3rd Progress Report
of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

June 2008
Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)
NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar
Phone: 091-9216532 Fax: 091-9218342
Email: , www.aup.edu.pk/QEC.asp


Prepared by

Ms. Fouzia Bangash

Deputy Director QEC

Quality Enhancement Cell


Checked by

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Afzal

Director Teaching/QEC

Quality Enhancement Cell


Approved by

Prof. Dr. Said Khan Khalil

Vice Chancellor

NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar



Data required for compilation of QEC Performance Report for 2nd Quarter 2008-09 at HEC

The following information may be provided on priority basis

Reporting Period

From / To
Day / Month / Year / Day / Month / Year
15 / March / 2008 / 15 / June / 2008

1.  Title

a.  Name of the Project – Quality Enhancement Cell

b.  Institution/Organization - NWFP Agriculture University Peshawar

c.  Name of report writer – Fouzia Bangash

d.  Postal Address: Suite # 150, 1st Floor, NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar

e.  Telephone/Fax /E-mail – 091- 9218612/ 091-9218342/

2.  Status of Establishment of QEC office

a.  A separate QEC office established - Yes
If No,

a.  Reasons for no establishment QEC office

b.  Actions taken for the establishment of office

3.  Current update on the new recruitments made

Staff recruited

a)  Number of staff recruited – Following staff members of the QEC have been recruited:

i.  Prof. Dr. Mohammad Afzal Director Teaching/QEC (additional charge basis)

ii.  Ms. Fouzia Deputy Director

iii.  Mr. Mohammad Bilal Data Analyst

iv.  Mr. Waqas Office Assistant

v.  Mr. Bilal Ahmad Naib Qasid

b)  Number of post advertised – Submitted in the last Quarterly Report

c)  Date of Publication of advertisement. (Attach copy of all advertisement)

Submitted in the last Quarterly Report

d)  List of short listed candidates

Submitted in the last Quarterly Report

e)  C.V. of the selected candidates

Submitted in the last Quarterly Report

f)  Terms and conditions/TORs of the recruited staff

Submitted in the last Quarterly Report

g)  Recruitment procedure

Submitted in the last Quarterly Report

h)  Salary being offered to the candidate

Submitted in the last Quarterly Report

If no selections made

a)  Status of temporary/permanent staff

b)  Appointment date

c)  Terms and conditions/TORs

d)  Salary being offered to the candidate

e)  Actions taken for the recruitment of permanent staff

f)  It will be appreciated if HEC is involved in short listing and recruitment process of Head of QEC

4.  Steps on development and implementation of QA mechanisms/procedures at the University during 2nd Quarter

a.  Status of Self Assessment Mechanism being adopted at the university departments

The process of Self-Assessment has been started in this university vide Vice Chancellor’s letter No. 508/SVC/AUP dated September 13, 2007. In the first phase, department of Plant Breeding & Genetics (PBG) was taken as model department to assess their program. The preliminary findings of the model department have been presented in QEC 9th and 10th meeting held in Lahore dated October 19, 2007 & February 23, 2008 respectively. While the first draft of the final report of the model department was submitted to this office on June 09, 2008 which was submitted in the 11th QECs meeting held on June 11-12, 2008 at University of Sindh, Jamshoroo. However, this report will be examined and finalized by the QEC through the HEC prescribed format as mentioned in the Self-Assessment Manual and will be finalized accordingly.

b.  Status of formation of the team/committees involved in the processes of Self Assessment:

The Program Teams have been formulated in all the Departments/Institutes of this University and the process of Self-Assessment has been started to be replicated in this University vide Vice Chancellor’s letter No. 605/SVC/AUP dated March 31, 2008. In this regard, a training workshop was arranged for all the stakeholders and relevant material along with the Self-Assessment Proformae have been provided to them.

·  Updated list of members of the Program Teams/Assessment Teams/ departmental committees (Attached as Annexure-1)

·  If no team/Committee constituted, please specify the reasons and submit the action plan with time frame for the constitution of the teams/committees – Not applicable

c.  Practical application of all the self assessment proforma provided by HEC (Attach copy of Proformas) and status of their application. Update on

·  Development/restructure/modification of assessment proforma for maximum data collection – No major modifications has been made in the Self-Assessment Proformae. Once the data starts to come from all the Departments/Institutes, then related modifications will be made to them according to the needs of the respondents and the nature and importance of the information needed.

To make the execution of these proformae more accurate and systematic, guidelines have been prepared by the QEC which are also circulated among the Program Teams. (Attached as Annexure-2)

·  Number, type and date of Proformas circulated - All the ten Self-Assessment Proformae have been circulated among the Program Teams.

·  Information/feed back/data collected - At this stage, the preliminary data is being collected at the Departmental/Institutional level by the Program Teams.

·  Update on the evaluation of the feed back and development of Database.

Once the data is submitted to the QEC, a centralized database will be developed. At the moment, the data collected is being maintained by the Program Teams at the Department/Institute Level.

·  Plan for further use of the information obtained.

Once the data/information is collected, it will be used by each Department/Institute for preparation of their respective Self-Assessment Report according to the self prescribed format given in the HEC’s Self-Assessment Manual.

·  In case no/some Proformas are not yet circulated, then specify the reasons and submit the time frame for the circulation of all/remaining proforma, collection of information and further processing – Not applicable

b.  Internal workshops organized be QEC during 2nd Quarter at department/university level for awareness/orientation of faculty

A -

·  Date and Number of event – March 18, 2008

·  Name of event – Quality Assurance - Self Assessment Procedures

·  Participants of the event – Vice Chancellor, Deans, Chairmen, Directors, and the Program Teams of the University and representative of QEC KUST also attended the workshop.

