Seventeenth Annual

Arizona Physics Day


Castles ‘N Coasters

Thank you for sending in your order for tickets for the Seventeenth Annual Arizona Physics Day at Castles ‘N Coasters. Enclosed, you will find your wrist bands (which are your tickets), a receipt for your ticket order and a packet of labs and events for the day. You MUST bring the wrist bands with you the day of the event; otherwise your students will not be permitted to ride on the rides. NO replacement wrist bands can be issued. The labs in the packet can be copied and distributed to your students as you see fit. They will need to bring copies with them on February 21st, as we cannot provide them with copies that day. There is also a packet on hints for taking measurements, which you may want to share with your students. I have also included some measurement values for the rides, PLEASE do not give these out to your students.

Throughout the day at Castles ‘N Coasters, events will be held indoors and will take place inside above the “Snack Bar”. Look for signs directing you to the events. . The tentative schedule for the events is as follows:

10:30 a.m.Fantastic Forces

10:45 a.m.Paper Hurricane Tower

11:15 p.m.Vroom-Broom Bowling

12:00 p.m.Egg Drop

12:45 p.m.Bernoulli Ball

We are looking forward to seeing you and your students on February 21. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Ryan Hill at (480) 484-7000 ext. 6301 or e-mail him at .

Thanks again.

Fantastic Forces –

Event Time 10:30 AM

Sign up starts at 10:15 AM

OBJECTIVE:Using teamwork the objective is to move a ball from a grounded position to another grounded position, using the provided apparatus, in the least amount of time possible.

TEAM:Each team must consist of four students only.

APPARATUS:The apparatus used for this competition is a small PVC cap with four bungee cords attached to the rim and equally spread apart. Two of these apparatuses will be in use during the competition.

COMPETITION:Before beginning the competition, the apparatus will begin on the ground with the bungee cords spread apart and a ball resting on top of the PV cap. Each team member will position themselves at the other end of one of the bungee cords. Once timing begins, the team members must use team work to lift the ball/PVC cap from the grounded position by touching only the bungee cords and move it 5 meters to another position. Each member will have to pull on their end of the bungee cord to achieve this task. Once the 5 meter mark is met, the team members must then put the PVC cap back on the ground. Timing will stop once the cap is back on the ground and no force is applied to the bungee cords by the team members.

Penalties: This is a timed event; therefore penalties will be enforced towards the final time. If contestants drop the ball during the competition, they must place the apparatus back on the ground, where the ball dropped, replace the ball and then continue with the completion. A 2 second penalty will be added for every dropped ball.


Event Time 10:45 AM

Sign up starts at 10:30 AM

OBJECT: To construct a freestanding tower of maximum height using a single sheet of paper that will stay upright under a “Hurricane” wind.

TEAM:A team will consist of up to four students. The number of teams will be limited to the first fifty arriving at the site. Any team that arrives late for sign up can still participate but only with the remaining time. No one other than those actually constructing the towers will be permitted in the construction area during the contest, but will be able to watch from an observation area. At registration the teams will be assigned a number and they will need to work at the table with the corresponding number.


1. Each team will be supplied one sheet of paper (21.6 x 27.9 cm) and one 1 meter strip of masking tape (1.3 x 100.0 cm) on arrival at the context site.

2. The paper may not be soaked, painted or otherwise treated to add rigidity. No other glues, adhesives, cohesive or tapes may be used.

3. Construction aids such as scissors, and 12 inch rulers will be provided. Other than pencils or pens NO other materials may be used during the competition.

4. The pencil or pen may NOT be used in the actual structure, but can be used in the preplanning of the construction of your tower.


1. The sheet of paper may be cut into pieces and reassembled as desired. Parts may be rolled, folded or slit.

2. Tape is to be used to fasten parts of the tower together. Excess tape cannot be used to extend the height of the tower. You may not use your 1m of tape to fasten your tower to the judging table.

3. Each team will be given an additional 5 cm of tape to be used to attach the tower to the floor, table or any other object.

4. The tower must remain self-supporting for 10 seconds in the wind. Height is determined by measuring the perpendicular distance from the highest point of the tower after the tower structure has withstood the “hurricane.”

