PRESENT:– Cllr J Wilding (Mayor) (In the Chair), Cllr W Powell (Town & Powys County Councillor) (Deputy Mayor), Cllr Z Argent, Cllr N K Bally, Cllr A Bufton, Cllr M Dodds, Cllr G Jones, Cllr J Lilly,

Cllr A Lord, Cllr R Reid

APOLOGIES: Cllr Pip Turner

IN ATTENDANCE: Tony Caine, PCC member support manager - For first item on Agenda

Mrs Josephine Rumsey, Town Clerk

16/204 VISIT BY TONY CAINE, PCC – PROPOSED CAR PARK CHARGING – Cllr J Wilding, Mayor welcomed Tony Caine, PCC Officer to the meeting. The Town Council expressed disappointment that Cllr John Brunt, PCC Portfolio holder, had declined to attend the meeting at short notice.

Tony Caine reported that the decision has already been determined regarding Car Park Charging in Talgarth and could not be altered or over turned, as it will be signed off tomorrow and only a County Councillor will be able to appeal thereafter and the appeal only being made or allowed where a policy has been contravened and has to be within a five day period.

Town Councillors felt it is a disgrace that a decision such as this which has such an impact on Talgarth Town Council’s efforts to regenerate the town does not warrant a member of PCC to attend, and cannot make the effort to explain why all our concerns have been ignored.

Tony Caine confirmed that Town/Community Councils have a Senior Officer allocated and named for each council although he was not aware who covered Talgarth - it was noted CEO Jeremy Patterson himself covered Hay-on-Wye.

Tony Caine confirmed that PCC would allow certain residents to procure a residents permit for an annual fee of £65.

Agreed to write to Cllr Barry Thomas, prior to the PCC meeting the following day, to reiterate that the Town Council is totally opposed to the imposition of charges on the Talgarth Car Park and to state the points raised at this evening’s meeting. Also to express the disappointment that we requested the attendance of PCC to explain the reasons for their decision - this was originally to be attended by Cllr Barry Thomas, and he could not make it and the Portfolio member, Cllr Brunt was due to attend but declined the previous day. In the event Tony Caine, an officer of PCC was sent instead which goes without out saying that he unfortunately took the strength of feeling from Talgarth Town Council.

16/205 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – There were no Declarations of Interest.

16/206 MINUTES: Minutes of the 14 September meeting - Previously circulated, Cllr J Wilding, Mayor, sought adoption.

Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr W Powell, all in favour, that the 14th September Minutes be signed as a correct record except Minute 16/197 Seat in Churchyard – “….has not been fixed in extension part of the Churchyard.”

16/207 TOWN COUNCILLOR VACANCY – Noted Vacancy has been advertised on the Town’s Notice Board and Trefecca Notice Board and will be filled by co-option at the 9 Nov meeting.


Board meeting for the Powys War Memorials Project Invitation received for Cllr J Wilding, Mayor, as the OVW representative, to the Board meeting on Wed 21st Sept 2016 - 1:30pm- 4:00pm.

Noted Cllr J Wilding sent apologies due to attending the Brecon & Radnor CHC meeting.


(a) Planning Application 16/13827/FUL – RECONSULTATION DUE TO AMENDMENT – Construction of primary school and associated works – Land off Hay Road, Talgarth – Town Council comments – Unanimously agreed that the Town Council cannot support this application in its present state. The main concerns are about pedestrian safety and the footways to and from the proposed school. In their letter of objection dated 21st Oct to the BBNPA and cc PCC Highways, the Town Council requested the following three points to be fully addressed :

The A479 footway from Bronllys to Talgarth - The footway is not fit for purpose too narrow, not level and very hazardous.

Traffic calming on the A4078 approaching the School entrance from north - The Town Council recommends a roundabout at the junction of Hay Road.

• The absence of a footway from the A4078 junction with Hay Road to Kings Drive. This is a very hazardous stretch with no footway and it will be used as it is the shortest route to and from the school to Woodlands Avenue etc. The Town Council recommends a footway.

