ADDRESS Istanbul Kemerburgaz University

School of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Department of Architecture

Mahmutbey Dilmenler Cad. No: 26 Bağcılar, Istanbul / Turkey

+90 212 604 01 00 / 4028


2008 ~ Ph.D. in Architectural Design- in progress

Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ayşe Şentürer

2004 - 2008 MSc. in Interdisciplinary Urban Design

Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology

“The Examination of the Relation Between Society and Space in Urban Dynamics

by the Case of Tarlabaşı”

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ayşe Şentürer

1999 - 2004 B.Arch. in Architecture

Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture

1995 - 1999 Istanbul Kabataş Erkek High School

LANGUAGES Turkish (native), English (advance)

COMPUTER Office programs (word, excel, powerpoint), Autocad, Adobe Photoshop


2016 ~ Lecturer, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University

Department of Architecture

School of Engineering and Natural Sciences

2013 - 2016 Teaching Assistant, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University

Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design

School of Engineering and Architecture

2012 - 2013 Project Assistant, Istanbul Technical University

The course of Architectural Design-7, Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ayşe Şentürer

2004 - 2010 Architect, TEM Engineering & Consulting, Istanbul

Application Projects (Industrial Buildings: Reinforced Concrete & Steel)

Superposition of Static, Mechanical, Electrical, Landscape, Infrastructural Projects

Budget Estimate, Quantity Survey, Unit Price Analysis

2003 Editor Assistant, Portfolyo Yapı Tasarım Yaşam Journal, Istanbul

INTERESTS Architectural and Urban Theories, Housing Studies


2016-17 Spring ARCH 102 Basic Design II (2-6)8

ARCH 132 Introduction to Building Materials (3-0)4

ARCH 232 Building Science and Technology II (2-2)5

2016-17 Fall ARCH 123 Graphic Communication (2-2)6

ARCH 231 Building Science and Technology I (2-2)5

ARCH 445 Philosophical Topics in Architectural Discourse (3-0)5 (area elective course)


2016 Şenturer, A., Şoher, Ş., Çetin, D., "A view to Space and Design through PLAY: An architectural design studio research", The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design, vol. 10, no:2, pp. 41-51, June 2016.

2004 Çetin (Yücebaş), D. “X,Y,Z Akslarında Sirkülasyon Arayışının Mimari Projeye Yansımaları”,

Portfolyo Yapı Tasarım Yaşam Dergisi, Jan-Feb 2004, Vol: 7, 84-86.


2014 “Urban Transformation and Tarlabaşı” presentation. Interdisciplinary Forum: Urban Transformation. Istanbul Kemerburgaz University. April 24, 2014.

2014 Şenturer, A., Şoher, Ş., Çetin, D., “Designing through Play: Discoveries on Public Space”, 8th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices: "Design as Collective Intelligence", Vancouver, January 16-18, 2014.

2013 “Space Between Domus and Metropolis” paper presentation at Eighth METU Architectural History Graduate Researches Symposium: “Spaces/Times/Peoples: Domesticity, Dwelling and Architectural History”, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Dec. 12-13, 2013.

2013 Yorgancıoğlu, D., Soyöz, U., Çetin, D., Akçay, A., “Revitalization of the Seafront Strip around Old Galata Bridge.” 2nd Biennial of Architectural and Urban Restoration: Migration and Multiculturalism. The Conservation of Small Scale Architectural Structures Against Fading Away and Natural Hazards. Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Oct 30, 2013.


2014 The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design. Common Ground Publishing. July, 2014.

2014 The Social Sciences Collection. Common Ground Publishing. May, 2014.

2013 I.T.U. Architectural Design Master Programme, Project-1 Course, Fall 2012-13. Jury member and peer reviewing. January, 2013.


2013 World Habitat Day Workshop: To Dwell and to Design in Istanbul. Istanbul Technical University, October 04-06, 2013.

2013 Intervening Istanbul, EAAE International Conference and Workshop on Architectural Education: “Educating the Future: Architectural Education in International Perspective”. Istanbul Kultur University, Istanbul, March 21-23, 2013.

2005 Karaköy Project : “Knowledge, Energy, Power: Reborn of Perşembe Bazaar From Its

Ashes”, Architectural Presentations: Possible Futures.

Istanbul Pedestrian Exhibitions Vol. 2: Tünel-Karaköy, Sep-Oct, 2005.

2003 XII. National Association of Students of Architecture: “You”. METU Faculty of Architecture, Ankara, 2003.

2001 X. National Association of Students of Architecture: “Virtuality and Actuality”. ITU Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, 2001.

MEMBERSHIP TMMOB Chamber of Architects