a graphical representation of how the section would look with its fixtures and products. The fixtures and products may also be directly manipulated in this window.

Changing Section Dimensions

n  The current section may be resized at any time.

Steps / Result/Comment
1.  Choose TOOLS / RESIZE from the menu / The resize section dialog box appears:
2.  Enter a new size
3.  Click on OK or press ENTER to continue


  The planogram window now displays the newly resized section.

  If the section is shortened and products will be thrown off the shelves, they will be suspended in mid-air on the planogram and the Items worksheet will display the items in red.

  Other details and information about the section can be viewed and changed by choosing VIEW / SECTION detail from the menus.

Adding and Positioning Shelves

·  A shelf may be added to a section at any time. The planogram toolbox may be used for this purpose.

Steps / Result/Comment
1.  In the planogram toolbox, click on the Standard shelf button
2.  Point the mouse at the desired position on the planogram and click to add the new shelf

  Note: When working in the actual program, the cursor will appear as the shelf cursor. Also note that it is important that you click where you wish the left edge of the shelf to be placed.

·  The position of a shelf may be accurately modified with a few keystrokes. The following steps adjust the Y (vertical) position of a shelf:

Steps / Result/Comment
1.  Select the shelf to be moved
2.  Press Y to change the Y (vertical) position / The Quick key dialog box appears on the toolbar.
3.  Type a new position / In inches.
4.  Click on OK / The shelf is moved.


  The X position (horizontal) of a selected shelf may be changed by pressing the X on the keyboard.

  From the keyboard, a shelf may also be moved vertically by selecting it and pressing CTRL + UP arrow or CTRL + DOWN arrow. A shelf may also be moved horizontally by selecting it and pressing CTRL + LEFT arrow or CTRL + RIGHT arrow. Vertical movement of the shelf is notch to notch (1" if notches were not configured when the section was created).

  A shelf may also be moved by dragging the with the secondary mouse button. This way is less accurate that the X - Y method above. See the demos for this module to see a shelf moved with the mouse.

  Right clicking on a shelf and choosing PROPERTIES or choosing VIEW / SHELF detail from the menus displays the Shelf Detail dialog box. Shelf position may be specified in this way also.

Copying Shelves

·  A shelf may be copied, eliminating the need to add shelves one at a time.

Steps / Result/Comment
1.  Select a shelf to copy
2.  Press the letter "C" on the keyboard / The Copy Shelf dialog box appears:
3.  Enter the new height (merchandising height) in inches
4.  Press the TAB key
5.  Enter the number of copies
6.  Press ENTER or click on OK to complete the copy process

Shelf Placement:

n  When adding the first shelf to a gondola, it is placed in the first segment on the left, directly on the base.

n  Shelves added after shelf 1 are automatically placed above the active shelf, if room is available.

n  Once the combined measurements of the base, shelf heights (thickness’), and merchandising heights exceed the height of the section, the next shelf will be placed on the base in the next available open segment to the right. If a shelf is present in a segment, new shelves are always placed above the active shelf in the segment, if room allows.

n  If no more open segments are available, new shelves will be stacked directly on the top shelf of the segment.

Shelf Names and Numbering:

n  Shelves should be given names consisting of simple numbers (1,2,3). This provides compatibility with other shelf software being used by us and our customers. This is the P & G standard.

n  Shelves are numbered sequentially as they are added.

n  If a shelf is copied, it is given the next available number in sequence.

n  All shelf names must be unique.

Manipulating a Shelf’s Details

·  Most of the attributes of a selected shelf may be changed with the Shelf Details dialog box. The following steps allow you to change a shelf’s details.

Steps / Result/Comment
1.  Select the shelf to be changed
2.  Choose EDIT / SHELF DETAIL... from the menus / The Shelf Detail dialog box appears:

2.  Enter the new attributes
3.  Press ENTER or click on OK to complete the process

Deleting a Shelf

·  Deleting a shelf is a simple process in Apollo.

Steps / Result/Comment
1.  Select the shelf to be deleted
2.  Press the DELETE key / The following dialog box appears if items have been placed on the shelf:
3.  Click on Yes or press ENTER to continue


  If products have been placed on the shelf being deleted, they will be moved to the shopping cart worksheet.

  If you delete a shelf in error, choose EDIT / UNDELETE from the menus.

Creating a New Section using Build Section

·  The following steps will start a new section for you, using one of the templates stored in the Fixtures Library

Steps / Result/Comment
1.  From the FILE menu, choose BUILD SECTION… / The Build Section dialog box appears.
2.  Click on the template you wish to use as a new section / A picture of the section appears in the Preview window.
3.  Click on OK to initiate the build process / Apollo starts a new section for you, based on the selected template.

  Note: A section started in this manner may be manipulated, merchandised, and saved just as any other section.

Apollo 9.1 CBT / Working with Sections
Module 3 / Page 1