The Town Council also noted that the applicants’ Design and Access Statement and Traffic and Transport reports seem to be unaware of the development the 42 housing estate being built adjacent to the school. The reports do not seem to take this into account or the amount of traffic movements they will generate.

The Town Council also noted that the BBNPA failed to initiate a Development Brief for the whole area. If this had been the case then much of the above would have been factored in at the early planning stages.

(b) Planning Application 16/13828/FUL – AMENDED PLANS/DETAILS - Proposed residential development 15 houses with associated infrastructure and landscaping – Land at Hay Road, Talgarth – Town Council comments - In their letter dated 21st Oct to the BBNPA, the Town Council stated that it is very disappointed to find that some of the flaws identified in the adjoining application for 27 houses ( 14/11355/REM approved 8/9/16) ) have been repeated in this present proposal despite being brought to the Authority’s attention in detail on the 13th Nov 2014. Main Objections - The design of the whole estate (27 + 15 houses) is in direct contravention of National Policy TAN 12 : ( Policy 5.11.4).

There will be a total of 12 houses along the main road of which 9 will have their backs facing it. TAN 12 simply states “The relationship of the perimeter of a development to its setting is important and developments which turn their back on existing roads do not integrate well with their context“. Buildings facing a road in urban areas is fundamental to good planning practice.

The Town Council stated it was “ bad design and bad body language” for houses on a gateway entrance to face the road. Comparisons were drawn with the 1960’s estate at Three-Cocks where a whole terrace of houses are built with their backs facing the main road. The gardens are full of sheds, washing lines, and a shambles of makeshift fencing which are all very visible and not impressive.

Floor Areas - There seem to be a number of inaccurate measurements of floor areas which could render the affordable housing units in breach of the national Development Quality Requirements (DQR) (The plans show the net gross floor areas (GFA) and not the net areas (NFA) .The Town Council hash measured the net floor areas using a programme. The discrepancy seems to show that each house is about 8% short in area or 3.5 sq m short on each floor. This is a considerable deficit for any living area.

(c) BBNPA Article 4 (2) Directions and Conservation Area Appraisal – Article 4 Direction questionnaire – Noted Rosie has sent the link below that connects to the survey. She says a letter will be going out the following week to all the properties on the list again with this link and a paper copy of the questionnaire. Also the Draft Survey Monkey version of the questionnaire is available to view here - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DRNTTT9

Noted Clerk has asked Annie Dierikx to put the link onto the facebook page Talgarth fyi and BBNPA will put it up on our facebook and twitter as well.

(d) BBNPA Local Development Plan (LDP) (Adopted December 2013) - Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes - The BBNPA has produced the following draft supplementary planning guidance notes (SPG) to aid implementation of the adopted LDP -

• Allotments and Development

• Affordable Housing Strategy

These documents are available for public consultation for a period of 8 weeks - 6th Oct –

1st Dec 2016. To view the draft SPG addendum please visit the Authority’s website as follows:

http://www.beacons-npa.gov.uk/?p=29129 or at the BBNPA offices Brecon.

(e) Land at end of the Carpark – Planning Application for Proposed Development 8 dwellings - Land adjacent to Talgarth Car Park – Matthew Griffiths, Planning Officer, confirmed the agreement has proceeded to engrossment and understands that the landowner has signed it and it has been sent to PCC as the housing authority and BBNPA solicitor is awaiting them signing the agreement.

(f) Re-location of Sub-Station to Land at entrance to Queen’s Ave, Talgarth – Noted this matter was reported to the BBNPA as the Town Council had no knowledge of this re-location until it was happening. Response dated 25th Aug received from BBNPA Enforcement, stating that these works might require planning permission from the Authority and requested the Clerk complete a Complaint form and submit to BBNPA. Awaiting further response.


