
For this writing assignment, you will write about your family. You must include yourself and two additional family members in your composition. Therefore, there’s a total of 3 people that you will describe. The other family members can be immediate family (father, mother, sister, grandfather, etc.) or they may be extended family (aunt, cousin, etc.) You must include the following in your writing: name of person, how the person is related to you, physical description of each person (be detailed so I can “see” the person), personality traits of each person (again, be detailed), an example of how each person exhibits at least one trait (for example, if you mention your brother is fun, explain what he does that’s fun), general activities of each person (goes to school, works in a hospital, writes emails, etc), likes and dislikes. You should have one paragraph for each person and all of the above information should appear in each paragraph. The last paragraph should be a conclusion or summary paragraph. In this paragraph you may include the traits, interests, etc. that family members have in common. For example, you may state the following, “My family is very interesting and sometimes we’re different (diferente) and sometimes we’re the same (similar). My brother and I like to go to soccer games, but my mother doesn’t.” You don’t need to repeat all information in your composition, but you should do some sort of paragraph that ties things together.

Some Guidelines

1. You will have one class period to complete the assessment.

2. You may use your notes; however, if you choose to do so, the highest grade you can earn is 87. If

you opt to not use your notes, the highest grade possible is 100.

3. The instructor will not help with vocabulary, grammar, etc.

4. You must use structures learned in Spanish 1.

5. You may score a maximum one box higher in other sections than you do in the “Task Completion and

Topic Development” section of the grading rubric. In other words, your scores in other areas depend

on completing the task as indicated in the assignment.

Spanish 1 Writing Rubric – “Mifamilia”

Task Completion and Topic Development / Comprehensibility and Fluency / Language Control and Vocabulary Use
29: Demonstrates Excellence / fully addresses /completes task; treatment of topic is relevant and thorough; well organized and cohesive; almost or all info is accurate; all parts of task are included; frequent elaboration / high level of fluency; no interference from other language; entire passage is understandable and flows smoothly / rich vocabulary; goes “above and beyond”; excellent control of structures with few errors;excellent command of language conventions
27: Demonstrates Command / appropriately addresses and completes task; treatment of topic is relevant and well developed; well organized and generally cohesive; info is generally accurate; all parts of task are included; much elaboration / good fluency; little interference from other language; most of passage is understandable and generally flows smoothly; assessed lower due to lack of task completion and/or development / uses course structures; good control of structures with some errors; very good and complete vocab for task; conventions of language are generally correct; assessed lower due to lack of task completion and/or development
24: Demonstrates Competence / addresses and completes task; treatment of task is relevant; organized with adequate cohesiveness; info is generally accurate, although may be some inaccuracy; all parts of task included; some elaboration / some fluency; errors don’t impede comprehension; interference from other language; occasionally not understandable; might be some “choppy” or “awkward” wording / phrasing; assessed lower due to lack of task completion and/or development / uses some structure, but with errors;good range of vocab for task; attempts full sentences but may contain errors; may have some errors in lang conventions; assessed lower due to lack of task completion and/or development
22: Suggests Lack of Competence / partially addresses and/or completes task; may be somewhat irrelevant; may have inadequate organ.; info is limited or inaccurate; one or two parts of task are missing; little or no elaboration / minimal fluency; frequent interference from other language; errors may affect comprehension; significant sections are not comprehensible; incomplete sentences and/or lists of words given; assessed lower due to lack of task completion and/or development / attempt at limited structure, may contain a lot of errors;narrow range of vocab; vocab is at simple word level; frequent errors in conventions of written lang; assessed lower due to lack of task completion and/or development
17: Demonstrates Lack of Competence / doesn’t complete task; somewhat irrelevant; not cohesive, disorganized; info is inaccurate; more than 2 parts missing; no elab / little to no fluency; numerous errors impede communication; much of it is incomprehensible; assessed lower due to lack of task completion and/or development / no evidence of structure; many errors in structure; few vocab resources; pervasive errors in conventions of written lang; assessed lower due to lack of task completion and/or development

0 = No response, unintelligible, off task, completely irrelevant, written in a language other than the target language, sample is too small or short to evaluate

* Max points on this rubric = 87. You may earn an additional 13 points if you use NO supporting materials: handouts, notes, books, etc.