Prison Bowl V

Questions written and edited by Hunter College High School (Mehnaj Ahmed, Lily Chen, York Chen, William Dou, Matthew Gurevitch, Willie Ha, Sarah Hamerling, Sophey Ho, Brent Morden, Alex Moschetti, Paul Moschetti, Tenzin Norzin, Wilton Rao, Karina Xie, David Xu, Richard Yu, Marianna Zhang, Zihan Zheng).

Round 15 – Tossups

1. In this film, a banker is refused entrance into a gambling room and has his business card torn, and while playing roulette Jan Brandel is told to play 22 two times and to never come back. In this film, the singing of “Die Wacht am Rhein” is quickly drowned out by a playing of “La Marseillaise” ordered by Victor Laszlo, Ilsa Lund’s husband. Rick Blaine is the main love interest of Ingrid Bergmann’s character in this film directed by Michael Curtiz. For 10 points, name this 1942 film starring Humphrey Bogart, set in the title Moroccan city.
ANSWER: Casablanca <WH>

2. The Brahma’s Net Sutra describes one of these figures, who represents the concept of sunyata. As an incarnation of the Maitreya, Budai is nicknamed the “Laughing” one. The Vairocana is the central one of five “wisdom” ones of these figures worshipped in Shingon, while the one of “infinite light” is called the Amitabha. Many statues of these figures are housed in the Longmen Grottoes, and two in Afghanistan were destroyed by the Taliban. For 10 points, give this word usually referring to Siddhartha Gautama that means “enlightened one.”
ANSWER: Buddha <RY>

3. This leader attempted to prevent the lynching of John Porteous, a city guard captain, by rioters in Edinburgh. Early in his career this man gained power when Lord Godolphin promoted him to Secretary of War, in which he succeeded longtime Tory rival Lord Bolingbroke. The defeat of Edward Vernon at Cartagena during the War of Jenkins’ Ear led to this man’s resignation. He created the sinking fund to relieve national debt and saved Stanhope and Sunderland from prosecution for their roles in the South Sea Bubble. For 10 points, name this man regarded as the first British Prime Minister.

ANSWER: Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford <RY>

4. This poet bids “Fondle your shells and sticks, bleached / By time and the elements” in a poem cycle recounting a love affair; both “Voyages” and “Chaplinesque” are found in the collection White Buildings. One of his last poems describes a heterosexual relationship with Peggy Baird, while the title has phallic significance in his “The Broken Tower.” His most well known work contains the sections “Cutty Sark” and “Powhatan’s Daughter,” and was inspired by the title New York City landmark. For 10 points, name this American modernist poet of The Bridge.
ANSWER: Hart Crane <MA>

5. CCK and VIP mediate the release of this substance through the ampulla of Vater. Along with cholic acid, taurocholic acid, and deoxycholic acid, this substance also contains a byproduct of hemoglobin breakdown. Lack of this substance in the body can lead to deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins. Released via a namesake duct into the duodenum, it is responsible for the brown color of feces. It is a bitter, green fluid whose main function is to emulsify fats for digestion. For 10 points, name this substance produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.
ANSWER: bile [prompt on “gall” until “gallbladder” is read] <BM>

6. He was known as the “Jade Turkey” as the god of pestilence. This son of duality seduced and kidnapped the goddess Xochiquetzal (“shok-ee-ket-zal”) from her husband Tlaloc, and also tricked his brother into getting drunk. That brother had earlier overthrown him when this god ruled as the Sun of the first world. However, the two cooperated in the past to defeat Cipactli, who bit off this god’s right foot. As a result, this god is depicted with a snake for a foot. He shapeshifted into a jaguar to destroy the world ruled by his rival Quetzalcoatl. For 10 points, name this Mesoamerican god of the night who is sometimes depicted with a smoking mirror on his chest.
ANSWER: Tezcatlipoca <WD>

7. The 21-centimeter line is cased by hyperfine transitions of this element. Two atoms of this element are involved in a chain reaction releasing neutrinos and gamma rays, and the Teller-Ulam design was for a device using this element. Its antimatter counterpart was created and confined at CERN in November 2010, and the visible spectral line emissions of this element give rise to the Balmer series. The Bohr model was originally conceived to describe an atom of this element, which is converted into helium in stars. For 10 points, name this lightest element with an atomic number of 1.
ANSWER: hydrogen <BM>

