Jackson Youth Hockey

Board Meeting – Thursday, June 27th, 2016

6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Members Present:Brett Kroger, Doug Lowham, Scott Evans, Noah Robertson, CoriannedeGoey, Tina Korpi

Absent:Alex Romaine, Bill Kucera, John McNaughton, Doug Herrick

Staff PresentDave Ellingson


Public: Shannon Piatak


A. Call to Order 6:34


A. None

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6-2-16 Scott E make motion to approve, Noah R seconds. Minutes approved


A. Dave stressed the need to continue to focus on fundraising efforts and for BOD members to set donation request meetings.


  1. JYH Parent Handbook – discussion tabled until next meeting

B. 4th of July parade- Dave can organize but there has been no other interest from BOD members or players/families. Many people out of town. Need a few families of mite players to participate in organizing. Corianne will email mite managers.

C. Website re-work- BOD has decided to hold off and prioritize other initiatives for now

D. BOD Community Foundation training- Tina and Doug reported that the training was successful and extremely helpful.


  1. Kayden Tapia- Should JYH establish a scholarship fund in Kayden’s name? Could it be part of the National Tournament travel fund that Matt S will help establish?- Dave will work with Matt to discus fund and any other ideas to memorialize Kaydenwith Kayden’s mother.

B. New uniform program including corporate sponsorship- task force. Doug reported that the task force is looking to approach a variety of local businesses to sponsor. Sponsor levels will need to be finalized and meetings with potential sponsors are soon to be scheduled.

C. Fundraising strategic plan execution- Dave asked all BOD members present for an update on their donation ask efforts. Reports were given and Dave will follow up with all BOD members that were not present at meeting.

D. CF Competitive Grant application for $5,000 for scholarships. Awarded $3,500

E. Farmer’s Market August 6th- JYH was selected as a “Non-Profit of the Week” and will receive 10% of the profits from revenue generated on August 6th. JYH needs to provide items from a list sent by the Farmer’s Market. Scott Evans will provide ez-up and table. Coffee from McDonalds. Need a flyer. Brett will help. Need additional help.


  1. Review financials/2016 Budget. Brett reviewed current financial position. Dave has entered ’15 –’16 budget into QB and can now track against actual revenue and expense. Finance committee recommends continuing to track budget v. actual in QB going forward. Need to work on ’16-’17 budget in July and finalize by mid August. Check with Robbi on date for final program/registration fees.


  1. PDC
  1. Determine program fees for ’16 –’17. Ice cost $175/hr.
  2. Prospective coach update: Drew Atkins
  1. Contract for Drew Oct– March – speak to Bill K about this.
  2. Job description for Drew – Dave will draw up
  3. Pay for Drew. CMI gives their fundraising $ to JYH. JYH pays Drew as independent contractor.
  1. Prospective coach: Michael Ingersoll – still have not heard back
  2. Vacant coaching positions
  3. Squirt teams. Even teams with CMI running a team with 3 tournaments and practices.
  4. Marijuana use policy at USA Hockey/high school level – JYH will continue to follow USA Hockey, High School, and local/state laws.
  5. Mike Garman goalie coach: on-line academy. Discuss individually with goalies.

Next board meeting – July 27, 2016 Wells Fargo West Branch