Planning Application 16/13531/LBC – Listed Building Consent at Tomb of Howell Harris, Churchyard of St Gwendoline’s, Talgarth


Planning Application 16/13805/FUL – Rear and roof space extension and internal alterations to dwelling – Address: Fair View, Hay Road, Talgarth

BBNPA- WITHDRAWN – Planning Application 16/13851/FUL - Extension of residential curtilage to accommodate a domestic storage shed and the construction of an access track from the existing gate accessed to area of proposed hard-standing – Address: Rhoan, Trefecca, Talgarth.

BBNPA- WITHDRAWN – Planning Application 16/13809/FUL - Proposed change of use of land from agricultural to residential, and siting of a Shepard's Hut”- Address: Cefn Barn , Llanellieu, Talgarth.

PCC LDP 2011-2026 – Notice of Public Consultation on the Schedule of Proposed Further Focussed Changes – 10th Oct – Mon 21st Nov 2016

16/210 Ty Orbis, Bronllys – Request for off-site Fire Evacuation Point for their Young People at Town Hall – E-mail dated 7 Oct received from Gethin Phillips, Ty Orbis, stating that they only require use of the hall in a case of extreme emergency, I.E evacuation at night and the intention would be to use it as a “holding point” for their young people until they can get enough staff there to transport all the young people to one of their other homes. It would only ever be needed at night due to the fact we run on minimal staff at night. In terms of facilities, as they would only be there for a few hours, is a space for their young people and toilet facilities.

Proposed by Cllr Z Argent and seconded by Cllr A Lord, all in favour, to agree to this request but to suggest they find a second location as an emergency contingency.

16/211 Bronllys Well Being Park – Cllr J Wilding gave a brief update stating that well over 200 people had signed up as members and the project had now moved to Stage 3 of the CLT.

The Steering Group are heavily engaged in fundraising for a Project Development Worker.

The Bronllys Well Being Park Steering Group AGM will be held at the Bronllys Hospital Concert Hall Bronllys at 7pm on 24th Nov.

Noted the Powys Health and Well Being Action Group will meet at 7pm on 26th Oct for its AGM, followed at 7-15pm with a talk from our local Community Health Council and an update on local health issues.

Powys CHC meeting 1pm on 21st Sept in Howey Village Hall. Noted Cllr J Wilding attended.

Powys CHC’s Executive Committee Meeting – Noted meeting postponed from 27th Sept to Mon 10th Oct at 1.00 pm at the Mid and West Wales Fire Service Building, Llandrindod Wells.


Police – Crime Report for September - Crime report received from – PCSO 8188 Emma Jackson.

Speedwatch Scheme – Explanation of the Police Speedwatch Scheme received from PCSO Helen Scott – noted the scheme has to be organised, risk assessed and all volunteers must be screened prior to setting up the project.

Crucial elements required are.

• Complaint of a speeding problem - DONE

• Evidence TO SUPPORT speeding problem - DONE as speed restrictions already in place.

• Location of the problem with Road number& name along with post code. Speed limit (Must be 20/30/40mph)

• List of volunteer’s minimum of three per session, and six in total.

• One coordinator within the team of volunteers to provide an e mail address.

• Vetting to be approved by PSD Vetting

• Site risk assessment to be passed by John Williams SRO

• Training of volunteers to be completed.

Clerk forwarded information to both Cllr A Lord and Cllr J Lilly who have expressed an interest in this scheme in their respective areas.

PCC Library Service Review – Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr Z Argent, with a majority in favour, that due to conflicting information, wished not to take on a financial commitment with the Library as previously considered, and to await for it to be housed in the new Talgarth School in Sept 2018. Agreed to ask the Community their wishes re the Library via the Newsletter.

Noted Kay Thomas, PCC Librarian is asking for confirmation, in writing of the Town Council’s proposal with regard to the library.

Agreed to respond by reiterating that the Town Council wants to retain a library service in Talgarth, but will require the agreement of the local public, which we will put to them via our next Town Council Newsletter, as any increase in expenditure would impact on the precept and we need public approval to proceed.