5. Each team must complete the construction of its tower within twenty-five minutes. The physics club members will inform you of your time left every 5 minute interval.

6. If your team continues to construct your tower after the twenty-five minutes, your team will be disqualified.

7. Be sure to have your team number visible on the tower and when you bring your tower to the judging station please bring your team number notecard.

8. The team must bring their tower to the wind testing station corresponding to their team number (even or odd) to have it measured. Towers will only be measured one time.

9. Measured towers are not to be destroyed beyond recognition or removed prior to the completion of the competition.

10. The highest tower will be declared the winner with the rest of the competitors ranked accordingly.

Vroom-Broom Bowling!

Event Time 11:15 AM

Sign up starts at 11:00 AM

What: Teams of two students will demonstrate their ability to maneuver a bowling ball through an obstacle course of wood blocks using only a broom and their knowledge of vectors to guide the bowling ball. The contestants will be timed on how quickly they complete the obstacle course and will be penalized for each block that they knock over. The competition is limited to the first forty (40) teams.

How: One member of the team will use the brush side of the broom and sweep the bowling ball from one side of the course to the other. At the end, the other team member will turn the broom upside-down and using the stick end of the broom to bring the ball back through the course to the beginning.

Scoring: The time in seconds plus the amount of blocks missed or knocked over times 5 equals the score (Time + (5 * Blocks knocked over))= Score. Lowest Score wins!

** IF you lose control of the bowling ball you must bring the ball back using ONLY the broom (no hands, feet, etc) to the point when you went off course. If you use anything other than the broom, you’ll be required to return to the starting point…but the time remains running! :-O

Egg Drop

Event Time: 12:00pm

Sign up starts at: 11:45 am


The objective of this event is to construct a device that will protect an egg from breaking when they are released from various heights on a hard surface. Please note the egg and the device are dropped together.


1.Competition will be limited to the first thirty (30) teams.

2.A maximum number of three people can be in a team for this event.

3.The contestants will be supplied with one healthy raw egg, three sheets of paper, a pair of scissors and one meter of 3/4” masking tape for fastening purposes.

4.The contestants will have twenty (20) minutes to construct their device using only the materials provided.

5.If egg is cracked at any given time, the team is disqualified.


1.The egg protective device must be constructed so that the egg can be easily removed or checked to determine whether the egg has sustained any damage or not. Eggs that cannot be easily removed from the device will be disqualified (for time purposes).

2.Each egg and its protective device will be dropped from a height of one meter. If the egg has not broken from this impact of fall, it will be dropped from a height of two meters. The egg will then be dropped a third time at a large height at the Judges’ discretion. The egg is considered broken if a crack appears.

3.The egg(s) surviving the highest drop will be declared the winner(s). There can be more than one winner.


Event Time 12:45 PM

Sign up starts at 12:30 PM


Contestants will demonstrate their ability to work with a Ping-Pong ball and trying to get in into a three-dimensional “bullseye” target. If a contestant can demonstrate good skill and land that Ping-Pong ball into the center of the target, that person will earn an automatic 3 points for their team. Each different section of the “bullseye” will count for a different amount of points. However, due to my great sense of humor, this ball will be maneuvered by the flow of air from a hand-held hair blower.


Every team will consist of 3-5 students and the number of teams will be limited to the first 30 teams that arrive at the site. No new team members will be admitted once the event has started. Each team will receive 15 balls to aim at the target with the sum total of each shot contributing to the teams score. Each member of the 3-person team will receive 5 balls. In 4 person teams the first 3 participants will shoot 4 balls and the 4th person will shoot 3. Each member of the 5-person team will receive 3 balls.


* A three-dimensional target will be provided for each team along with a hair-blower.

* Each team member will stand 1 meter away from the target. A chair will be placed with its back towards the target.

* Contestants will straddle the chair facing the target and their buttocks must remain in the seat. The chair my not be moved, tipped rocked Etc.

* Contestants suspends a Ping-Pong ball in the air stream of the hair dryer and directs the ball into the target.

* Contestants can only use the atmospheric pressure (i.e. the hair blower cannot make contact with the ball.)