8. A complete copy of one work by this artist is housed in the Otsuka Museum in Japan. One work by this artist contains an early example of the Droste effect with St. Peter being offered a smaller version of the triptych by its namesake, Cardinal Stefaneschi. His student Taddeo Gaddi decorated the walls of the Baroncelli Chapel. This painter of the Ognissanti Madonna and an early portrait of Dante also included a notable Kiss of Judas scene in a blue-ceilinged chapel commissioned by Scrovegni, as well as a turbulent Lamenation. For 10 points, name this painter of the Arena Chapel, a student of Cimabue who is regarded as the first major artist of the Renaissance.
ANSWER: Giotto di Bondone <RY>

9. This man claimed to have seen that “Christ had laid down his yoke” and that a “Serpent” had been released. His forces were defeated while marching to the town of Jerusalem, where this man was hanged. This man lived in Southampton County and claimed to have seen visions like “drops of blood on the corn” and an 1831 solar eclipse, which led him to turn on Thomas Travis, his master. A lawyer named Thomas Gray supposedly recorded the “Confessions of” this man. His actions led Virginia to ban literacy among slaves. For 10 points, name this leader of the deadliest slave revolt in American history.
ANSWER: Nathaniel Turner [accept Nat Turner] <RY>

10. In this work characters are told that musical inspiration is a form of epilepsy; they proceed to listen to “Pythagoras’s Trousers” and the music of Fraunhofer lines. In this work the Green Wall was erected following the Two Hundred Years War, while the protagonist joins I-330 and a rebel group called the Mephi who attempt to hijack the spaceship Integral. The protagonist undergoes the Great Operation while O-90 carries an unborn child in this novel, which features D-503 and is set in the One State. For 10 points, name this dystopian novel by Yevgeny Zamyatin.
ANSWER: We [accept Miy] <YC>

11. This compound’s discoverer later isolated aniline from coal tar. It can be synthesized from uracil by N-methylation, nitration, and cyclization, proceeding through a theophylline intermediate, though a more common lab synthesis uses dimethylurea and malonic acid. Its achiral structure features fused five- and six-membered nitrogen-containing rings, a purine structure similar to that of adenosine. Synthesized in plants from xanthosine, it is extracted into supercritical carbon dioxide. It differs by a methyl group from the related compound theobromine, which is found in chocolate. For 10 points, name this stimulant found in tea and coffee.
ANSWER: caffeine <BM>

12. One of these polities saw the Battle of Waterberg, which led to the forced death by thirst of thousands of Nama and Herero people, considered the first 20th century genocide. Ones in the Pacific included the Caroline Islands and much of New Guinea. Their creation was opposed by Leo von Caprivi, who nonetheless gained a namesake “strip” from Britain in exchange for Zanzibar. The Berlin Conference was held in spite of Bismarck’s opposition to these polities, which later included regions like Cameroon and Tanzania. For 10 points, name these polities that were ended by the Treaty of Versailles, overseas territories once ruled by the Kaiser.
ANSWER: colonies of Imperial Germany [accept similar answers like Imperial German colonies or Second Reich colonies] <RY>

13. Okun’s law states that every 1% increase in unemployment results in a 2% decrease in this quantity’s potential. At full employment, it equals aggregate demand. Its namesake deflator is the ratio of its nominal value to its real value, and is a measure of inflation. It can be found using the income formula or the expenditure formula, which states that it equals “C + I + G + NX.” An indicator of standard of living is this quantity divided by population, its “per capita” version. For 10 points, name this economic measure of total production within a single country, not to be confused with GNP.
ANSWER: Gross Domestic Product [do not accept “Gross National Product”] <LC>

14. A flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, and horn are showcased in this composer’s Summer Music for Wind Quintet. This man’s The Serpent Heart was transformed into a 15-instrument version in his later ballet Medea. He wrote an opera in which a child is aborted when Erika runs into the freezing weather after rejecting the marriage proposals of Anatol. Another work of his features some irregular time signatures, begins on a B flat on the violins, and follows the arch form. In addition to an overture to The School for Scandal, this man composed Knoxville: Summer of 1915. For 10 points, name this American composer of the opera Vanessa and Adagio for Strings.
ANSWER: Samuel Barber <WH>

