Student name ______

Student Packet

Beginning Low- Beginning High

Demonstrate How to Use Pharmacies/ Drug Stores and Medicines

Teacher’s Name______

Section Number______


Find the hidden words within the grid of letters.






















Pharmacy TASK 1 Beginning Low-High


Instructions: Look at the words in the box. Listen to your teacher say the words and repeat. Listen to your teacher read the story. Use the words in the box to write the words in the blank spaces. Correct your answers. Read the story to a partner. Listen to your partner read the story.

Jim has a backache. He wants to feel better. Jim goes to KMart. There is a in KMart.

Jim asks the pharmacist for for his backache. The pharmacist tells Jim to buy a pain reliever. Jim has questions about the pain reliever. Jim asks, “How many do I take?” The pharmacist answers, “Two or capsules every 4-6 hours.” Jim asks, “For how many ?” The pharmacist says, “Until your backache stops but no more than days. If your backache doesn’t stop after ten days,see a doctor.” The pharmacist tells him that the pain relievers are at the end of aisle 6C on the shelf. Jim thanks the pharmacist and says goodbye.

Pharmacy TASK 1 Beginning Low-High


Instructions: Look at the words in the box. Listen to your teacher say the words and repeat. Listen to your teacher read the story. Use the words in the box to write the words in the blank spaces. Correct your answers. Read the story to a partner. Listen to your partner read the story.

Jim has a backache. He wants to feel . Jim goes to KMart. There is a pharmacy in KMart.

Jim asks the ______for medicine for his backache. The pharmacist tells Jim to buy a pain reliever. Jim has questions about the pain reliever. Jim asks, “How do I take?” The pharmacist answers, “Two tablets or every 4-6 . Jim asks, “For how many days?” The pharmacist says, “Until your backache stops but no more than ten days. If your backache doesn’t stop after ten days, see a doctor.” The pharmacist tells him that the pain relievers are at the end of ______6C on the top shelf. Jim thanks the pharmacist and says ______.

Pharmacy TASK 1 Beginning Low-High


Instructions: Practice the conversation with a partner. It is a good idea to write the pharmacist’s answers to your questions when you are the customer.

Conversation 1

Part A

Pharmacist:Hello. May I help you?

Customer:Hello. I have a cough. I can’t sleep at night. What can I take?

Pharmacist:You can take cough medicine.

Customer:How much do I take?

Pharmacist:Take two teaspoons every four hours.

Customer:For how many days?

Pharmacist:Until your cough stops but no more than seven days. If your cough doesn’t stop after seven days, see a doctor.

Customer:Where can I find the cough medicine?

Pharmacist:It is next to the aspirin on aisle 12.

Part B

Pharmacist: How many days do you take this medicine?

Customer: I can take this medicine up to 7 days.Thank you, have a nice day.

Pharmacist:You’re welcome. I hope you feel better soon.

(AFTER THE CONVERSATION: When you are the customer, use your notes to tell your partner the pharmacist’s answers to your questions. Don’t look at the conversation.)

PharmacyTASK 1 Beginning Low-High


Instructions: Practice the conversation with a partner. It is a good idea to write the pharmacist’s answers to your questions when you are the customer.

Conversation 2

Part A

Pharmacist:Good morning. May I help you?

Customer:Hello. I have a headache. What can I take?

Pharmacist:You can take a pain reliever like Tylenol.

Customer:How much do I take?

Pharmacist:Take two tablets.

Customer:How often do I take it?

Pharmacist:Every 4 to 6 hours.

Customer:Where are the pain relievers?

Pharmacist:They are in the middle of aisle 5B.

Part B

Pharmacist:How often can you take this medicine?

Customer:I can take this medicine every 4-6 hours.

Thanks for your help. Goodbye.

Pharmacist:You’re welcome. I hope you feel better soon.

(AFTER THE CONVERSATION: When you are the customer, use your notes to tell your partner the pharmacist’s answers to your questions. Don’t look at the conversation.)

Pharmacy TASK 1 Beginning Low-High


Instructions: Practice the conversation with a partner. You can write what the pharmacist says.

Part A

Pharmacist:Good morning. May I help you?

Customer:Hello. My son has a low fever, 100.9 degrees. What do you recommend?

Pharmacist:How old is your son?

Customer:He is eleven years old.

Pharmacist:I recommend a children’s fever reducer like Children’s Tylenol.

Customer: Is there a generic brand that is cheaper?

Pharmacist:Yes, we have the store brand. It’s $2.00 less.

Customer:How much does he take?

Pharmacist:Three teaspoons.

Customer:How often?

Pharmacist:Every six to eight hours until the fever is gone.

Part B

Pharmacist:How much medicine should you give your son?

Customer:I should give him 3 teaspoons of medicine.

Pharmacist:What kind of medicine will you give your son?

Customer:I will give him a fever reducer.

Goodbye. Have a nice day.

Pharmacist:You’re welcome. I hope your son feels better soon.