·  Purpose of the event - The objective of the workshop was to technically update the Program Teams and other relevant stakeholders with the step by step techniques of the Self-Assessment Procedures (Report attached as Annexure-3)


·  Date and Number of event – March 18, 2008

·  Name of event – Students Orientation regarding Teachers Evaluation

·  Participants of the event – This orientation program was conducted in the class rooms, lecture theatres of this University which was attended by the students, their subject teachers and the Program Teams.

·  Purpose of the event - The purpose of these orientation visits were to create awareness amongst the students and orient them regarding the Teachers’ Evaluation Proforma. (Report attached as Annexure-4)

c.  Workshops/Trainings/Meetings attended by QEC during 2nd Quarter at national/international level for awareness on the subject.

Director QEC has attended the 10th and 11th QECs Meeting held at Lahore and Jamshoroo respectively.

d.  Actions taken by QEC for sharing/application of the knowledge gained by QEC during the workshops at HEC

The experience and knowledge gained at the different workshops arranged by the HEC is shared with all the stakeholders during the regular meetings held with the stakeholders at different levels. The relevant material is also circulated among all the program teams for updating their knowledge about the QA Mechanism.

e.  QEC website development and information uploaded

A separate link has been developed in the NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar, website (http://www.aup.edu.pk/QEC.asp). The website includes

·  Self Assessment Procedures

·  Program Teams

·  Self-Assessment Manual (SAM)

·  Self Assessment Proformae

·  Contacts QEC

Improvements are made on regular basis as all the updated QEC information, activities, minutes, reports, etc., are uploaded on the website.

5.  Lessons learnt during the implementation period of last six month.

In the Government/Public Sector, it is a very common practice that communication of all levels is done through letters which is a very slow method as people tend to take it very unseriously. It was learnt that regular meetings with the Program Teams and involvement of the concerned Chairman/Chairperson/Director proved to be a more fruitful activity and it had a positive effect on the Program Teams, too as they were able to discuss their problems regarding the implementation of Self-Assessment in their departments/institutes. Such problems were discussed in the presence of their respective HODs who assured their commitment for the smooth implementation of the whole mechanism. Another problem that the QEC faced was that the program teams had members who were never free from their heavy workload, thus, making them unable to do justice to their duties of implementation of Self-Assessment Program in their Department/Institute. In this regard, the QEC has asked all the concerned Chairmen/Chairperson/Directors to revise the Program Teams and this duty should be assigned to such members of the faculty who are more energetic and have some free time for pursuing this Program.

6.  Action plan for third Quarter 2008-09

In the 3rd Quarter of 2008-2009, once the data is collected, all the Departments/Institutes will start drafting their Self-Assessment Report which will be continuously pursued by the QEC. It will also be made sure that the QA Mechanism is fully implemented in all the Departments/Institutes of this University.

7.  Detail of expenditures made by QEC till May 2008 against the sub-heads defined in PC1 duly verified by the concerned Audit and account section.

Detail of Operation Budget of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) from

January 2008 to May 2008

S. No / Particular / Total Cost
1.  / Salary:
·  Staff Salary from January to May, 2008
·  Arrear to Mr. Bilal Ahmad from Oct 27, 2007 to Feb 29, 2008 (4 Months, 5 days)
·  04 days salary to Mr. Muhammad Bilal of Feb 2008 / 177,266/-
2.  / Remuneration to Director QEC (for one year) / 120,000/-
3.  / Travel Expenditure
·  10th QECs Meeting
·  11th QECs Meeting / 10,000/-
4.  / Miscellaneous / 2,358/-
5.  / Telephone Bills from Jan 2008 to April 2008 / 3,269/-
6.  / Refreshment Charges:
·  of Interview of Dy. Director & Data Analyst
·  of QEC workshop – March 2008 / 3,000/-
7.  / Stationery
·  During Orientation Session
·  For QEC office
·  For Workshop / 2,850/-
8.  / Honorarium:
·  To examines for paper setting and checking for induction of:
o  Deputy Director QEC
o  Data Analyst
·  Resource Person for workshop / 10,000/-
Total / 467,301

Total Expenditure = 467,301/-

8.  Accomplishments of the QEC during the reporting period

Accomplishments of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar during the 2nd Quarter of 2008

S. No. / Month/Year / Activity / Remarks
1 / March 12-13, 2008 / 10th QECs Meeting at Lahore / Done
2 / March 18, 2008 / Training workshop for the PTs regarding Self-Assessment Procedure / Done
3 / March 2008 / Renewal of APQN Membership and participation in the online discussion on Internal Quality Control / Done
4 / April 2008 / Course Revision of Statistics and English / Done
5 / April – May 2008 / Preparation of PC-1 for Vision 2030
6 / April 18 – May 15, 2008 / Orientation program for the students regarding Teachers Evaluation / Done
7 / May 24, 2008 / Submission of abstract for the 2nd International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education (ICAQHE) 2008 / Done
8 / May – June 2008 / Short listing and submission of nominees for Best Teacher Award 2007 to HEC / Done
9 / 11-12 June 2008 / 11th QECs Meeting at Jamshoroo / Done
10 / June 17, 2008 / Approval of revised course at the 28th Academic Council Meeting / Done
11 / Spring 2008
Summer 2008 / ·  Submission of Self-Assessment Report by the Model Department
·  Submission of 1st draft report by three Departments
·  Implementation of Self-Assessment Mechanism in all the Departments/Institutes of the University. / 1st draft has been submitted
In progress