15. The protagonist of this novel dresses as a dead Hussar and joins Marshal Ney before being shot by his retreating superior. One character attacks the protagonist with a dagger, whereupon the protagonist shoots him in self defense and is imprisoned in the Farnese Tower for killing Giletti, the manager of the actress Marietta. In this novel Gina falls in love with Count Mosca, while the protagonist falls in love with Clelia Conti, whose death causes him to withdraw permanently into the title building. For 10 points, name this novel about Fabrizio del Dongo by Stendhal.
ANSWER: The Charterhouse of Parma <YC>

16. At one point in this movie, when the main character tries to order a Pepsi in a store for free, the clerk tells him “You want a Pepsi, PAL, you’re gonna pay for it.” In that store the protagonist also encounters a group of bullies who chase him until they crash into a truck filled with manure. The sequel to this film involves one antagonist’s cyborg grandson. Stolen plutonium in this film leads to the shooting of one character by Libyan terrorists. This film’s antagonist Biff Tanner ends up working for the protagonist’s parents. For 10 points, name this 1985 film in which “Doc” Brown uses the DeLorean to send Marty McFly back in time.
ANSWER: Back to the Future <BM>

17. Evidence for this entity includes Cynognathus, Glossopteris, and Lystrosaurus fossils, and the closing of the Rheic and Khanty seas during the Alleghenian and Uralic orogenies precipitated its formation. It followed Rodinia and Columbia, and was formed from Avalonia, Baltica, Laurentia, and Cimmeria. Surrounded by Panthalassa and containing the Tethys Ocean, its existence was first proposed by Alfred Wegener to support his theory of continental drift. Its breakup occurred 200 million years ago, when Laurasia split from Gondwana. For 10 points, name this supercontinent whose name is Greek for “all Earth.”
ANSWER: Pangaea <WR>

18. In an incident in this novel the protagonist befriends a woman after mistakenly assuming she had not yet taken off her shoes. Nancy Derek has an affair with the superintendent of police McBryde, while Harry Turton is the tax collector for a town whose Chief Civil Surgeon, Major Callendar, is the protagonist’s boss. Set in Chandrapore, a central event in this novel allegedly occurs at the Marabar caves where Mrs Moore and Ronny Heaslop’s wife travel. Adela Quested accuses Dr. Aziz of rape in, for 10 points, what E.M. Forster novel?
ANSWER: A Passage To India <YC>

19. Chizumulu and Likoma are the only two inhabited islands in this lake. Languages spoken by inhabitants of this lake’s shores include Chewa and Tonga. One of its main ports is Nkhata Bay, and the Lilongwe River flows into this river after passing through a national capital. The main outflow of this lake is through the Shire River, which connects it to Lake Malombe and flows through Mozambique into the Zambezi River. Also known as Lake Nyasa, this lake is the second deepest in Africa after Lake Tanganyika. For 10 points, name this lake with a namesake southern African country.
ANSWER: Lake Malawi <RY>

20. This man’s name means “Thunder Rolling Down the Mountain.” A major conflict surrounding this man concerned the village of Lapwai and the Wallowa Valley. The deaths of Toohoolhoolzote and Looking Glass disheartened this leader, whose last military action was at the Battle of Bear Paw. That battle occurred after a long retreat across Montana in attempt to reach Canada, in response to Oliver Howard’s attempt to remove his tribe to Idaho. For 10 points, name this Nez Perce leader who, upon surrendering, said “I will fight no more forever.”

ANSWER: Chief Joseph [accept Young Joseph; or Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt] <RY>

Round 15 – Bonuses

1. For 10 points each, name a couple of unfortunate lovers of Zeus:
[10] This Oceanid was prophesied to give birth to powerful god who would overthrow Zeus. Zeus swallowed her in the form of a fly, leading to Athena's birth.
[10] This mortal was killed after Hera tricked her into seeing Zeus in his true form. Zeus later carried their son Dionysus to term in his thigh.
ANSWER: Semele
[10] This nymph was turned into a cow by Zeus, but Hera wasn’t fooled and demanded her as a present. After Hermes slew Argus and set her free, she was chased by a gadfly to Egypt.