Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Mildura

Sunday 30th October 2016

Welcome to Holy Trinity Church. May the Lord richly bless you as he serves you with his word and sacrament here today. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat after the service.

Worship Details: Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost


9.30am: Modern Liturgy

Music: AT 40, AT 615, 50th Anniversary Hymn

Next Week: Mildura 9:30 am

Prayer of the Day (Collect)

Almighty and eternal God, in mercy you give the light of your gospel
to your church. Keep us in sound teaching, so that we may firmly believe and faithfully follow your saving word, and finally, with its holy comfort, die in peace and joy. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.

Today’s Bible Readings

1st Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 The Lord will write his law on our hearts

Psalm: 46

2ndReading: Romans 3:19-28 Justification by faith

Gospel: John 8:31-36 “In my word you will know the truth”

This Church is equipped with a hearing induction loop.

To utilise this technology, please ensure your hearing aid is set to the “T” switch and remember to adjust the volume accordingly.

Responsible Communion Practice
Responsible celebration of the Lord’s Supper requires that we try to ensure that all who commune at our altar
·  are baptised and believe in the Triune God;
·  repent of sin and seek to live in accordance with their confession of faith in Christ;
·  confess Christ as their only Saviour;
·  confess the real presence in the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood, given and shed for the forgiveness of sins (1 Corinthians 10:16, 17; 11:17-28).
Among such participants there is a communion with Jesus Christ and with one another when they gather at the Lord’s Table (Ephesians 4:3-6; 1 Corinthians 10:16, 17).
If you are unsure about communing with us, please speak with our Pastor. If you do not receive the Sacrament, you may wish to come to the altar to receive a blessing. Please indicate this by crossing your arms over your chest as you kneel at the altar.
Our congregation offers the option of “Intinction ” (that is, to dip the wafer in the cup) for those who do not wish to use the common cup at the Lord’s Supper. If you wish to intinct, do not consume the wafer/body when you receive it. Indicate to the deacon that you wish to intinct. The deacon will bring the small intinction cup to you. Please intinct (dip) the wafer in the intinction cup/blood and then consume the wafer.

Baptismal Birthdays:


·  Notice of Congregational Annual General Meeting:Sunday 20th November 2016 (immediately after service) Could all reports please be provided to Andrew Schultz no later than today [preferably via e-mail to . The Book of Reports will then be issued to the Congregation on 6th November.

·  Congregational Studies: Congregational studies on the subject of Grief and Loss will begin from 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm this Wednesday, November 2. Nearly all people experience Grief and Loss during their life time, but many of us are not sure if our experience of it is normal or not. What does the Bible say about Grief and Loss? What are some of the characteristics of Grief and Loss? How can we assist people experiencing Grief and Loss? Come along; learn, and share your experiences.

·  Women’s Fellowship: Meet Thursday 3rd Nov, 9.15am in the Church Hall for Study and Fellowship. Mystery guest speakers will follow the Bible study. All welcome.

·  All Saints Day: There will be a memorial rite during the Service next Sunday, November 6. Please forward, to Pastor, the names of Christian family or friends who have died in the last twelve months, if you would like their names read out during the rite. An opportunity to light candles in memory of those who have died will also occur during the rite.

·  NCLS: The National Church Life Survey will be conducted in conjunction with next Sunday’s (November 6) Service. Members are encouraged to arrive early (from 9.00 am) to complete the survey, which should take approximately twenty minutes to complete. If you can’t complete the survey before Service, there will be an opportunity to do so after the Service.

·  Gideon’s Speaker: A speaker will address the congregation about the work of the Gideons after Service on November 13. There will be a retiring offering in support of the Gideons following the Service.

·  Mildura Chaplaincy Christmas Pudding Fundraiser: Chaplaincy is again holding the Christmas Pudding Fundraiser – Order forms are available near the pigeon holes in the hall. Orders with payment are due to Robyn Rohrlach by Sunday 13th November – delivery should be around end Nov/early December. Hope you will support Chaplaincy and buy a pudding for Christmas!

·  Budget Appeal: Budget Appeal letters have been distributed. Donations to our budget appeal help to offset the shortfall in our regular offerings and therefore meet our budget expenses, including our local, district and wider church commitments.

Please have your bulletin announcements to Ian McMahon by Wednesday evening on or Ph: 5023 4359

This Week’s Bible Readings:

Monday 31st 2 Samuel 7:1-17

Tuesday 1st 2 Samuel 7:18-29

Wednesday 2nd 2 Samuel 9:1-13

Thursday 3rd 2 Samuel 11:1-27

Friday 4th 2 Samuel 12:1-14

Saturday 5th Psalm 17:1-9

Sunday 6th Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18; Ephesians 1:11-23; Luke 6:20-31

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Pastor Andrew Bettison
920 Fifteenth Street, Mildura (study)
Phone: 5023 7024/5023 7013
AH: 0448 119 676
Deacons of the Congregation
Peter Lang: 5023 2551
Dorothy Horbury: 5023 0404
Keith John: 5022 2188
Janeene Hartmann: 5023 3301
Ian McMahon: 5023 4359
Mark Fabich Phone: 5023 0071
Email: / Trinity Lutheran College
920 Fifteenth St, Mildura 3500
Phone: 5023 7013
TLC Email:
Cheryl Bartel

Safe Place for All

PHONE FREECALL NUMBER 1800 644 628 Email:

Or write to: The Supervisor, PO Box 519, Marden, SA 5070 http://www.lca.org.au/action/safeplace