AFTER THE CONVERSATION: When you are the customer, use your notes to tell your partner the pharmacist’s answers to your questions. Don’t look at the conversation.

PharmacyTASK 1 Beginning Low-High


Instructions: Practice the conversation with a partner. You can write what the pharmacist says.

Part A

Pharmacist:Good afternoon. May I help you?

Customer:Hello. I cut my leg yesterday. I think the cut is infected. What do you recommend?

Pharmacist:Is the cut deep?

Customer:No, it is not deep.

Pharmacist:I recommend an antibiotic ointment and a bandage.

Customer:Which antibiotic ointment should I buy?

Pharmacist:We have a good store brand that is a good price.

Customer:How many times do I change the bandage and put on more ointment?

Pharmacist:Once a day is fine.

Customer:For how long do I use the ointment?

Pharmacist: Until the infection is gone. If your cut is still infected after one week, stop

using the ointment and see a doctor.

Part B

Pharmacist: How often do you change the bandage?

Customer: I change the bandage once a day.

Pharmacist: When should you see a doctor?

Customer:I should see a doctor if it is still infected after one week.

Thanks for your help. Goodbye.

Pharmacist:You’re welcome. I hope your cut heals soon.

AFTER THE CONVERSATION: When you are the customer, use your notes to tell your partner the pharmacist’s answers to your questions. Don’t look at the conversation.

PharmacyTASK 1 Beginning Low-High

Match the vocabulary terms on the left with the letter of the definition or example on the right. Choose the best answer.

___1.patient a. prescription number

___2. Rx # b. every day (i.e., once, twice, or three times)

___3.expiredc. to put on a cream or ointment again

___4.dose amount d. the amount of medication you take at one time

___5.number of refills e. prescription is past due date, old

___6.reapplyf. person who needs medical care, sick person

___7.daily g. medicine shaped like a small circle or oval

___8.tablet or capsule h. tablespoon/teaspoon – dose amount for liquid

___9. tbsp./tsp. i. how many times you can get the same medicine again

___1.warninga. be careful (example: don’t take with alcohol)

___2.side effectsb. a wound with germs that cause disease

___3.symptomsc. medicine causes other problems, like dry mouth

___4.drowsyd. runny nose, sore throat, coughing, etc.

___5.nauseae. feeling sick to your stomach, need to throw up

__6.infected areaf. sleepy

Pharmacy TASK 2 Beginning Low-High

Beginning Low-High

EDWIN’S PHARMACY (619) 555-1234
1525 Lily Avenue
San Diego, CA 92104
Dr. Lou Anderson
Rx 654322 04/01/2018
Qty: 90 tablets
REFILLS: 1 before 10/31/2018
EDWIN’S PHARMACY / the name of the pharmacy
(619) 555-1234 / the phone number of the pharmacy
1525 Lily Avenue
San Diego, CA 92104 / the address of the pharmacy
Dr. Lou Anderson / the name of the doctor
Rx 654322 / the prescription number (Rx = prescription)
04/01/2018 / the date of the prescription
EMMA COLE / the name of the person the medicine is for; the patient
TAKE 1 TABLET BY MOUTH AT NIGHT. / the dose (how much medicine to take & when to take it)
ZOCOR / The name of the medicine
90 tablets / the quantity of the medicine; (the number of tablets in one bottle)
REFILLS: 1 before 10/31/2018 / the number of refills (the number of times Emma Cole can get more of the same medicine without another prescription);
Emma can get one refill before October 31, 2018.

Pharmacy TASK 2 Beginning Low-High


Edwin’s Lou Anderson 04/01/2018654322 90
Emma Cole one tablet by mouth at nightZOCOR 1

1. What is the name of the pharmacy? ______

2. What is the name of the doctor? ______

3. What is the prescription number? ______

4. What is the date of the prescription? ______

5. Who is the medicine for? ______

6. What is the dose? ______

7. What is the name of the medicine? ______

8. What is the quantity? ______

9. How many refills are there? ______

TRUE OR FALSE? (Circle T for true or F for false)

1. The medicine is for Emma Cole.T F

2. Emma Cole is the doctor.T F

3. Emma Cole is the patient.T F

4. There is one refill.T F

5. The name of the medicine is Aspirin.T F

6. Emma needs to take the medicine in the morning. T F

7. Lou Anderson is the name of the pharmacy. T F

8. ZOCOR is the name of the medicine.T F

9. The prescription number is 93111.T F


Pharmacy Task 2 Beginning Low–High

Prescription Label Practice

1. / Prescription Number / Expiration Date / Doctor’s Name and Phone Number / Dose Amount / Number of Refills
2. / Prescription Number / Expiration Date / Doctor’s Name and Phone Number / Dose Amount / Number of Refills

Pharmacy Task 2 Beginning Low–High

Prescription Label Practice

3. / Prescription Number / Expiration Date / Doctor’s Name and Phone Number / Dose Amount / Number of Refills
4. / Prescription Number / Expiration Date / Doctor’s Name and Phone Number / Dose Amount / Number of Refills