May 2016

Dear Parents,

Year Five Royal Observatory Trip

I am pleased to inform you that Year Five will be visiting the Royal Observatory on Monday 11th July.Whilst there, we will be visiting various exhibitions relating to our Space topic, as well as attending two workshops, Meet the Neighbours and Destination Space which are led by professional astronomers who work at the Observatory.

Children should arrive at school at the normal time and we aim to return by 3:30, dependent on traffic conditions. We will update you via the school’s website.

  • The children will need a packed lunch, which will be eaten at the Observatory. If you are eligible for Free School Meals and require a school packed lunch, please inform us in advanceof the day. We will be unable to deal with school packed lunch requests on the day of the trip.
  • Packed lunch – please include a packed lunch in a named carrier bag. This should include a bottle of water to sip throughout the visit. We respectfully ask that no sweets or fizzy drinks are included, as we are a Healthy School.
  • Rucksack – if at all possible, send all these things in together in a named rucksack. This will make them easier to carry. Drawstring bags may also be used.
  • Medicines – if your child is asthmatic, please ensure you pack their pump, named, for us to take along, unless it is already in school. If your child suffers from hay fever or travel sickness, please ensure that have taken medication before we leave. We recommend sun cream is applied before school and should not be brought.

The children will require nothing else in addition to their packed lunch. The children will not require any spending money as we will not be visiting the shop. We will be attending in full school uniform, so please ensure that children do not leave anything (ties, school shoes) at home on the day, as we will be representing the school in the wider community.

The cost of the day is £16.50,and should be paid on-line at This includes the cost of the led sessionsand the cost of the coach travel. If there are any problems with affordability, please speak to Miss Crane, the office or your class teacher. The deadline for payment is 8th July 2016

Many thanks,

Mr. FitzGerald

Year 5 trip to Royal Observatory

I give permission for ______to visit the Royal ObservatoryandI have paid onlineat Atomwide.

Signed:______(Parent / Guardian)Date: ______

Emergency contact number: ______